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Jakub Černý , Jure Zakrajšek

Jakub Černý , Jure Zakrajšek. „ Comet Siding Spring Close Encounter with Mars Observers “ Workshop August 11, 2014. AGENDA. Project description Technologies, database structure Webpage design COBS usage Submission of observations Observation analysis COBS Observations statistics.

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Jakub Černý , Jure Zakrajšek

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  1. JakubČerný, Jure Zakrajšek „Comet Siding Spring Close Encounter with Mars Observers“ Workshop August 11, 2014

  2. AGENDA • Project description • Technologies, database structure • Webpage design • COBS usage • Submission of observations • Observation analysis • COBS Observations statistics

  3. COBS – Project description • First version of COBS database in Slovenia created in 2002. 35 visually observed comets during 2002-2008. • A renewed COBS website was designed in 2010 and first introduced on MACE 2010 (Višnjan) conference. • The new site is opened to comet observers all over the world • Submission of observations done with easy web-form • It includes visual and CCD observations • Observational data is displayed in strict ICQ format • It offers real time graphical display and analysis of observations • Currently maintained by Team of Observatory ČrniVrh

  4. COBS - Technologies • COBS is based on: • Linux server (Ubuntu) • Apache web server • Webpage is written in python programing language • Database uses PostgreSQL database server

  5. COBS – Databasestructure • Database is based on three main tables: • Comets table • Users table • Observations table • Tables are linked by item id in observations view • Special table for news section

  6. COBS Webpagedesign

  7. COBS – Webpagedesign • Welcomepage: • Recentobservations

  8. COBS – Webpagedesign • Recent observations • Report designed the same way as ICQ Recent Comet Brightness • Report is generated for observations of the last 30 day

  9. COBS – Webpagedesign • Welcomepage: • Recentobservations • Currentlightcurve • Currentcometmagnitudes(by Jonathan Shanklin, BAA) • CometObservingPlanner

  10. COBS – Webpagedesign • Comet observation planer • Generates a list of visible comets for a observing session • For registered users the list is calculated for location in their user-profile

  11. COBS – Webpagedesign • Welcome page: • Recent observations • Current light curve • Current comet magnitudes(by Jonathan Shanklin, BAA) • Comet Observing Planner • Latest comet news

  12. COBS – Webpagedesign • News: • Currently more than 210 news articles issued


  14. COBS – Usage Registration • User is required to register to the COBS website in order to access the submit forms and analysis page • Registration is done by filling a web-form • Passwords are encrypted and stored in the database • Observer ICQ code is required • If observer does not have an official ICQ code, a temporary code is assigned to the user and should be used for observation submission. • Location information is used by Comet Observation Planer

  15. COBS – Usage Submitting observations • Observation are submitted using web-based forms • Easy to use (can be prefilled if selected in the user-profile) • Users are guided what information to input (detail explanation describing each field) • Each field is validated according to ICQ format rules (python script) • Errors are shown to the user • Two type of submission forms • Single observation form (unexperienced users) • Multiple observation form (experienced users) • Observations inserted in ICQ format


  17. COBS – Observationanalysis Data analysis • Database is sufficient to provide accurate real-time comet light curves • An example, COBS collected 174 observations for recent comet C/2014 E2 (Jacques) • Analysis section allows to do quick analysis of comets in selected time span • Web interface offers limited management of web-based analysis. • Data are available for download just by one click for further analysis

  18. COBS – Observationanalysis Data export and further analysis • Because of full compatibility with ICQ data format: • data exported from COBS database are fully compatible with software used for their analysis • format is familiar to all generations of comet researchers • Data can be used for: • Description of comet brightness evolution • Calculation of comet survival prospect • Analyses of outbursts and unexpected fading • Water production rates and nuclear mass estimates


  20. COBS – Observationstatistics

  21. COBS – Visitsstatistics • Website is used by users all over the world • More than 36000 visits since announcement • Number of users/visits is rising • Currently on average 60 visits per day

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