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Urban Health University of the Gambia Spring 2014 Dr. Anne Wallis. Overview. 10 March 2014. Today. Why urban health? What is urban health?. Urban health? Rural health?. Is urban health better than rural health? YES, for virtually all health indicators

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Urban Health University of the Gambia Spring 2014 Dr. Anne Wallis Overview 10 March 2014

  2. Today • Why urban health? • What is urban health?

  3. Urban health? Rural health? Is urban health better than rural health? YES, for virtually all health indicators BUT … not true once you account for slums

  4. Factors affecting health • Economic conditions • Social conditions • Living environment • Access to healthcare • Hidden/unlisted slums • Mobility

  5. Key elements Marriage Fertility Maternal health Hygiene Child survival Family planning Environmental conditions Housing

  6. Marriage & Fertility Indicators of Urban Poor in India: NFHS 3

  7. Maternal Health Indicators of Urban Poor in India: NFHS 3

  8. Maternal health indicators by place of residence NFHS-3

  9. Child survival indicators of urban poor in India: NFHS 3

  10. Fully immunized children, 12-23 months age by place of residence NFHS-3

  11. Child survival by residence NFHS-3

  12. Family Planning Indicators of Urban Poor in India: NFHS 3

  13. Environmental conditions, infectious diseases, and access to healthcare among urban poor : NFHS 3

  14. Double jeopardy • Overcrowding • Rapid growth of urban centers • Led to substandard housing • Marginal land • Overcrowding • Outbreaks of disease • Respiratory • Fecal-oral • Exacerbates health risks related to insufficient and poor water quality and poor sanitation systems • Lack of privacy

  15. More…. • Air pollution • Vehicles • Noise and air pollution • Respiratory diseases • Lung cancer, heart disease • Water/sanitation problems • Unsustainable water management • Lack of sanitation • 1.1 billion people worldwide do not have access to clean drinking water • Most lack even a simple latrine • Gastrointestinal disease • Economic burden

  16. More • Non-communicable disease • Demographic transition • Decreased activity • Processed food • Urbanization has an effect on diet • Staples are more expensive in urban areas • Processed foods less expensive

  17. Module 1 major topics • What is urban health? • What is urbanicity? Rurality? • Health + place • Data sources • Role of the WHO

  18. Module 2: 17-28 March • Major topics will include: • Interdisciplinary perspectives • Anthropology • Urban planning • Epidemiology • Health services research

  19. Module 2: Content • Discussion of readings • Discussion of online lecture materials • Presentations by groups on project progress

  20. Module 3: 31 March – 18 April • Major topics will include: • Accessing marginalized populations • Population movements (migration) • Public health interventions • Policies

  21. Module 3 Content • Weekly Elluminate meetings • Discussion of readings • Discussion of online lecture materials • Group project • From research => policy • Week of 14 April • Presentations by groups on project progress

  22. Module 4: 21 April – 1 May • Major topics • Public health and policy solutions

  23. Module 4 Content • Presentation of final project • Place • Definitions • Theory • Policy

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