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Navigating the Impact of England's Navigation Acts on Virginia's Tobacco Farmers

Get insights on how the Navigation Acts affected tobacco farmers in Virginia and learn about mercantilism, Salutary Neglect, and more. Explore the significance of freedom of the press in American history.

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Navigating the Impact of England's Navigation Acts on Virginia's Tobacco Farmers

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  1. What to expect on unit tests this year Facts vs. Analysis

  2. What do you need to know to answer this question? • If you were a tobacco farmer in Virginia, how would you be affected by the Navigation Acts England passed prior to the 18th century?

  3. Several things to notice… • If you were a tobacco farmer in Virginia, how would you be affected by the Navigation Acts England passed prior to the 1760s?

  4. Need to know facts…. FACTS Question If you were a tobacco farmer in Virginia, how would you be affected by the Navigation Acts England passed prior to the 1760s? • Virginia grew tobacco as a cash crop • Theory of mercantilism • Navigation Acts • Salutary neglect • Atlantic trade routes

  5. Fact questions would be… • What is a cash crop? • What crop did Virginia successfully grow? • What is the theory of mercantilism? • What were the Navigation Acts? • What is salutary neglect? • What are the main Atlantic trade routes?

  6. You use the facts you know to answer an analysis question… If you were a tobacco farmer in Virginia, how would you be affected by the Navigation Acts England passed prior to the 1760s? As a farmer I grow tobacco as a cash crop to send back to England. This is how mercantilism works - as a British colony, Virginia exists to supply raw material to England for them to resell and profit from.The Navigation Acts were passed to prohibit me from trading with anyone else and maintain the mercantilist relationship . However, lately Britain has been looking the other way when my fellow Virginians and myself secretly traded with merchants in the Caribbean. This practice of salutary neglect benefits all of us – I am making money trading as I please, and I am still able to produce for England.

  7. Another type of question – a quote • “By acquitting Zenger, you will have laid a noble foundation for securing…the liberty both of exposing and opposing tyrannical power by speaking and writing truth.” • -Andrew Hamilton in • A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger by James Alexander

  8. A question might be… • “By acquitting Zenger, you will have laid a noble foundation for securing…the liberty both of exposing and opposing tyrannical power by speaking and writing truth.” • -Andrew Hamilton in • A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger by James Alexander What fundamental American liberty is Andrew Hamilton speaking of?

  9. Context and source • “By acquittingZenger, you will have laid a noble foundation for securing…the liberty both of exposing and opposing tyrannical power by speaking and writing truth.” • -Andrew Hamilton • Freedom of the Press • Libel • Acquittal • Freedom of the Press is a fundamental American liberty

  10. Use what you know about the context and source What fundamental American liberty is Andrew Hamilton speaking of? • Freedom of the Press • Libel • Acquittal • Freedom of the Press is a fundamental American liberty • Andrew Hamilton was speaking of freedom of the press, which is the right of newspapers and other public media to publish articles believed to be accurate. This right was established at the trial of John Peter Zenger, a journalist who published a set of negative articles about a governor and was accused of libel. He was found innocent and acquitted, and the idea of freedom of the press was established as an important part of democracy.

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