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Baluja labs provides the best stage of the art coaching classes with Live project training in java at janakpuri , New Delhi Balujalabs training is best in the class which includes practical hands on training to each & every students, Baluja labs students are capable of creating project after attending the classroom coaching
An ISO 9001:2000 CertifiedInstitute JavaCourse course A-1/17, Opp Metro Pillar No636 Janakpuri, New Delhi -58 9015596280, 9313565406,9212129290 contactgurmeetkaur@gmail.com contactus@balujalabs.com
History ofJava James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project inJune 1991. ThesmallteamofsunengineerscalledGreenTeam. Originallydesignedforsmall,embeddedsystemsinelectronicapplianceslikeset-topboxes. Firstly,itwascalled"Greentalk"by JamesGoslingandfileextensionwas.gt. Afterthat,itwascalledOakandwasdevelopedas apartoftheGreenproject. WhyOak? Oak isasymbolofstrengthandchoosenasanationaltreeofmanycountrieslikeU.S.A., In 1995, Oak was renamed as "Java" because it was already a trademark by Oak Technologies. France, Germany, Romaniaetc. Currenlty Java versions are handled by Oracle and Latest Version is8.1 www.balujalabs.in
Content ofJava 1 What isJava? 2. Fundamental of Java 3.Classes and objects 4.Control Statement 5.Methods & Array inJava 6.Java Useful Keywords andConstructor 7.Java ObjectOriented Inheritance Abstract Class and Interface 10.Managing Errors andException 11.Multithreading in Java 12.JavaApplet Java Awt &Event JavaJDBC Inportant Points 16.Java networking 17.File handling inJava 18.Collection inJava . . www.balujalabs.in
Future scope ofJava • When we talk of programming languages and technologies, Java is the most popular platform , which is used to developseveralapplicationsforthesystemsaswellasembeddeddeviceslikelaptops,mobiles,tabletsandmanymore. Future Scope of Java Programmers in India is great. It is an object oriented programming language and has a simple object model, as it has been derived from C and C++. It provides a virtual machine, which is accumulated with byte- code and it can run onany system • Origin ofJava • Java was originally developed by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle Corporation)andreleasedin1995asacorecomponentofSunMicrosystems’Javaplatform.Thelanguagederives mostofitssyntaxfromCandC++,butithasfewerlow-levelfacilitiesthaneitherofthem. • Future Scope of Java Programmers inIndia • FollowingpointsshowtheimmenseopportunitiesavailableforJavaProgrammersinIndia:- • India’s$150billionITservicesoutsourcingindustryisadaptingtothechangesthatare fastsettinginbecauseof automation and higher adoption ofdigital technologies. • People’s Popularity of Programming Language index, which ranks languages according to popularity. It is based on tutorialsearches,saysPython,JavaScript,R,andSwift aregainingattractioninIndiathoughJavaandPHPstillretainthe largest share ofsearch. • Thereisonecleartrendfromthemultiplesurveysonthemostwidelyusedprogramminglanguageworldwide:Javaand JavaScript still rule the codingworld. • GovernmentprojectslikeDigitalIndiaandDemonetizationsurelywillgiverisetodemandforJavaProgrammersinevery company goingdigital. www.balujalabs.in
A-1/17, Opp Metro Pillar No636 Janakpuri, New Delhi -58 9015596280,9313565406 9212129290 contactgurmeetkaur@gmail.com contactus@balujalabs.com www.balujalabs.in