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BRAIN ABSCESS Symptoms: @ Progressive headache, Drowsiness @ Personality changes

BRAIN ABSCESS Symptoms: @ Progressive headache, Drowsiness @ Personality changes Lab. Investigations indicated: @ Lumbar puncture to exclude meningitis. @ Culture of pus collected from abscess. Aetiology of Brain Abscess. TETANUS Symptoms: @ Lockjaw, muscle weakness

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BRAIN ABSCESS Symptoms: @ Progressive headache, Drowsiness @ Personality changes

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  1. BRAIN ABSCESS Symptoms: @ Progressive headache, Drowsiness @ Personality changes Lab. Investigations indicated: @ Lumbar puncture to exclude meningitis. @ Culture of pus collected from abscess.

  2. Aetiology of Brain Abscess

  3. TETANUS • Symptoms: • @ Lockjaw, muscle weakness • @ Dysphagia, abdominal rigidity • @ Increased muscle tone of upper limbs. • @ Clenching of fists, • @ Extension of lower limbs • @ Respiratory arrest

  4. Lab. diagnosis of Tetanus: • Specimens collect: Wound swabs, blood. • Microscopy:Gram positive bacilli, Positive • Spore stain • Isolation:Inoculate blood agar, incubate for 48 hrs anaerobically • Identification: Catalase, H2S, • sugar reactions, toxin production

  5. Tetanus Prevention: • @ Killed vaccine, given in childhood as • part of the triple vaccine (DTB). with • boosters at the age 4-5 and 15 years • Immunity persists for 10 years. • @ Tetanus immunoglobulin at the time • wound accident

  6. BOTULISM • @ It is a food-borne disease caused by • Cl. botulinumthat releases a neurotoxin • @ IP is 12-36 hours • @ Followed by muscle weakness, dizziness • dry mouth, urinary retention, double • vision, muscle weakness • @ Diagnosis by detection of toxin in blood • food or faeces. Or isolation of • C. botulinum from the suspected food

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