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STUDY NOTES – Standard 2, Objective 3 PLATE BOUNDARIES

STUDY NOTES – Standard 2, Objective 3 PLATE BOUNDARIES. 1. Two plates slide past each other horizontally at a _________ boundary. transform. 2. volcanoes. The Pacific Ring of Fire is a zone of active _____________. 3. oceanic.

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STUDY NOTES – Standard 2, Objective 3 PLATE BOUNDARIES

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  1. STUDY NOTES – Standard 2, Objective 3PLATE BOUNDARIES

  2. 1 • Two plates slide past each other horizontally at a _________ boundary. transform

  3. 2 volcanoes • The Pacific Ring of Fire is a zone of active _____________.

  4. 3 oceanic • When the oceanic and continental lithospheres collide, the _______ plate _________. subducts

  5. 4 • Tectonic plates can include both oceanic and ___________ crust. continental

  6. 5 • Food, water, flashlights, and a portable radio are needed to _______ for earthquakes. prepare

  7. 6 epicenter above • The ________ of an earthquake is the point on Earth’s surface directly ______ the earthquake’s focus.

  8. 7 • The theory that explains why and how continents move is called _____ tectonics. plate

  9. 8 transform • An example of a _________ boundary is the San Andreas Fault in California.

  10. 9 ridge • Convection, _____ push, and slab ____ work together to produce constant tectonic plate _______. pull motion

  11. 10 • Frequent earthquakes in an area may indicate tectonic plate ___________. boundaries

  12. 11 • The hottest rock is found in __________ zones and under mid-ocean ___ valleys. subduction rift

  13. 12 • During a major earthquake, buildings may sway or ________. collapse

  14. 13 • The two sources of energy heating Earth’s mantle are radioactive _______ and heat from Earth’s _______. decay interior

  15. 14 beneath • Subduction is when one plate goes ________ another.

  16. 15 • Plates move away from each other at a mid-__________ ridge. mid-ocean

  17. 16 windows • If you are indoors during an earthquake you should stay away from ________ and objects that may fall; _____ in a doorway. stand

  18. 17 • As Australia drifted away from Asia, its animal life ________ into different forms than Asia. evolved

  19. 18 upward • The movement of heated materials ________ and the movement of cooled materials downward is called __________. convection

  20. 19 Earthquakes • ___________ usually occur at plate boundaries when rock in environments near tectonic plate boundaries experience great ______. stress

  21. 20 denser • When two oceanic plates collide the ________ plate ________. subducts

  22. 21 • The rise of the Himalayan Mountains changed world _____ patterns. wind

  23. 22 cooled • Rock begins to sink when it has ______ and becomes denser.

  24. 23 ridge rift • At the center of a mid-ocean _____ is a ____ valley.

  25. 24 plates lithosphere • Tectonic _____ are blocks of ___________.

  26. 25 continental • The collision of two __________ plates results in the formation of __________. mountains

  27. 26 move • Earth’s tectonic plate’s ______ when heat creates __________ currents in Earth’s mantle. convection

  28. 27 size • The breakup of Pangea changed the ____ of the continents and world ________. climates

  29. 28 subducting • A __________ plate boundary will pull the rest of the plate _____. down

  30. 29 stress • Earthquakes generally occur at plate boundaries, where ______ on rocks is greatest.

  31. 30 • The Himalaya Mountains were formed in a ________ at a convergent boundary. collision

  32. The End!

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