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Quilling. What is it ?.

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  1. Quilling

  2. Whatisit? Quilling, or paperfiligree, is a paperartcraftwhichconsists in rolling and shapingthin – three or more mm – stripsofcolouredpaper. Byassemblingthemwith art and fantasy you can obtainanoriginaldecorationforgreetingcards, frames, gifts,… in differentstyles and skilllevels.

  3. Some history • Itseemsthatpaperfiligree, anold English artcraft, wasused in Italy, too, in the XV centurybymonks and nunsto decorate and frame sacredimages and texts. The stripesofpaperwerepaintedgold, a “poor” substituteofgold and silver filigree. • In England, during the VictorianAge, quillingwasknownas a women’s pastimeaswellasembroidering. Jane Austin mentionsit in hernovel “Sense and Sensibility” (I havefoundit!).

  4. What do youneedto start? • stripesofcolouredpaper

  5. a slottedtool – madefrom a toothpickifyou don’t have a “proper” one

  6. some fluidglue

  7. Whatnext? Insert the top end ofyourstripeinto the slot and rollitaround the tool

  8. … then gently push it out on the table or on a board with regular circles

  9. Nowyouhaveto put some gluebetween the end of the stripe and circleyouhavemade.

  10. Afterthatgive a shapetoeachcircleby pressing itwithyourfingersastoformangles

  11. Finally, stickyourlittleshapedcirclestogethertoform a decoration and stickthe wholeofiton the objectyouwantto decorate.

  12. Some examples on box covers

  13. … more examples

  14. quillingon cards

  15. quillingon earings and paperpegs

  16. quillingfor Christmas

  17. … foryour Christmas tree

  18. … inspiring?

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