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PHENO06 Madison,15-18 May 2006. Measurements of the angles of the Unitarity Triangle at B A B AR. Francesco Polci Universita’ degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” & INFN Roma. On behalf of the BaBar Collaboration. The CKM matrix and the Unitarity Triangle.
PHENO06 Madison,15-18 May 2006 Measurements of the angles of the Unitarity Triangle at BABAR Francesco Polci Universita’ degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” & INFN Roma On behalf of the BaBarCollaboration
The CKM matrix and the Unitarity Triangle The Standard Model explains the CP violation through the matrix VCKM Unitarity of VCKM Unitarity Triangle 1 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
Improvinga measurement Up to now the best channel for a determination is: 68% 90% BABAR [PRL95, 041805 (2005),232M BB] 2 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
Measuring a in b → uud transitions is measured analyzing the decays: Penguin contribution cannot be neglected (see which is pure penguin). That is why what we measure isaeff ! • An isospin analysis allows to estimate the penguin contribution. • Recently a proposal of determination of penguin effect in from SU(3) related decay , which should reduce the theoretical error on a (hep-ph/0604005). 3 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
The rr isospin analysis NEW • The decaysB r+r-, r+r0, r0r0are related by SU(2), thus we have isospin relations between amplitudes A+-, A+0, A00 • rrstates can have I = 2 or 0, but gluonic penguins only contribute to I = 0 (DI = ½rule). But r+r0 is pure I = 2, so only tree amplitude |A+0| = |A-0| Gronau and London, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 3381 (1990) New measurement ofr+r0: ~100% longitudinally polarized: 4 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
New approaches: a from a1? 9.2s Dp NEW NEW hep-ex/0603050 B0→ a1(1260)+p- Interesting by itself since: - Little is known about the a1 - Can test of factorization Signal has been observed! Search forB0→ a1(1260)+r- • Background torr • (in principle) sensitive toa 5 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
Status of a Up to now, if we combine all world measurements (BaBar+Belle), we can determine the Standard Model solution for a like this: a = (99 +12 – 9)0 (direct measurement, HFAG) a = (91.9 ± 5.5)0 (indirect UTfit prediction from the other UT bounds) 6 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
Measurements ofb Many modes to measure b : Charmonium: Charm (and charmonium): Penguin dominated: But B→J/y KSis the cleanest mode! Both theoretically: and experimentally (large branching ratio and clean signature). BABAR [PRL94, 161803 (2005),227M BB] 7 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
The b→d penguin pollution UPDATE The b →d penguin has a different weak (and strong) phase respect to the tree. The color-suppressed tree has same weak phase asJ/yKS. • Penguin pollution causes deviations in the values of C and S parameters respect to J/yKs . • Also a way for a model independent constraint on the penguin dilution within charmonium modes. hep-ex/0603012 8 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
The b→s penguins: sin2beff Dsin2b New Physics could contribute in the loop. They are small effects, here more easily detectable since Tree is missing or negligible. Look forDsin2b≠ 0in many modes: Theory prefers Dsin2b > 0 Examples of QCD factorization: Beneke - PL B620, 143 (2005) Cheng,chua,soni - PRD72, 094003 (2005) Experimental: penguin modes Experimental: J/y mode 9 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
New results for sin2beffin b→s penguins B0 B0 NEW UPDATE NEW : first measurement ! Complicated analysis since: • f0/roverlap, BB background • Color-suppressed tree, butDsin2bexpected to be small Asymmetry Other searches: hep-ex/0603040 10 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
b :other searches NEW NEW NEW Search for It is a penguin Allows to interpret and to put a bound on its DS. Search for hep-ex/0603054 Confirmed from Belle. No signal for (unexpected). Searches for hep-ex/0603013 • Can reduce theoretical uncertainty of Color Suppressed tree amplitudes for h’Ks decays in SU(3)-based analysis [Gronau,Rosner,Zupan PLB596,107(2004)] 11 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
Measurements ofg Best method to g determination: BABAR [PRL95, 121802 (2005),227M BB] 12 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
g from DK decays suppressed favored _ If common final state to D0 and D0 interference weak phase Critical parameter: A(b→u) strong phase A(b→c) Three methods: D0 to common flavor state (ADS) D0 Dalitz (GGSZ) D0 CP modes(GLW) (only2ambiguities) 13 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
New results for the GLW Method NEW 4 observables (ACP+-,RCP+-) for three unknown (rB, g, dB): Some issues: • B → Dp background • D0CPhave small BRs • 8 ambiguities 131 CP+ New fromBaBar:added D0 KSw, KSf 148 CP- hep-ex/0512067 14 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
sin(2b+g) from B→D(*)p(r) 68% CL 90% CL Frequentist confidence level UPDATE Small CP asymmetry (r~0.02)! Vcd V*ud Interference and B0 mixing V*ub Vcb Suppressed u,c,t Favored u,c,t hep-ex/0602049 |sin(2+)| > 0.64 (@ 68 % C.L.) |sin(2+)| > 0.42 (@ 90 % C.L.) To consider tag-side CP violation, fit for: a = 2r sin(2b+g) cos (d) c= cos(2b+g) [2r sin(d)+2r’sin(d’)] b = 2r’ sin(2b+g) cos (d’) Extract result from a, clep and: +30% theoretical error on r (Due to use of SU(3) simmetry and W-exchange neglection) r(D) = 0.019 ± 0.004 r(D*) = 0.015 ± 0.006 r(D) = 0.003 ± 0.006 15 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
B0→Ds*p and B0→ Ds* K observations. First observations for 5 sigma 6 sigma NEW Decays proceeding through W-exchange diagrams. Allows a more precise estimation of the theoretical error on r from SU(3)-related decays Ds(*)p : hep-ex/0604012 But DsK smaller than before, so smaller rDp and less sensitivity! 16 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
sin(2b+g) from B0→D(*)0K(*)0 Vub Vcb NEW NEW Charge correlation allows to tag the B0: You can distinguish Vub from Vcb and measure r! But no Vubobserved… r< 0.4 @90%CL hep-ex/0604016 17 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
Two other approaches for g NEW NEW B DKp hep-ex/0509036 - Self-tagging. - b ucs decay includes color-allowed diagrams, so (possibly) large CP-violating effects. - Strong phase difference accessed through Dalitz plot, so 8-fold 2-fold ambiguity. Unfortunately, didn’t find b u! B D(*)a0(2) hep-ex/0512031 - Due to form-factor suppression in B a0(2)X, favored and suppressed amplitudes become comparable. - First step: search for the (b u) SU(3)-related decays Ds(*)a0(2) Again, Vub component is missing! 18 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
Status of g Combining all direct world measurements (BaBar+Belle): g = (65 ± 20)o &g = (-115 ± 20)o 19 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci
Conclusions • Angles measurements are still being performed at BaBar both updatingold results to the full available dataset and exploring new methods. • Some satellites measurements have been performed, which provides a better understanding of old results. • This field is sensitive to new physics effects, expecially in the penguin diagrams • Measurements of the angles of the Unitarity Triangle contribute to the precise determination of the allowed region in the r-h plane. • More results are expected to come in the future. 20 UT Angles Measurements at BaBar Francesco Polci