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So you chose EE 422 Communications Systems II!!. Dr. Julie A. Dickerson Electrical and Computer Engineering EE422 TTh 4:10-5:30 PM 1344 Howe Hall. Today’s Schedule. Mini-Lecture 1: Introduction to EE422 and policies Activity: Meet your neighbor Mini-Lecture 2:
So you chose EE 422 Communications Systems II!! Dr. Julie A. Dickerson Electrical and Computer Engineering EE422 TTh 4:10-5:30 PM 1344 Howe Hall EE422
Today’s Schedule • Mini-Lecture 1: • Introduction to EE422 and policies • Activity: Meet your neighbor • Mini-Lecture 2: • Basic Structure of Digital Comm Systems • Activity: Why digital? • Mini-Lecture 3: Digital Comm System Performance measures EE422
Education • Believe nothing, O monks, merely because you have been told it . . . or because it is traditional, or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be conductive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings - that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide. Gautama Buddha • No trace of slavery ought to mix with the studies of the freeborn man. . . . No study, pursued under compulsion, remains rooted in the memory. Plato (c. 427–347 B.C.), Greek philosopher. Socrates, The Republic, bk. 7, sct. 536 EE422
Education • [T]he most important contribution schools can make to the education of our youth is to provide them with a sense of coherence in their studies; that is, a sense of purpose, meaning, and interconnectedness in what they learn . . . [In modern secular education, the] curriculum is not, in fact, a "course of study" at all but a meaningless hodgepodge of subjects. Neil Postman, Teaching as a Conserving Activity • Your learning is useless to you till you have lost your text-books, burnt your lecture notes, and forgotten the minutiae which you learnt by heart for the examination. Alfred North Whitehead, mathematician and philosopher, 1861 - 1947. EE422
Course Learning Outcomes • Develop a solid understanding of digital communications systems and how they work. • Understand and begin to use communication system analysis and simulation tools. • Learn how to model different types of noise and interference in communications systems. • Be able to research and describe a deployed wireless communications EE422
Course Learning Outcomes • Be able to research and describe a deployed wireless communications system using specifications and other technical documentation, and the role and issues associated with the technology. • Develop problem solutions using information from several sources (library, web, lecture, TA) EE422
Course Learning Outcomes • Express ideas effectively orally and in writing • Plan and monitor progress so that the project is thoroughly completed in a timely manner EE422
Turn to your neighbor • Introduce yourself • Why did this class interest you? • What skills do you have (personal and/or training) that would contribute to the course learning outcomes? EE422
Class Resources • Class webpage: http://www.eng.iastate.edu/ee423/ee422.htm • WebCT • IEEE, Bluetooth websites • Company websites and white papers, application notes EE422
Course Syllabus • Digital communications basics • Spread Spectrum Systems • Probability, random variables, random processes, and power spectral densities • Detecting signals in noise using digital communications systems • Basics of Coding and Information Theory EE422
Grading • Class Participation • Quizzes • Homework • Project EE422
Policies • Homework is due at the beginning of class (IN CLASS). Otherwise they are late. • Drop 1 quiz score • Projects will be presented on the web (no paper) EE422
Why Digital? • Turn to a different person than the first time • Introduce yourself. • Think about why people use DCS • Write down the names of the group members and at least two reasons to use digital systems and at least two reasons not to use digital systems EE422
Next Time • Reading: Lathi Chapter 1; 7.1, beginning of 7.2-7.7 • Mini-Lecture 1: • Line Codes and their characteristics • Activity: Analyze this?! • Mini-Lecture 2: • ISI and Pulse Shaping • Activity: Analyze this?! Part 2 • Mini-Lecture 3: Repeaters and M-ary comm EE422
Last Comment: 10 things not to do in class • Read the paper • Do homework for another class • Eat something smelly • Come to class unprepared • Talk out loud to friends • Snore • Have your cell phone ring • Walk in late • Sleep • Walk out early EE422