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MODULE “SUPERVISION IN SOCIAL WORK AND OTHER HELPING PROFESSIONS” structure. Project Nordplus: Vilnius meeting December 10 -11/2008 Gothenburg meeting May 10-13/2009. Vilnius meeting schedule :. Discuss: the study regulations and social work curriculum of every partner's university;
MODULE “SUPERVISION IN SOCIAL WORK AND OTHER HELPING PROFESSIONS”structure Project Nordplus: Vilnius meeting December 10 -11/2008 Gothenburg meetingMay 10-13/2009
Vilnius meeting schedule: Discuss: • the study regulations and social work curriculum of every partner's university; • strategy's elements; • interconnectifield practice and theory;
Structure of Module Design of the CD module: • the structure and outline content of the courses/subjects; • skills and competencies; • teaching methods/didactics;
Subjects/studies areas • Professional development and supervision in social work (introductory course, learning experience) - Sweden subject • Theories and models of supervision – Norway subject • Process of individual and group supervision Finland subject • Professional ethics and supervision – Lithuania subject • Practicum of supervising (role of supervisee and supervisor) – Latvia subject
Competencies/outcomes: • formulate goals (skills, attitudes and theoretical) of learning/practice/supervision of process • develop critical reflection • understand supervision conception, theories, models • develop consciousness of ethics and values in supervision • analyzing research on supervision • supervision (individual and group) • know process of adult learning
Teaching methods and didactic: • personal learning plan (goals, attitudes, theoretical), active learning methods (for ex., role play, sculpture, etc.), reflective circle, essay, traditional +e-learning, discussions, reflection and evaluation.
“TO DO LIST TILL GOTHENBURG”(May 10 – 13/2009) • Discuss at home institutions the documents of Vilnius meeting • sent comments and suggestions, if any, form module conceptions • set preferences for leading subject development • draft subjects format • make suggestions for compendium structure (study guide) • sent material for webpage (en. links of universities, presentation of supervision model in social work curriculum) • sent reimbursing form • discuss Erasmus bilateral agreements with Gothenburg
Gothenburg MEETING – MAY/10-13Structure of Module/Programm (Lithuania case) • Title of subject / programm; • Subject volume (6 credits) • Goals; • Expected abilities (competences) • Short module annotation; • Content topics • Study methods (theory and practice); • Attendance requirements • Assessment of knowledge and abilities; • Additional information • Literature
Module “SYSTEMIC EVALUATION OF SOCIAL PROGRAMMES” • Subject volume - 3 credits. 120 hours (lectures - 20 hours, seminars - 20 hours, individual work - 80 hours). • Aim of the course – to introduce students with the method of systemic evaluation of social programmes and its application for the evaluation of specific social porgrammes in local political-social context. • After the course the students will be able to analyze the process of systemic evaluation of social programmes, will know methodological peculiarities of each stage of systemic evaluation, will be able to perform the evaluation of a specific social programme. • Short annotation: the course analyzes the process of systemic evaluation of social programmes, introduces phylosophy, methodological and political peculiarties of systemic evaluation. Lectures and seminars thoroughly analyze each stage of systemic evaluation of social programmes: evaluation of the need for the programme, theory of the programme, its process, impact and effectiveness. A lot of attention is paid to the use of the results of systemic evaluation for the social development.
Topics • 1. Conception of social programme. Definition of social programme. Structure and context of the programme. Peculiarities of social program in macro and mezo levels. • 2. Conception of systemic evaluation of social programmes. Definition of systemic evaluation. Aims and objectives of systemic evaluation. Relation of systemic evaluation with the programme. Involvement of interested parties and/or interested individuals into the process of systemic evaluation. • 3. Process of systemic evaluation of social programmes. Conception of the need for the programme, theory of the programme, its process, impact and effectiveness and evaluation methods. • 4. Determination and evaluation of the need for the programme. Definition of a social problem. Determination of the scope of the problem. Defining target population. Determination of the nature of services. Use of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods in the evaluation process of the need for the programme. • 5. Theory of the programme and its evaluation.Definition of the theory of the programme. Relation between the programme and target population. Theory of the process: plan for providing services, organizational plan of the programme. Impact theory: close and distant results, action and conceptual hypothesis. Determination of methods for information and data collection in the process of the evaluation of the programme theory. • 6. Process of the programme and its evaluation. Conception of programme monitoring and evaluation criteria. Variety of evaluations of the programme process. Evaluation of service provision. Evaluation of the implementation of the organizational plan of the programme. Evaluation of the results of the programme. Peculiarities of data collection and analysis in the evaluation of the programme process. • 7 . Impact and effectiveness of the programme and their evaluation. Differences between the impact and effectiveness of the programme. Impact of the programme and its evaluation. Effectiveness of the programme and its evaluation. Use of experimental researches in the process of evaluation of the impact and effectiveness. • 8. The importance of the systemic evaluation of social programmes for the social development.The use of the results of systemic evaluation of social programmes in the decision making process. Ordered evaluations of social programmes. Political aspects of the systemic evaluation of social programmes.
During the practical work a systemic evaluation of a specific chosen social programme is performed. During the first stage students choose and get acquainted with the social programme in a specific institution, during the second stage they evaluate the need for the programme, during the third – define the theory of the programme, during the fourth – describe and evaluate the process of the programme, during the fifth – evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the programme and during the sixth – generalize the collected data and present it in the final meetings with the lecturer.
Study methods: lectures, seminars, individual work– preparation of the report on systemic evaluation of social programme, group and individual consultations, visits to the institution where the systemic evaluation is performed.
Attendance requirements. the attendance of lectures is not mandatory, the attendance of seminars is mandatory. • Requirements. students must have passed the subjects of Scientific Research Work and Methodology of Social Researches.
Assessment of knowledge and abilities. knowledge of full-time and part-time (extramural) students is assessed by an assessment system using a total (accumulative) grade. • The course ends with an exam where knowledge and skills gained during the lectures and seminars is generalized. • Preparation for seminars and participation in them is evaluated in accordance with the scope of read literature, ability to generalize and analyze it, presentation of a comparative view on the discussed problem, execution of the tasks of final report, active participation in discussions, culture of language and communication. • The report of systemic evaluation of social programmes is evaluated by the execution of the methodological requirements; thorough analysis of different stages of the social programme, validity of generalizations and recommendations, structure of the work, consistency of thoughts, logics, compliance with the norms of Lithuanian language, making of footnotes, references and citations, format of the work and the delivery of the work on time. • Final assessment: work during the seminars – 20 percent, report on systemic evaluation of the chosen social programme – 30 percent, exam – 50 percent of the final grade.
Coordinating lecturer • Recommended literature • Authors and title of the publication • Year of publication • Publishing house • Number of copies (In University)