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ADVERB. Teacher: MARIA DOLORE GONZALEZ CRUZ. Class: ENGLISH VI. Student: ANALI ESPINO HERNANDEZ. Date: Tuesday, March 15 th, 2011. What is an adverb?. An adverb is a word that indicates how, where, how often, for what purpose or when something is done. Outside, upstairs. Frequency. Place.

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  1. ADVERB. Teacher: MARIA DOLORE GONZALEZ CRUZ. Class: ENGLISH VI. Student: ANALI ESPINO HERNANDEZ. Date: Tuesday, March 15 th, 2011.

  2. What is an adverb? An adverb is a word that indicates how, where, how often, for what purpose or when something is done. Outside, upstairs. Frequency Place. Often. Adverbs. Sometimes. Before. Just. Time. Well. Quite. Manner. Still. Degree. Quickly. Barely. Nearly. Hardly. Beautifully. Scarcely.

  3. How to recognize an adverb? Many adverbs are formed by adding a suffix “-ly” to an adjective. SLOW + LY = SLOWLY AGGRESSIVE + LY = AGGRESSIVELY.

  4. Adverbs modify verbs. She quickly made the mourning clothes.

  5. Adverbs modify adjectives. The gun was barely concealed. the barely concealed gun was in her pocket.

  6. Adverbs modify other adverbs. She goes swimming every morning.

  7. Adverbs of place. We looked everywhere.

  8. Adverbs of the time. The train hasn't arrived yet.

  9. Adverbs of frequency. He never has any trouble with his old car.

  10. Adverbs of degree The bottle is nearly empty.

  11. Adverbs of manner. You must drive your car carefully.

  12. Bibliography. • http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-adverb.htm • http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/adverb.htm • http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/adverb.htm • http://imprint.printmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/The_Adverb.jpg • http://www.underconsideration.com/wordit/wordit_archives/0905_here_Kate-Maggiolino.jpg • http://www.cptshirts.co.uk/user/products/large/Simpsons-Never-Too-Old-zoom.jpg • http://www.todosfondos.net/img(800x600)/Infantiles/Garfield/Is%20it%20Friday%20Yet%20.jpg • http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-28D5fhcJS9c/TXE0iSysCCI/AAAAAAAABFc/YiiSzpwlLqc/s1600/My%2Balmost%2Blover.jpg • http://www.cartoonstock.com/newscartoons/cartoonists/rmg/lowres/rmgn13l.jpg • http://www.thinkplaninvest.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/49_old_veteran_senior_citizen_man_walking_slowly_with_a_cane.jpg • http://delacorteclips.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/vias-de-tren.jpg • http://www.veafotoaqui.com/images_CARROS/BUICK/Roadmaster_1954_perf.jpg

  13. Bibliography. • http://pulguitas.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/i-can-always-make-you-smile.jpg • http://www.clipartguide.com/_named_clipart_images/0511-1010-0617-4315_An_enthusiastic_young_businessman_wearing_a_helmet_aggressively_charging_forward_clipart_image.jpg • http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/sergemi/sergemi1011/sergemi101100157/8300517-trabajo-de-costurera-de-la-mujer-en-la-m-quina-de-coser.jpg • http://www.educared.org.ar/comunidades/tamtam/ciclopedia/0505_El-lobo-veloz.jpg • http://www.agelesspatterns.com/images/1617.GIF • http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ODQ2lmaoNAY/TGcuGCmPZeI/AAAAAAAAAAs/R7lArDH_zfs/s1600/pistolero+editado.jpg • http://www.pensarencine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/angelina-jolie-tomb-raider-lara-croft-2009.jpg • http://www.educarm.es/templates/portal/images/ficheros/infantil/13/secciones/41/contenidos/457/nadando.jpg • http://www.agirregabiria.net/blog/uploaded_images/amanece-736646.jpg • http://img.imegalodon.com/info/nosotros.gif • http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_UpnGhvpM_b4/TH1lJMgNcqI/AAAAAAAAAmo/WQBW4ZKqPLs/s1600/talento_buscando.jpg • http://www.forodefotos.com/attachments/trenes/4096d1221753449-tren-bala-tren_bala.jpg

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