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Comprehensive Study on PM Mass Closure in Germany and its Impact on Air Quality Assessments

This workshop report presents findings from mass closure studies on particulate matter (PM) in Germany, focusing on sources and composition, with contributions from various regions. The report highlights the influence of site type on PM composition and the impact on air quality assessments. It also discusses the results of source apportionment studies and provides an outlook on the German contribution to this research.

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Comprehensive Study on PM Mass Closure in Germany and its Impact on Air Quality Assessments

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  1. PM Mass Closure Studies in Germany U. Quass, A. John, and T.A.J. Kuhlbusch Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik (IUTA e. V.), Duisburg TFMM workshop on the EMEP PM Assessment Report CONVENTION ON LONG-RANGE TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION Paris, 29 November – 1 December 2006

  2. References IUTA, 2004: Identification of source groups for the fine dust fraction (for MUNLV, North Rhine Westphalia) IUTA, 2004: Ursachenanalyse von Feinstaub(PM10)-Immissionen in Berlin (for SenStadt, Berlin) Lohmeyer/IUTA, 2003: Aerosolbudget in einem landwirtschaftlich geprägten Gebiet in Niedersachsen (for NLÖ, Lower Saxony) IUTA, 2003: Identifizierung von PM10-Emissionsquellen im Rahmen der Maßnahmeplanung zur Reduktion der PM10-Immissionsbelastung in Rheinland-Pfalz (for LfUG, Rhineland-.-Palatinate) LfUG Saxony, 2005: Korngrößendifferenzierte Feinstaubbelastung in Straßennähe in Ballungsgebieten Sachsens LUBW Baden-Württemberg, 2006: Besondere Immissionssituationen während der Inversionswetterlage Januar/Februar 2006 Information from Dr. Ott, LfU, Bavaria and S. Jacobi, LfUG, Hesse Financial co-funding by Umweltbundesamt, Dessau is gratefully acknowledged

  3. Mass Closure Measurements in D RB SUB T RB RB UB UB UB T SUB UB Starting soon T UB IND CB UB UB: urban background T RB: rural background T: traffic influenced IND: industry influenced RB CB: clean air background

  4. Average PM Composition: Influence of Site Type

  5. Average PM Composition: Carbonaceous Fraction (EC+OM) of PM10

  6. Average PM Composition: Secondary Aerosol of PM10

  7. Change factor for episodes<30 µg/m³ >50 µg/m³ Episode 2006 B.-W. 7 Berlin + 3 NRW + 4 R.-P. decrease < prop. increase = prop. increase > prop. increase

  8. PM10 gradients rb  ub  hot-spot for major agglomerations in Germany Evaluation of information on mass closure/compound gradients Results of source apportionment studies THANKS! Outlook: German Contribution (UBA/IUTA)

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