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2014 Transmission & Distribution Benchmarking Data Review Conference. TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION RELIABILITY. June 25-27, 2014 Nashville, TN. Agenda. Introduction and Guidelines Performance Profiles: Using them as a guide to the report and subsequent analytics

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  1. 2014 Transmission & Distribution Benchmarking • Data Review Conference TRANSMISSION & SUBSTATION RELIABILITY June 25-27, 2014 Nashville, TN

  2. Agenda • Introduction and Guidelines • Performance Profiles: Using them as a guide to the report and subsequent analytics • Questionnaire and statistical report issues

  3. Guidelines

  4. Initiatives vs. Practices • For our purposes: • Initiatives are new activities, programs or processes that have been enacted recently with the goal of improvement. These are so recent (1 to 2 years) that insufficient time has passed in which to assess their success. • Practices are older activities, programs or processes that have been around for a while. For these, sufficient time has passed in which to assess their success or failure. We mostly ask about practices that have proven successful in accomplishing a specific goal.

  5. Transmission versus Distribution • For purposes of this survey, we define distribution to be a voltage level of 45kV and below. The distinction is somewhat arbitrary, but picks a point between 69kv which is generally considered a transmission (or at least sub-transmission) level and 21kV which would generally be considered distribution. • It is unrealistic to ask utilities to redefine their cost or reliability reporting on the basis of these definitions. However, a utility that has very different definitions may want to restate these statistics to better compare their performance. • Distribution Voltage Classes • 5kV class (>1kV, <=9kV) • 15kV class (>9kV, <=15kV) • 25kV class (>15kV to <=26kV) • 35kV class (>26kV to <=36kV) • 44kV class (>36kV to <=44kV) Transmission classes >=45kV • <69kV class (>=45kV <69kV) • 69kV class (>=69kV <100kV) • 100kV class (>=100kV <200kV) • 200kV Class (>=200kV <300kV) • 300kV Class (>=300 kV <400 kV) • 400kV and above

  6. Statistics In general, for transmission lines, we are interested in availability, as impacted by sustained outages that may or may not have an impact on an end-use customer. We ask for raw data on outages by voltage class. We have aligned the definitions with TADS for all voltages (even though TADS only applies to 200kV and above) Cause codes for all voltages based upon TADS Cause code definitions are in the glossary, or at http://www.nerc.com/docs/pc/tadswg/Appendix%207%2020101202a%20clean.pdf “Automatic” operation replaces the terminology “unplanned” (with minor impact on the values) Those codes that are “substation related” will be reported in transmission lines, but also in the substation section of the final report For Transmission reliability the term “outage” refers to a ‘component’ or line outage (most of which may not have any customer impact).  For instance, you might have had 10 transmission component outages last year but only 3 of them resulted in an outage to a customer. See the glossary for definitions of “automatic” and “non-automatic” outages Transmission Line Reliability

  7. TADS Measures The TADS framework (first used in 2008) introduced some slightly new and different terminology, and has evolved some over the past couple of years. Elements are defined to be transmission circuits of 200kV and above, and include AC/DC lines. For purposes of this survey, we are only interested in AC lines. Automatic outages replace the more common unplanned outages, and have a few distinctions. Mileage adjusted measures are introduced TADS metric definitions can be found athttp://www.nerc.com/docs/pc/tadstf/TADS_Phase_II_Final_Report_091108.pdf Reliability Improvement Initiatives Please take the time to provide concise, complete answers to recent improvement initiatives that you have undertaken Note that there may be some overlap with the Transmission and Substation practices sections, which ask questions about the intelligent grid. Transmission Line Reliability

  8. Statistics The impact of substation components on distribution reliability (customer interruption) statistics is of interest. These include SAIDI and SAIFI. The Substation SAIDI and SAIFI here are from causes that originate “within the substation fence”. An example of this follows: A cable failure outside the substation occurs, the protecting feeder breaker fails to trip due to a relay mis-operation, and the back-up device trips out the substation transformer, causing an interruption to the original feeder with the cable fault, as well as 3 additional feeders on the same transformer. The outage of the feeder with the cable failure is not counted in “substation” (its cause is “distribution equipment failure”), but the outage of the other 3 feeders is counted in “substation”. We also ask about the number of substation transformer failures. We are asking for the “Percent Misoperation Rate” for relays as defined in a document from IEEE/PSRC Working Group 13. The definition is included in the Glossary. The impacts of substation components on transmission line reliability measures are included in the Transmission Reliability section. Transmission line outage rates due to substation-related causes (substation equipment failures and protective system failures) are tabulated in the Substation Reliability Report. Substation Reliability

  9. Performance Profile

  10. Trans Line Reliability Profile

  11. T&D Substation Reliability Profile

  12. Transmission Statistical Report

  13. PERCENTAGEOFELEMENTSWITHZEROAUTOMATICOUTAGES(PCZO)<200KV #23 Data is out of the probable range. The value on the chart is 0.59%. Perhaps misplaced decimal, please check. Similar problem for >200kV, p21 of report Report p 20

  14. Tads measures that we track We changed the units on MTTR and SODT to match the TADS definitions (from minutes to hours) for this year’s report Source: Transmission Availability Data System Revised Final Report (NERC)

  15. Issues found: transmission reliability

  16. Substation Statistical Report

  17. Substation Contribution to SAIDI, SAIFI Unusual to have only contributions to customer reliability from transmission and not substations. #23 check your data. SAIDI SAIFI Report p 2 Report p 5

  18. Percent Mis-operation Rate for Relays Distribution Substations, p 11 Transmission Substations, p 10 Zero is a possible, but not likely, answer; please check your data. If you don’t have the data please leave it blank, don’t enter a zero. For transmission subs, #23’s answer (90.87%) is probably too high. Is that the “correct operation rate”?

  19. Allocation of Substation Contribution to SAIDI, SAIFI Contribution to SAIFI, p 13, Question SR25 Contribution to SAIDI, p 12, Question SR20 Total should be 100%. 40 check your data

  20. Issues found: Substation Reliability

  21. Thank you for your Input and Participation! Your Presenters Ken Buckstaff Ken.Buckstaff@1QConsulting.com310-922-0783 Dave Canon Dave.Canon@1qconsulting.com 817-980-7909 Dave Carter Dave.Carter@1qconsulting.com 414-881-8641 Debi McLain Debi.McLain@1QConsulting.com760-272-7277 Tim. SzybalskiTim.Szybalski@1QConsulting.com 301-535-0590 About 1QC First Quartile Consulting is a utility-focused consultancy providing a full range of consulting services including continuous process improvement, change management, benchmarking and more. You can count on a proven process that assesses and optimizes your resources, processes, leadership management and technology to align your business needs with your customer’s needs. Visit us at www.1stquartileconsulting.com | Follow our updates on LinkedIn Satellite Offices Corporate Offices California 400 Continental Blvd. Suite 600El Segundo, CA 90245(310) 426-2790 Maryland 3 Bethesda Metro Center Suite 700Bethesda, MD 20814(301) 961-1505 New York | Texas | Washington | Wisconsin

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