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“ Our Return After the Rapture”. “Armageddon After the Rapture” REVELATION 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth , and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
“Armageddon After the Rapture” REVELATION 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. REVELATION 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
“The Return From the Cloud Rapture” REVELATION 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. REVELATION 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
REVELATION 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. REVELATION 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
REVELATION 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. REVELATION 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
Her enemy in this great battle is the falsehood, the man-made creeds, dogmas and systems that would pervert the word of God and destroy the purity of Christ and His Wife. The antichrist are those who oppose the Word of God and there is a terrific battle raging now called the battle of Armageddon! Christ the Word against creed and dogma in the ecclesiastical message churches and denominations.
As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Sodom, there is a great battle and Christ emerged to destroy all things. Those who entered the ark of God were those who accepted Christ the Word in their day and they passed through the judgments. Abraham and his Seed were never deceived by the worldliness of Sodom and were protected from the filth that plunged all of Sodom into the Eternal vengeance of God. Christ, in William Branham, stood before the antichrist pope and refused to bow before him defeating the antichrist spirit of the age.
We were called into the Cloud with him at Sunset Mountain and we lifted above the judgments of God as the hand of the Lord destroyed all things outside of the Word. Only the Word was raptured. We were taken to Sunset Mountain in Word Bodies and rested there while the death angel moved through the earth and destroyed all those who were caught in denominational antichrist systems as they have perished in the gross, outer, totaldarkness.
Many say, “Oh, but I expected the world to be set on fire by this big battle between nations and men”! The battle is “The Word” against “The AntiWord”. John and Jesus knew the battle was not going to be the Romans against Israel or the Greeks and political nations against them. Look at the battle that John described! John said, “When he comes he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and “FIRE” and the fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly “PURGE” the floor and “BURN” the chaff with an “UNQUENCHABLE FIRE” and take the wheat into the garner.
It is “THE MESSAGE” that is the FIRE! Message is the PURGING, it does the BURNING, it is an UNQUENCHABLE FIRE!An unquenchable fire is an ETERNAL FIRE! John and Jesus burned off the earth and started a new day, a new message, a dispensation called “The Church Ages”. The prophet came and burned off the earth and started a new day, a new message, a dispensation called “The Fullness of Time”! And we are those who accepted and entered the Cloud, passed through Armageddon and have entered into Eternity.
Denomination is dead, done, over. God’s life moved forward and all who stayed behind were destroyed! They may still be walking around on earth but God has changed his dwelling place and they have been destroyed because they would not move forward with the prophet. There was still a nation called Egypt when Moses was finished with them and had delivered Israel! However, Egypt was destroyed by a prophet sent from God!
The prophet says, “The Bride returns back with the Groom”!Where did she go? The predestinated Seed of God is the Word Body and the Word Body left the earth while God moved through the earth and destroyed all things that rejected his prophet’s word. Where did we go? THE.FEAST.OF.THE.TRUMPETS_64-0719M 270 Now, as soon as this Church (the Bride) is drawed together, She is taken up; inthat mystery of the Seventh Seal, or the Seventh Seal, the mystery of going.
THE.FEAST.OF.THE.TRUMPETS_64-0719M 264 Look, I want to say one more thing. Closely now; don't miss this. How striking! From the seventh angel's (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message in Revelations 10, was the Seventh Seal, to the Seven Trumpets.
THE.FUTURE.HOME_64-0802 239 Now, in Ephesians 1:10, it's called... Now, if you're putting it down, Ephesians 1:10, is called, not a dispensation, not the seventh day. It's called, "The fullness of time." And when "the fullness of time" has come, that's when time has been fulfilled. When there is no more time, then you go into Eternity, after the seventh church age is over, and it is.
We returned back to open the third coming of Christ to the world. We were there where the Angel of the Lord met US! No wonder the prophet said, “If you could only see what is going on this week!” We were all there with him at the Second Coming and at the opening of the seals; the entry into the Third Coming!We were there giving homage to our KING of KINGS in the Son of David Age! We came back from communion, our meeting in the air, and we are the wife (Queen) in the “Great Millennial” reign of the King“IN” our earth.
THE.THIRD.EXODUS_63-0630M 295 And that Pillar of Fire led them to the land that God promised them, where He, Himself, would be made flesh among them, someday. That right? What did they do? Murmured and squirmer-ed, and everything else, to show it was under the blood of an ordinary lamb. But this time (glory to God), the Pillar that we see among us, the Pillar of Fire will lead us to the Millennium, where He will return to His people in that great Millennium reign after this exodus, where we'll live Eternally with Him.
We entered ETERNITY, not a little symbol. The millennium and white throne judgment are just typesof the Holy Ghost. We entered Jesus Christ, the Eternal One. We raised above the judgments of the earth in Word Body while the death angel passed. We enjoyed our meeting in the air and received our Wedding Supper food to return back and eat of the unfailing Word Body of the Son of Man. We are reigning, but not in some carnal natural millennium! We are now in the Great Jubilee, the Eternal Reign of Christ.
We are judges because we came to our Eternal Rest. We arecleansed and washed by the water of the word, raptured into glory and stand in Victory Day! The pale horse rider is reduced to ashes in ourpresence. Weburned every thing behind usand brought nothing over into this new message. We arethe Great White Throne, not a literal throne on the earth somewhere, but the power and resting place of God in his people. The Son of David sits upon His Throne now, His Wife is by his side and all things are now judged.
Many are looking to a future judgment, but the judgment of the Lord begins at the House of God. People accept or reject the Word of the Hour and are judged accordingly. The Throne of God has the Word of purity proceeding forth to the people and those who receive it receive a White Stone (revelation). The wicked are not restored after death and brought back for some future White Throne. We are the White Throne of God, the Wife of Christ is where he resides.
278-2 SARDISEAN.CHURCH.AGE - C.A.B.CPT.7 If this seems to smack of "restoration," watch carefully now, for the wicked are NOT restored, but turned into the lake of fire. The names of many of those destroyed were in the Book of Life also; but they were blotted out because they failed to honor the people of God who were the living manifested Word (living epistles) for their day.
THE.FOURTH.SEAL_63-0321 317-1 {273} Watch in the Bible here. It said his name was death, and hell followed after him. Now, hell always follows death in the natural. When the natural man dies, hell follows him; that's the grave, hades (See?); that's in the natural. But in the spiritual it's a lake of fire. All right. See, it's eternal separation where they're burned up. And Malachi 4 said, "It don't even leave him stubble or branch or nothing else." It's the way the world has of purifying itself again for the millennium.
FLASHING.RED.LIGHT_63-0623E 130 Jude 7, verse 7. Man and woman bringing marriage vows--breaking them, going after strange flesh... Listen. And as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, give themselves over to fornication... going after strange flesh,... (See? Oh.)... fornication,... going after strange flesh, are set forth of examples, of suffering and vengeance... and eternal fire. (That is, to be completely consumed and done away with.)
SARDISEAN.CHURCH.AGE - C.A.B. CPT.7 278-279 ……"And these (the wicked) shall go away into everlasting punishment (lake of fire), but the righteous into everlasting life." There is no record of TWO judgments set where the wicked are cast into the lake of fire.
THE.FUTURE.HOME_64-0802 26-5 Peter said, "And the heavens will pass away and earth with a great noise." Such an explosion will rock it (Oh, my.), 'cause it's got to kill every disease, every thistle, every thorn, everything there is to be done, the fire will burn it up. And remember, it's not altogether just a literal fire; it's also a holy Fire (See?), that will take away Satan and all of his, all of the devils.
THE.FUTURE.HOME_64-0802 240 Or, after time has been fulfilled, all sin is gone, taken away, at the Millennium, at the great White Throne Judgment. (A type, by the Holy Ghost.)
THE.FUTURE.HOME_64-0802 44-3 When He went up out of the water, he said, "I saw heavens open." The prophet saw it. He saw the heavens open, and here come descending out of heaven a form of a Dove and a voice saying, "This is My part of the earth that I have redeemed, and from this part of the earth I will redeem the rest of it, for He is My Word made manifest. And the whole world, I spoke it into existence by My Word (Hebrews 11), and Satan's held it all this time, but I've come to redeem it (so much of it has made His Body),
and I'm coming to dwell in it.“ John said, "I saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem descending out of heaven, as a bride adorned for her husband." And where did it settle on? Just exactly like it did on there, upon the earth. Jesus was part of that earth that the Holy Ghost descended upon (Is that right?) and remained upon Him forever. It never can leave Him, It's always there (He and God are one.), always has to remain. And so John saw the holy City,
the New Jerusalem descending like a comet or a--a dove, coming down out of heaven and settling upon a redeemed entire earth. To do what? To claim every attribute that He made the earth for; every man that was represented in the eternity and every woman is redeemed then. She's been scoured and burned by fire; Jesus in His fiery temptations in the wilderness for forty days... After that, notice, it was ready for His ministry then. Think of it, the Holy Ghost descending upon earth, Jesus, and that holy Blood.
Let me help you understand this and you’ll understand the revelation. All of these symbols we read about in Revelations are not where we are going. If you’ve had a new birth it is where you are! After the rapture you are the Son of David ministry. You are the millennial reign. You are the White Throne Judgment. You are the New City. You are the New Heaven and New Earth. These symbols are of our change in this earth.
Revelation 22:14-17 – Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.