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Impact of Astronomical Outreach in Nepalese Society. By: Riwaj Pokhrel Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) Kathmandu, Nepal. Presented at: CAP2010, Cape Town, South Africa. Outline:. Astronomy Education status in Nepal Working groups NASO actively working for popularizing science
Impact of Astronomical Outreach in Nepalese Society By: RiwajPokhrel Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) Kathmandu, Nepal Presented at: CAP2010, Cape Town, South Africa
Outline: • Astronomy Education status in Nepal • Working groups • NASO actively working for popularizing science • Impact of NASO outreach activities
Astronomy Education status in Nepal Planetarium and observatory • Government of Nepal has established B.P. Koirala Memorial Planetarium, Observatory and Science Museum Development Board in 1992 in order to establish Planetaria, Observatories and Science Museums in Nepal & conduct research activities in the area of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology. • The observatory is now ready but the planetarium and Science Museum are still under construction.
Astronomy Education status in Nepal University Education • Tribhuvan University is only one university which offers Astrophysics and cosmology course in Master’s level. • The research work in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A) has been started since June 2005. Mr. Sunil Mani Kandel is the first student who completed masters thesis in the field of A&A at the Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University.
Astronomy Education status in Nepal University Education • By 2009 32 students have completed their Masters thesis in A&A. In addition, three students completed their research work as independent contribution. • Currently, in this session (2009-2010), six students are doing research work for their masters' thesis. • You can find all the updates on http://astronepal.webs.com
Astronomy Education status in Nepal School Education • Environment and Science in primary Education which covers 10% of the total course • Astronomy is included in Science lower Secondary and Astronomy is included in Secondary Level which contains 10% of the total course • In Higher Secondary Level 5% of the total course is covered by astronomy
Amateur working groups Astronomical Communities: • Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) • Galileo Astronomical Society of Pokhara Nepal • Kosmandu Astronomy Club,kathmandu • Balmiki Campus,Kathmandu • Takshashila Academy,Kathmandu • AIM Astro Club,Kathmandu
NASO actively working for popularizing science • NASO has five telescopes and binoculars and it organizes star parties in different places. • NASO conducts talk programmes, workshops and seminars. • NASO gives press releases on different astronomical events. • NASO gives lectures on different topics of astronomy for school children collaborating with schools.
NASO actively working for popularizing science • NASO actively participate in global events, for eg. IYA2009 • NASO has been organizing star parties all over the country. • NASO is launching its website on mid April during Nepali New year. • NASO is planning to organize many other activities in collaboration with other NGO’s and INGO’s.
NASO actively working for popularizing science Celebration of IYA2009: • Programme: Star party Date:4 January,2009 Venue: Kaushal English Boarding School, Balaju, Kathmandu Number of Participants: 100+ Remarks: Venus, Jupiter and The Moon were observed during the time. • Programme: Participation in IAU S 260 The Role of Astronomy in our Society Date: 19-23 January, 2009 Venue: Paris, France Number of participants: 2 from NASO Remarks: Rishi Shah and Suresh Bhattarai from NASO .
NASO actively working for popularizing science Celebration of IYA2009: • Programme: Comet Lulin Observation Campaign Date: 24 February, 2009 Venue: Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST),Khumaltar, Lalitpur Number of participants: 60+ Remarks: One time comet (parabolic path) • Programme: Saturn Observation Campaign Date: 24 February, 2009 Venue: Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST),Khumaltar, Lalitpur Number of participants: 60+ Remarks: Largest moon Titan was also observed.
NASO actively working for popularizing science Celebration of IYA2009: • Programme: 100 Hours of Astronomy • Date: April 2-5, 2009 • Venue: Kathmandu • Number of participants: 300+ • Remarks: Celebrated in Celebration Co-Ed School, Jorpati; St. Xavier’s college, Maitighar. This was a cornerstone project of IYA2009 • Programme: Release Ceremony of Nepal’s first Astronomy documentary • Date: June 14, 2009 • Venue: St. Xavier’s college, Maitighar, Kathmandu • Number of participants: 150 • Remarks: Presented by GD Pudasaini and UtsavKandel
NASO actively working for popularizing science Celebration of IYA2009: Programme: Solar Observation Campaign Date: June 14, 2009 Venue: St. Xavier’s college, Maitighar, Kathmandu Number of participants: 50 Remarks: Using solar eclipse glasses for the first time in Nepal provided to NASO by EurAstro, Germany Programme: Solar Eclipse Observation Campaign Date: July 22, 2009 Venue: Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST),Khumaltar, Lalitpur Number of participants: 300+ Remarks: First eclipse observation programme with solar eclipse glasses. First time in history of Nepal live telecast of solar eclipse from different TV channels and participation of Prime Minister in our programme at NAST ground.
NASO actively working for popularizing science Celebration of IYA2009: • Programme: Star Peace Event Date: Sept 21, 2009 Venue: Takshashila Academy,Bishalnagar, Number of participants: 50+ • Programme: Galilean Nights in Nepal Date: October 23, 2009 Venue: DDC Hall, Dhangadi,Kailali,Nepal Number of participants: 1000+
NASO actively working for popularizing science Celebration of IYA2009: • Programme: Workshop on Astrophotography and Image Processing Date: Nov 15, 2009 Venue: Watrin Hall, St. Xavier’s College,Maitighar,Kathmandu,Nepal Number of participants: 120+ Remarks: discussion on astro-tourism • Programme: Leonids Outburst Observation Campaign 2009 Date: Nov 17/18 Venue: Nagarkot Hill Station, Nagarkot, Bhaktapur, Nepal Number of participants: 50+ • Programme: Star party at Bhaktapur Durbar Square Date: Nov 19, 2009 Venue: Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Bhaktapur, Nepal Number of participants: 1000+ Remarks: Great outreach in the history of Nepal
NASO actively working for popularizing science Celebration of IYA2009: • Programme: Geminid Meteor shower in Nepal Date: Dec 14, 2009 Venue: H.B. Complex, Lalitpur,Kathmandu,Nepal Number of participants: 30+
NASO actively working for popularizing science Beyond 2009 • Observation Programme at Central Department of Physics February 10, 2010 • Hello Red Planet February 2, 2010 • Solar eclipse observation campaign Jan 15, 2010 • Talk programme on Annular solar eclipse at NAST, Jan 14, 2010
Impact of NASO activities: • We tried to develop the scientific temper, humanism and spirit of inquiry and reform among students, working professionals and general masses. • We make people especially students think logically and reasonably. • We help people to broaden the knowledge of human beings.
Impact of NASO activities: • NASO is popularizing all the science activities and hence developing technologically civilized scientific societies. • Reduction of superstitious beliefs. • Establishment of Scientific aware society. • Increase application of science and technology in different sectors. • People are now Generating income through astrotourism. • Students participating in space science activities. • Development of our country Nepal through astronomy activities.
RESULTS OF THE ACTIVITIES: Observational Activities is increasing the number of people believe in science Awareness of astronomical facts like meteor showers, eclipse etc. Reducing superstitious beliefs Development of our society Encouraging people to do study and research
Glimpses of NASO activities Programme at Dhangadi, far west region of Nepal, October 2009
Glimpses of NASO activities Grand outreach in Bhaktapur Durbar Square, November 19, 2009 Astrophotography Workshop, November 15, 2009
Glimpses of NASO activities NASO team with different international groups
Glimpses of NASO activities Programme at different places
Thank You !!! THANK YOU !!! Riwaj Pokhrel Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) Po.Box 21229 Email: info.naso@gmail.com URL: http://astronomy-nepal.blogspot.com Kathmandu, Nepal