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This study examines the production and distribution of lightning-produced nitrogen oxides (NOx) during the ACTIVE campaign, providing insights into the role of tropical storms and monsoon convection. The findings highlight the significance of lightning-NOx in these regions and call for further research.
Lightning-Produced Nitrogen Oxides during ACTIVE: what have we learned thus far? Lorenzo Labrador, Geraint Vaughan and the ACTIVE team (lorenzo.labrador@manchester.ac.uk) SEAES, University of Manchester.
LINET stroke time series, ACTIVE campaign Total ic cg Mini-monsoon Monsoon Pre-monsoon Monsoon-break MCS Suppressed monsoon
Lightning-produced NOx in Hector storms, pre-monsoon 16/11/2005 Egrett’s altitude profile, NOx, CO and cloud particles 16/11/2005 Egrett’s flight track, LINET lightning strokes Average in-cloud NOx enhancement value = 2.5 ppbv LINET- detected strokes in storm ≥ 10KA = 832 (24.5% of storm’s total)
Lightning-produced NOx in Hector storms, monsoon break 10/02/2002 AE27 Egrett’s altitude profile, NOx, CO and cloud particles 16/11/2005 Egrett’s flight track, LINET lightning strokes Average in-cloud NOx enhancement value = 1.16 ppbv LINET- detected strokes in storm ≥ 10KA = 1188(20.9% of storm’s total)
Lightning-NOx production Fltnox = Χltnox M(N)/M(air) ρair (va – vs) Δx Δz Pltnox = Fltnox/RLINET (RLINET/RLIS)-> Pltnox=Fltnox/RLIS ; GLtNOx =Pltnox x Global flash rate AE04 = Pltnox=Fltnox/RLIS = 1.69 kg(NO) flash-1 AE04 GLtNOx = 2.34 Tg yr-1 AE27 = Pltnox=Fltnox/RLIS = 0.234 kg(NO) flash-1 AE27 GLtNOx = 0.32 Tg yr-1
Lightning-produced NOx in monsoon convection Storm sampled produced only 9 lightning strokes and only 17% of that day’s strokes had been produced by the time the flight ended. So, where did the NOx in the spikes come from? 22/01/2005 Egrett’s flight track, LINET lightning strokes, 00:00-23:59 UTC 22/01/2005 Egrett’s altitude profile, NOx, CO and cloud particles 22/01/2005 Egrett’s flight track, LINET lightning strokes, 00:00-10:00 UTC (end of flight) Average in-cloud NOx enhancement value = 984 ppt Average out-of-cloud NOx enhancement value =720 ppt
22/01/06; flight AE18’s 5-day backward trajectories AE18’s 3rd NOx spike (741 pptv NOx) AE18’s 7th NOx spike (1570 pptv NOx) 5-day backward-trajectories suggest that airmass sampled may have accrued NOx during transit over convectively-active region
Conclusions • The tropics play a crucial role in the production and redistribution of Lightning-produced NOx • LtNOx production in Hector storms on a par with tropical continental convection elsewhere (Brazil), although further studies are warranted • Lightning-NOX in monsoon convection more significant than previously thought