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SIM Center: Accelerating Sustainable Solutions

Explore strategies for a sustainable future at the SIM Center, utilizing immersive technology and interactive tools for informed decision-making on global issues. Engage policymakers, corporations, academics, and stakeholders in shaping a better world.

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SIM Center: Accelerating Sustainable Solutions

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  1. A Project of the

  2. Vision &Mission Vision Visualizing sustainable solutions to global and local problems so society makes informed choices quicker MissionAccelerating optimal sustainable solutions for the peace, health and prosperity of all.

  3. Global Energy Network Institute The SIM Center is a project of GENI - a non-profit organization conducting research and education into the international and inter-regional transmission of electricity, with a specific emphasis on the interconnection of renewable energy resources. The foundation for the SIM CENTER andGENI is born from the question posed in the World Game™ simulation: How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone? -R. Buckminster Fuller

  4. What we do The SIM CENTER is an environment designed to enhance exploration and development of strategies for making the world work for all humanity in an environmentally sustainable manner. The Center brings together leaders and combines powerful information and geo-visual technology with interactive decision support tools, simulation and gaming capabilities that facilitate designs for a sustainable future.

  5. Why is it needed? Climate Change Deforestation Transportation Water Supply The Critical global and local issues are now interconnectedand should be studied that way Population Biodiversity Health Energy Food Supply

  6. What's wrong with the current approach? • Standard conference rooms are linear and all amenities are extra cost • No capacity to share online content with everyone in real time VS • Surround immersion of issues and trends • Collaborative problem solving environment • Linked globally for remote experts and live webcasting

  7. How we use the SIM CENTER • Simulation tools and visualization software now allows us to layer information on multiple issues, test solution scenarios and compare forecasts. GIS utilizes complex 3-D visual displays of layered data to analyze interconnected issues.

  8. Current Demonstration Facility The SIM CENTER is a visualization facility where we can literally “see” the critical trends of global and regional issues, project options and consequences of different strategies to allow policy-makers, business and academic leaders to make more sustainable choices quicker

  9. Current facility and functions • Resource and demand assessment • Long range forecasting and trend analysis • Visualization and simulation to facilitate informed decision making • Education and facilitation for decision makers • Propose strategies and test implications • Analyze environmental and human issues

  10. User Groups • Policymakers and stakeholders at local, national and international levels • Corporations for strategic planning, training and comparison analysis • Academics and Subject Matter Experts for research and education • Training international students

  11. Testimonials “The GRI Certified Sustainability Reporting course that we instruct was taken to a whole other level due to the utility that SIM CENTER utilizes to facilitate deeper interaction and collaborative learning. They have now set the standard for how we would like all our courses in the future to be administered." Nancy Mancilla, ISOS Co-Founder “The SIM CENTER has the technological capability to facilitate 21st century meetings. Being able to share information that is both visual and physical in one room allows for a three-dimensional dialogue missing from both a web-based video meeting, and a face-to-face meeting in a singular conference room." Howard Blackson, Urban Designer “A high-ceiled dome type conference room with 12 screen displays offered us very dynamic interactions among attendees and faculties.  Must visit". Tetsuya Ohara, Patagonia

  12. Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science requires us to look at the interconnectedness of all issues, anticipate the trends and future needs of society, and then, using our best scientific knowledge, engineer the optimal solutions for society. Image Design Science Lab

  13. Technologies to accelerate collective understanding • Immersive Projection Systems • Interactive Displays • Numerous Workstations • Stakeholder engagement • Connected globally

  14. Visualization toolsfor full scale facility Leaders immersed in multiple streams of layered resource information make smarter decisions.Visualization tools used in the context of “benefit-for-all” accelerate understanding of complex issues. NOAA’s Science on a Sphere uses projectors to display planetary data on a 6’ diameter dome

  15. More tools for full-scale facility Interactive displays make 3-D layers of data comprehensible and usable to decision makers. Microsoft Surface is a table top Windows PC that allows users to manipulate digital content with hand gestures. CNN’s John King uses Jeff Han’s Perceptive Pixel touch screen to analyze election results.

  16. History: Project Phases • Phase I – Test the Prototype & Develop Individual Partnerships • Engaged key strategic partners: comprehensive thinkers, IT experts • Hosted a SIM CENTER prototype event with core supporters – June 2009 • Phase II - Develop Institutional Partnerships & Raise Funds • Developed support from institutional partners, received foundation grants and corporate partners • Completed feasibility study and design new entity set-up • Initiated funding proposal for organizing SIM CENTER demonstration event

  17. Current Partners

  18. History: Project Phases Phase III - Month-long Collaborative : Energy & Water Sustainability • Hosted an in-depth event on real issues to test the process and outcomes • Developed SIM Center website for ongoing expert participation on global and local issues • Sought funding of $500,000 to create and staff the ongoing demonstration facility. Phase IV – Open Ongoing Demonstration Facility • Moved into current facility in July 2011 using off-the-shelf technology of projectors and computers to demonstrate the capabilities of immersive visualization and collaborative problem solving. • Seek full funding of $8 million and in-kind contributions needed for full scale center

  19. Phase V (The Future) Launch Full Scale SIM CENTER • Large digital floor for global to local mapping of resources and trends • Full digital surround screens to visualize past trends and future projections • Break–out rooms for strategic planning and problem solving • Shared offices for sustainable organizations • Estimate: $8 million for new building and all technology or $4 million to build out in existing building

  20. Phases Timeline Funding Received: $447,000 Completed Year 1 Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Year 2 Start-Up Exp: $257,000 Exp: $29,000 Exp: $81,000 Exp: $80,000 Exp: $1,500,000 Exp: $3,300,000 Exp: $3,700,000 Phase V Center Start-Up and Operating Budget Funding Needed: $8 million

  21. Why do we need this now? Because some of the negative trends are outpacing our ability to cope. Peak Oil Because we are running out of time on some of these issues

  22. Contact Us For inquiries and  more detail contact Peter Meisen World Resources SimCenter www.wrsc.org peter@wrsc.org 619-234-1088

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