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Recently Published Documents

Recently Published Documents. 20 Addenda to Published Standards 11 New Documents 10 Standards 4 ANSI 6 TIA 1 TSB 8 Revisions of Published Standards 10 more released for publication. New Standards.

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Recently Published Documents

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  1. Recently Published Documents • 20 Addenda to Published Standards • 11 New Documents • 10 Standards • 4 ANSI • 6 TIA • 1 TSB • 8 Revisions of Published Standards • 10 more released for publication

  2. New Standards • cdma2000 Application CDMA Subscriber Identity Module (CSIM) Conformance Testing for Spread Spectrum Systems (TIA-4978) • Joint ATIS/TIA Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) Mobile Device Behavior Specification (J-STD-100.a) • Joint ATIS/TIA CMAS Federal Alert Gateway to CMSP Gateway Interface Specification (J-STD-101.b) • Certification and Testing of the CMAS C-Interface (J-STD-102.a)

  3. New M2M Standards • Smart Device Communications; List of Parts (TIA-4940.000-A) • Smart Device Communications; Protocol Aspects; Introduction (TIA-4940.020) • TSB 4940 M2M-Smart Device Communications; Security Aspects (TSB-4940)

  4. New Smart Grid Standards • Layer 2 Standard Specification for the Smart Utility Network (ANSI/TIA-4957.200) • Multi-Hop Delivery Specification of a Data Link Sub-Layer (ANSI/TIA-4957.210) • Layer 3 Specification for the Smart Utility Network (ANSI/TIA-4957.300) • Layer 4 Specification for the Smart Utility Network (ANSI/TIA-4957.400)

  5. Technology Roadmap Support and Articulation Complete Complete (CCSC*) TR-42 Cabling 3 Pubs Complete TR-50 M2M 4 Docs 1 Ballot Complete TR-51 Smart Grid 4 Docs 2 ballots In Progress TR-42 Cabling 1 Draft 1 Ballot TR-42 Cabling * Cloud Computing Subcommittee

  6. Future Technologies Roadmap TR-42 TR-50 In Discussion TR-42 Cabling TR-14 Towers

  7. Future Technology Concepts

  8. Future Technology Concepts

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