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海洋汙染與環境. 陳孟仙 教授 國立中山大學 海洋生物科技暨資源學系 E-mail:mhchen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw Tel:+886 7 5252000 # 5028. 冷卻水. 大氣沉降. 汽機車排氣. 污水處理排放. 都市廢棄物. 工業廢水. 油污. 鑽油滲漏. 船舶垃圾. 廢棄船殼. 核廢料. 棄置. 海洋環境中的污染源. Agricultural sprays. 廢棄物的種類 -1/5. I. Degradable wastes 可分解的廢棄物 1. Urban sewage 都市廢水
海洋汙染與環境 陳孟仙 教授 國立中山大學 海洋生物科技暨資源學系 E-mail:mhchen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw Tel:+886 7 5252000 # 5028
冷卻水 大氣沉降 汽機車排氣 污水處理排放 都市廢棄物 工業廢水 油污 鑽油滲漏 船舶垃圾 廢棄船殼 核廢料 棄置 海洋環境中的污染源 Agricultural sprays
廢棄物的種類-1/5 I. Degradable wastes 可分解的廢棄物 • 1. Urban sewage 都市廢水 • 2. Agricultural wastes 農漁業廢棄物及廢水 • 3. Food processing wastes 食品加工業 • 4. Brewing & distillery wastes 釀酒業 • 5. Paper pulp mill wastes 造紙業 • 6. Chemical industry wastes 化學工廠 • 7. Oil spillages 漏油
廢棄物的種類– 2/5 & 3/5 II. Fertilizers 肥料: N, P, K III. Dissipating wastes 發散性廢物 1. Heat 熱 2. Acids & Alkalis 酸和鹼 3. Cyanide 氫化物
廢棄物的種類– 4/5 & 5/5 • Conservative wastes恆守性廢棄物 • 1. Heavy metals 重金屬 • 2. Halogenated hydrocarbons (DDT, PCBs… etc.) 多環碳氫化合物 • 3. Radioactivity 放射性物質 • Solid wastes固體廢棄物 • 1. Dredging spoil 鑿井 • 2. Mining waste 開礦 • 3. Fly ash 煤灰 • 4. Gravel extraction 抽砂和採砂石
耗氧性廢物 • Bacterial degradation 細菌可分解 • Aerobic bacteria 好氧菌 C6H12O6 + 6O2 → H2O + 6CO2 DO <1.5 mg l-1 → Anaerobic bacteria 厭氧菌 → H2S, NH4, CH4
稀釋是解決污染的方法The best solution of pollution is dilution • Water saturated with O2, BOD5=8-8.5 mgl-1 • BOD5 of urban sewage = 500 mgl-1 • BOD5 of spilled beer = 7000 mgl-1 • River flow = 8 m3S-1 with BOD5 = 2 mgl-1 Effluent input 1 m3S-1 with BOD5 = 20 mgl-1 BOD after mixing = total BOD / total volume = (8x2)+(1x20)/8+1=4
用生物需氧量來檢視水污染 • Unpolluted BOD5 < 2 mgl-1 • Salmon & trout BOD5< 3 mgl-1 • Migratory fishes BOD5< 4 mgl-1 • Coarse fish BOD5< 6 mgl-1 • Drinking water BOD5< 7 mgl-1 • Grossly polluted BOD5> 10 mgl-1 • Sewage effluent BOD5< 20 mgl-1 (Common dilution factor in river is 8:1)
Hypoxia 缺氧 • 1. Input of organic matter → Primary production ↑→ Fisheries production ↑ • 2. Eutrophication • 3. Stratification of water column • 5. Development of hypoxia →valued • 4. DO < 2 mgl-1 = 18 % of air saturation Demeral fish spp. → less desirable planktonic omnivores • 6. Anoxia → Dead zone
水中溶氧降低對水生生物的影響 游泳動物死亡 游泳無脊椎動物死亡 無脊椎動物死亡 無大型動物活存 底棲動物死亡 0.35 0.7 1.1 1.4
油污染 • Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with 4 –26 or more carbon atoms in the molecule. • Some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known to be potent carcinogens (潛在致癌物). • S and V compounds are also included in crude oil and non-hydrocarbons may represent up to 25% of the oil.
抽集攔油索中的油 人工剪除污草 底質挖除 自我分解 噴灑除油劑 油污清除方式 攔油索
油污染對漁業的損害 • Adult fish can avoid areas affected by floating oil, but toxic to fish eggs & larvae (毒魚卵和仔魚). • Hatching (孵化率下降) of fertilized capelin (Mallotus villosus) ↓, at 10 – 25 nl l-1. • Abnormalities (發育畸型) of fish development at 250 ul l-1 • Amoco cadiz 1977 on Brittany coast →1-year-class of flatfish (損失一年級群的魚). • Tumours & fin erosion in fish (魚體長腫瘤及爛鰭). • Shellfisheries →crab for 7 yrs, clam for 6 yrs • Tainting (off flavours) (臭油味)
重金屬 • Conservative pollutants → not subject to bacterial degradation (細菌無法分解). • Bioaccumulated in their tissues (生物蓄積). • Biomagnificated up through food chain (生物放大). • Essential elements (必需元素), i.e. Fe (haemoglobin), Cu (haemocyanin), V (respiratory pigment of tunicates), Zn (enzymes), Co (vitamin B12). • Non essential elements (非必需元素), i.e. Pb, Cd, Hg, As.
(e.g. Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn) (e.g. Cd, Pb, Hg, As) 魚類對重金屬的反應
x 1.6 x 2.3 3 x 107 x 2.6 x 20 x 20 x 106 x 106 x 106 unit :μg / kg Mercury concentration in the Onondaga Lake aquatic food web. (Becker,1995) 汞的生物放大作用
汞的自然來源 • Natural inputs • 1. Volcanic activity 火山爆發 • 2. Forest fires 森林燃燒 • 3. Biological formation 生物作用 • →3600-4500 t/y • = 50-75% of total inputs (6000-7500 t/y)
汞的人為來源 Man-made inputs (1000-6000 t/y) • 1. Agricultural pesticides 農業殺蟲劑 • 2. Pharmaceitocals 藥物 • 3. Lumber & paper industries 製紙 • 4. Gold & silver mining, smelting 冶金銀礦 • 5. Cinnabar (HgS) 汞礦開採 • 6. 鹼氯工業 • 7. Fossil fuel 石化燃料 • 8. Municipal wastes 都市廢水 • 9. Sewage sludge 污泥
魚肉中的汞濃度 • 1. Most fish < 0.15 ppm (mg/kg) • 2. Large hake (Merluccius) = 3.2 (Hg-bearing ores) • 3. Cod (Gadus morhua) • = 1.29 (Denmark & Sweden, heavily poll.) • = 0.15 - 0.2 (North Sea) • = 0.01 – 0.04 (Greenland) • 4. Tuna, swordfish, marlin > 1, max. 4.9 • 5. Shark • 6. Halibit >115kg & ½>60kg → >1
汞的食用限值 • WHO: 0.2 mg me-Hg; 0.3 mg ΣHg / week • UNEP ( 2003):1.6 ug/kg/wk • M=1.6x70=112ug; F=1.6x55=88ug • 20 g fish /day in UK • 0.5 or 1 ppm Hg flesh weight as Std.
Fish muscles : 4~21倍 Sediment : 123倍 台南安順與七股潟湖的比較 (Chen, 2002)
多環碳氫化合物 • Low molecular weight compounds: • 1. Natural: methane • 2. Industrial solvents: CH3CHCL,CCL4, …. CFCs, CCl3F, CCl2F3…… • Pesticides & PCBs: DDTs (1939-), Drins,, BHC, HCB,Toxaphene (1940s-, insecticide), PCBs (1930s-, paints, plastics, adhesives, coating compounds…, 1x106 t/y), Dioxins, Furan…..
環境荷爾蒙 • PCBs, pesticides & various organic compounds, TBT. • Sewage effluents contain oestrogens. • Fish contain large quantities of vitellogenin.
雄比目魚血液中的卵黃前質 control
放射線物質 • Sources: • 1. Natural background • 2. Weapons testing • 1963 ban treaty by USA, UK, USSR • 1974 Pacific, France & PROC • 3. Nuclear reactors in power plant (436 by 2000): liquid & solid wastes
放射線物質的半衰期 • 1. Long half-life, low radioactivity • 2. Pu239 half life 24,400 yr • 3. Ra226 half life 1,602 yr • 4. Sr90 & Cs137 half life 30 yr
Highest in 1962-1964 核武試爆產生的Sr90
Highest in 1962-1964 β-activity in cod & haddock caught in the Barents Sea
抽砂 • Sediment extraction • 1. Sand & gravel extraction • 2. Tin ore
Anchor dredging 75 m x 20m Trailer dredging 2 m x 20- 30cm 海床上抽砂的方法
熱污染 • Power plant (電廠溫排水) • △T = out– in < 4 OC • 秘雕魚 大鱗鮻 & 花身雞魚的稚魚 Temp. > 36 OC for 2 weeks 脊椎骨彎曲