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Headteacher’s briefing – April 2013. Nikki Tilson – Assessment and Transitions Advisor – EYFS and Y1. Characteristics of Learning – statutory framework (assessment).
Headteacher’s briefing – April 2013 Nikki Tilson – Assessment and Transitions Advisor – EYFS and Y1
Characteristics of Learning – statutory framework (assessment) • 2.8 Year 1 teachers must be given a copy of the Profile report together with a short commentary on each child’s skills and abilities in relation to the three key characteristics of effective learning (see paragraph 1.10). These should inform a dialogue between Reception and Year 1 teachers about each child’s stage of development and learning needs and assist with the planning of activities in Year 1.
Characteristics of Learning - EYFS Profile handbook • All EYFS providers completing the EYFS Profile must give parents a written summary of their child’s attainment using the 17 ELGs and a narrative on how a child demonstrates the three characteristics of effective learning. • Year 1 teachers must be given a copy of the EYFS Profile report together with a narrative on how the child demonstrates the three characteristics of effective learning. • All EYFS providers must report EYFS Profile data (the 17 ELGs) to their local authority for each child, upon request. The narrative on how a child demonstrates the three characteristics of effective learning should not be submitted. • Reports should be specific to the child, concise and informative. They may include details from ongoing assessment, links to age related bands in Development matters and details from any other assessments appropriate to the individual child in order to help to identify the appropriate next steps in learning.
Sue Rogers Early Years Consultant
Three year olds/nursery classes On- entry = 30 - 50 Emerging Dec = 30 - 50 Developing April = 30 - 50 Secure July = 40 - 60+ Emerging Four year olds/reception classes On- entry = 40 - 60+ Emerging Dec = 40 - 60+ Developing April = 40 - 60+ Developing ON TRACK July (JUNE) = 40 - 60+ Secure (ELGs) Termly - analyse children just below expected – what is common in terms of cohort and gaps? Expected levels of development
From 2013, children will be defined as having reached a GLD at the end of the EYFS if they achieve at least the expected level in: ELGs in the prime areas of PSED, PD and CL (from Tickell's review) and ELGs in the specific areas of mathematics and literacy (DfE priorities). “However, all areas of learning within the EYFS are important. To reflect this, the GLD measure will be supported by a measure of the average of the cohort's total point score across all the early learning goals. This will encourage the attainment of all children across all the early learning goals.” New Good Level of Development measure
Retest for year 2’s who scored under 32 points last year All year 2s who weren’t tested in 2012 should be tested this year unless disapplied Keep delivery notes please Most of reception - phase 3+ Most of year 1 – phase 5+ Most of year 2 – phase 6 Year 1 phonics screening check
Expected to moderate internally Visit letters – end of spring term Minimum 25% visit rota, non attendance at agreement training requests, concerns/anomalies, plus NQTs supported moderation Visit schools must submit interim judgements in May Visits – moderate all 17 ELGs Moderators select 5 children - sample Professional dialogue Evidence – illustrate, support, recall Agreement training - focus ELGs, 1 child Involvement of Year 1 teachers EYFS Profile moderation
No more 9 point scales x 13 17 ELGs – for 7 areas of learning (3 prime and 4 specific) 3 characteristics of learning Best fit assessment - holistic Emerging, Expected, Exceeding Score of 1, 2 or 3 accordingly Not to be confused with “Emerging, Developing, Secure” in phases of development – tracking/formative assessment 80/20% balance replaced by “without need for overt adult support” and an acknowledgement that embedded learning is most likely to be seen in child initiated learning Revised EYFS Profile – what’s changed?
Purposes – accurate description of a child’s achievements at the end of EYFS, to inform parents and yr 1 teachers and aid transition into KS1 Principles – observation of child in everyday activities, independent and consistent, range of contributors, underpinned by responsible pedagogy, teach and look for application EAL - CL and L must be assessed on English SEN – p scales not be used as alternative Greater emphasis on ….. Yr1 involvement in moderation Establishing transition meetings Embedding internal moderation meetings Quality assurance (sense checks) at all levels Revised EYFS Profile – what’s the same?