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Exercise Maltese Eagle

Exercise Maltese Eagle. Mark Brabon RAFS-AA Trg Offr. Scope. Background & Aims of Eagles Scheme What is Maltese Eagle How it is administered Exercise Outline Some Statistics A video What we achieve Questions. Background & Aims of the Eagles Scheme.

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Exercise Maltese Eagle

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  1. Exercise Maltese Eagle Mark Brabon RAFS-AA TrgOffr

  2. Scope • Background & Aims of Eagles Scheme • What is Maltese Eagle • How it is administered • Exercise Outline • Some Statistics • A video • What we achieve • Questions

  3. Background & Aims of the Eagles Scheme • RAF Eagles Scheme – 19 Exercises, 7 in the UK and 12 Overseas. • Centrally administered by 22 (Trg) Gp RAF. • Exploit economy of scale to provide sophisticated, wide and challenging Force Development activities in order to continuously develop leadership, teamwork, resilience and ethos amongst RAF personnel to prepare them for warfighting operations. • Subordinate aims: Promote health and fitness, develop wider interests, improve recruiting and retention.

  4. What is Maltese Eagle • A sub-aqua diving focussed, one-week, self-catering exercise in Malta!Comprising: • 5 days of diver training. • One day of Staff Ride. • Two sessions each year, each of two weeks. • 20 places each week -10 beginners & 10 qualified divers (any grade – any agency).

  5. How is it administered? • RAF personnel apply via DII / Modnet using infopath through the Eagles scheme website. • Applicants told to apply for service sports diving medicals through website. • Volunteer instructors from across the RAF - 8 needed each week. • 3-month BSAC membership bought for non-members. • Applications assessed and appropriate training arranged. • Priority given to junior ranks and junior officers…. Da yooof! • But also to those who have applied before unsuccessfully 

  6. Exercise Outline • Applicants selected about 6 weeks before startex. • Joining instructions sent out –Staff Ride questions issued. • Participants arrive Sunday – admin and some theory. • Diver training Monday to Friday. • Theory exam Wednesday PM. • Student-lead dives Thursday PM and Friday. • Staff ride Saturday –all deliver presentation of +/- 15 minutes in pairs. • Participants depart Sunday. • Repeat.

  7. Statistics

  8. What we achieve – the diving • Action-centred leadership. • Moral Courage. • Understanding and self-awareness and of others. • Motivation and inspiration. • Thinking clearly, decision-making and risk awareness/risk taking. • Flexibility-changing the plan. • Understanding new technologies. • Understanding human diversity. • Building trust up and down the Chain of Command. • Responsibility for own and subordinate behaviour. • Followership. • Team membership. • Constructive dissent. • Personal time management. • Human factors- The Just culture. • Delivering and receiving briefings. Physical and mental robustness. • Culture of Service life. • Rendering first aid. • Duty holder construct. • Risk assessment. • Active independent thinking. • Concept and level of empowerment. • Land (in-water) navigation.

  9. What we achieve – the Staff Ride • Nature of warfare. • Character of warfare across the conflict spectrum. • Security issues. • History of Air Power. • Strengths and weakness of Air Power. • Contribution of Air/Space Power t current UK Operations. • Roles of other services in current Ops. • Implications for Air/Space Power of planned technologies. • Understanding doctrine. • Knowing the RAF’s business. • Able to articulate and exploit the strengths and weaknesses of Air Power. • Global Issues and the use of Air Power. • Ethical leadership. • Acting in accordance with the LOAC. • Remembrance – ceremonial.

  10. What we achieve – a Staff Ride question for you…. • How did the British respond to the outcome of the Italian air campaign? Why was this significant to the Germans and what was their response? Why did the Germans withdraw from the campaign against Malta in 1941? • UK Defence Doctrine (JDP 0-01) identifies the Principles of War as characteristics of the military instrument, did the German change of focus signify a departure from these Principles of War? Can you identify an example of a departure and an adherence to these principles in recent British/Coalition operations (defined as between 1980 and 2015)?

  11. What we achieve – another angle • Mixed ranks living together, self-catering, manage their CILOR. Sometimes the youngsters teach the old ones how to cook! • Working out their staff rides together –one officer/SNCO and one JR. • Overcoming anxieties –it can be a big leap. • Learning new skills- quickly, being put on the spot. • Asking questions. • Showing your strengths……. and weaknesses. • Its your lead!

  12. Any Questions

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