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TOEIC ERROR RECOGNITION EXERCISE 39. 1. The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution gives women the right to vote in the elections of 1920.  A. The Nineteenth Amendment    B. gives    C. to vote    D. the elections  

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  2. 1.The Nineteenth Amendmentto the Constitutiongiveswomen the right to voteinthe electionsof 1920.  A. The Nineteenth Amendment   B. gives   C. to vote   D. the elections   2. The aims of the European Economic Communityare to eliminate tariffs between member countries; developing common policies for agriculture, labor, welfare, trade, andtransportation; andto abolishtrusts and cartels.  A. are   B. developing   C. transportation   D. to abolish  

  3. 1.The Nineteenth Amendmentto the Constitutiongiveswomen the right to voteinthe electionsof 1920.  A. The Nineteenth Amendment  B. gives   C. to vote   D. the elections   2. The aims of the European Economic Communityare to eliminate tariffs between member countries; developing common policies for agriculture, labor, welfare, trade, andtransportation; andto abolishtrusts and cartels.  A. are  B. developing   C. transportation   D. to abolish  

  4. 3.Ofthe twoDiomede Islands, onlyonebelongs theUnited States.  A. Of   B. the two   C. only   D. belongs the   4. "Moby-Dick" is a novelthattellingthe story of a ship captain'ssingle-mindedhatredofahuge white whale.  A. novel   B. telling   C. single-minded   D. of  

  5. 3.Ofthe twoDiomede Islands, onlyonebelongs theUnited States.  A. Of   B. the two   C. only  D. belongs the   4. "Moby-Dick" is a novelthattellingthe story of a ship captain'ssingle-mindedhatredofahuge white whale.  A. novel  B. telling   C. single-minded   D. of  

  6. 5. Pleasedon't parkingin those spaces that have signsreservingthemforthe handicapped.   A. don't parking   B. reserving   C. for   D. the handicapped   6. Themoreimportant theorem of all in plane geometryisthePythagorean Theorem.  A. The   B. more   C. is   D. the  

  7. 5. Pleasedon't parkingin those spaces that have signsreservingthemforthe handicapped. A. don't parking   B. reserving   C. for   D. the handicapped   6. Themoreimportant theorem of all in plane geometryisthePythagorean Theorem.  A. The  B. more   C. is   D. the  

  8. 7.In additions toserving asa member of the President's Cabinet, the Attorney General is theheadof the Justice Department.  A. In additions to   B. serving as   C. the   D. head   8.Despite ofmanyattemptsto introducea universal language, notably Esperanto and Idiom Neutral, the effort has met with very little success.  A. Despite of   B. many   C. to introduce   D. little  

  9. 7.In additions toserving asa member of the President's Cabinet, the Attorney General is theheadof the Justice Department. A. In additions to   B. serving as   C. the   D. head   8.Despite ofmanyattemptsto introducea universal language, notably Esperanto and Idiom Neutral, the effort has met with very little success. A. Despite of   B. many   C. to introduce   D. little  

  10. 9. Neither of thescout leadersknowhow to trap wild animalsor how to prepare themfor mounting.  A. of the  B. know   C. or   D. for mounting   10.Hardly he hadentered the officewhen he realizedthat he had forgotten his wallet. A. Hardly he had   B. office   C. that he had   D. forgotten  

  11. 9. Neither of thescout leadersknowhow to trap wild animalsor how to prepare themfor mounting.  A. of the  B. know   C. or   D. for mounting   10.Hardly he hadentered the officewhen he realizedthat he had forgotten his wallet.  A. Hardly he had   B. office   C. that he had   D. forgotten  

  12. 11. While searchingforthewreckage ofaunidentified aircraft, the Coast Guard encounteredsevere squalls at sea.  A. While searching   B. the   C. a   D. severe squalls at sea   12. He haslessfriends inhisclasses now thanhe hadlast year.  A. less   B. his   C. than   D. last year

  13. 11. While searchingforthewreckage ofaunidentified aircraft, the Coast Guard encounteredsevere squalls at sea.  A. While searching   B. the  C. a   D. severe squalls at sea   12. He haslessfriends inhisclasses now thanhe hadlast year. A. less   B. his   C. than   D. last year

  14. 13. From now on, new buildings in level one earthquake zones in the United States areto constructedto withstanda tremor withoutsufferingstructural damage.  A. From now on   B. to constructed   C. to withstand   D. suffering   14. The native people of the Americans are calledIndiansbecausewhen Columbus landed in the Bahamas in1492, he thought that hehas reachedthe East Indies.  A. are called   B. because   C. in 1492   D. has reached 

  15. 13. From now on, new buildings in level one earthquake zones in the United States areto constructedto withstanda tremor withoutsufferingstructural damage.  A. From now on  B. to constructed   C. to withstand   D. suffering   14. The native people of the Americans are calledIndiansbecausewhen Columbus landed in the Bahamas in1492, he thought that hehas reachedthe East Indies.  A. are called   B. because   C. in 1492  D. has reached 

  16. 15. Keith is one of themostintelligent boysofthescienceclass.  A. the   B. most   C. of   D. science   16. Antibiotics can be conveniencegroupedaccording to thespeciesof microorganisms theyinhibit.  A. convenience   B. according   C. species   D. inhibit  

  17. 15. Keith is one of themostintelligent boysofthescienceclass.  A. the   B. most  C. of   D. science   16. Antibiotics can be conveniencegroupedaccording to thespeciesof microorganisms theyinhibit. A. convenience   B. according   C. species   D. inhibit  

  18. 17. Stuart stopped to writehis letterbecausehe had toleavefor the hospital.  A. to write   B. because   C. leave   D. for the hospital   18. If England had not imposeda tax on tea two hundred and twenty yearsago, willtheUnited States have remained part of the British Commonwealth?  A. If   B. imposed   C. ago   D. will  

  19. 17. Stuart stopped to writehis letterbecausehe had toleavefor the hospital. A. to write   B. because   C. leave   D. for the hospital   18. If England had not imposeda tax on tea two hundred and twenty yearsago, willtheUnited States have remained part of the British Commonwealth?  A. If   B. imposed   C. ago  D. will  

  20. 19. Whiletheywereaway at the beach, they allowedtheir neighbors usetheir barbeque grill.  A. While   B. were   C. their neighbors   D. use   20. For arattlesnake a dozenor someals a yeararequitesuffience.  A. a   B. or so   C. are   D. suffience

  21. 19. Whiletheywereaway at the beach, they allowedtheir neighbors usetheir barbeque grill.  A. While   B. were   C. their neighbors  D. use   20. For arattlesnake a dozenor someals a yeararequitesuffience.  A. a   B. or so   C. are  D. suffience

  22. 21. The Nobel prize winning candidate, accompanied byhis wife his and children, are staying in Sweden untilafter the presentation.  A. by   B. are   C. until   D. after   22. John's wisdom teeth were troubling him, so he went to a dental surgeonto see abouthavingthempull.  A. were troubling   B. to see about   C. them   D. pull  

  23. 21. The Nobel prize winning candidate, accompanied byhis wife his and children, are staying in Sweden untilafter the presentation.  A. by  B. are   C. until   D. after   22. John's wisdom teeth were troubling him, so he went to a dental surgeonto see abouthavingthempull.  A. were troubling   B. to see about   C. them  D. pull  

  24. 23.Many of the early work of T.S. Eliotexpressesthe anguish and barrennessof modern life and the isolation of the individual.  A. Many   B. expresses   C. barrenness   D. isolation   24. New universities are beingestablishat a slowerrate nowadaysdue to thelack of federal and state funds.  A. are being   B. establish   C. slower   D. due to the  

  25. 23.Many of the early work of T.S. Eliotexpressesthe anguish and barrennessof modern life and the isolation of the individual. A. Many   B. expresses   C. barrenness   D. isolation   24. New universities are beingestablishat a slowerrate nowadaysdue to thelack of federal and state funds.  A. are being  B. establish   C. slower   D. due to the  

  26. 25.Civil engineershad betterplanningto usesteel supports in concrete structures built on unstable geophysical sites.  A. Civil engineers   B. planning   C. to use   D. built   26. Inthe bagnot only all her money but also all her keyswere, none of whichshe got back.  A. In   B. not only   C. were   D. none of which 

  27. 25.Civil engineershad betterplanningto usesteel supports in concrete structures built on unstable geophysical sites.  A. Civil engineers  B. planning   C. to use   D. built   26. Inthe bagnot only all her money but also all her keyswere, none of whichshe got back.  A. In   B. not only  C. were   D. none of which 

  28. 27. The contractingsof the heartcausethe bloodto circulate.  A. contractings B. heart   C. cause   D. to circulate   28. Whitman wrote "Leaves of Grass" as a tribute to the Civil War soldiers who had laidon the battlefields and whom he had seenwhile serving as an army nurse.  A. had laid   B. whom   C. had seen   D. while serving 

  29. 27. The contractingsof the heartcausethe bloodto circulate. A. contractings B. heart   C. cause   D. to circulate   28. Whitman wrote "Leaves of Grass" as a tribute to the Civil War soldiers who had laidon the battlefields and whom he had seenwhile serving as an army nurse. A. had laid   B. whom   C. had seen   D. while serving 

  30. 29. Becausenot foodisas nutritiousfor a babyas its mother's milk, manywomen are returning to the practice of breast feeding.  A. not food   B. as nutritious   C. as   D. many   30. Who hedecides to see andwhen what isthe main cause of contentionbetween Bill and Susan whose marriage isotherwise quite good.  A. he   B. when what is   C. between   D. is otherwise 

  31. 29. Becausenot foodisas nutritiousfor a babyas its mother's milk, manywomen are returning to the practice of breast feeding. A. not food   B. as nutritious   C. as   D. many   30. Who hedecides to see andwhen what isthe main cause of contentionbetween Bill and Susan whose marriage isotherwise quite good.  A. he  B. when what is   C. between   D. is otherwise 

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