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STRUKTUR & MORFOLOGI KOTA. POLA PERKEMBANGAN SATUAN RUANG KOTA. ribbon development urban sprawl city within city. Danang Priatmodjo Program Magister Teknik Perencanaan Universitas Tarumanagara. ribbon development. grid. sirkular-radial. organik / lacework. A. P. W. L. R. S.

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  1. STRUKTUR & MORFOLOGI KOTA POLA PERKEMBANGAN SATUANRUANG KOTA • ribbon development • urban sprawl • city within city Danang Priatmodjo ProgramMagisterTeknikPerencanaan UniversitasTarumanagara

  2. ribbon development

  3. grid sirkular-radial organik / lacework

  4. A P W L R S urban sprawl suburban sprawl sprawl

  5. ? city “suburbanization”vs.“sprawl” “The growth of population outside the central city” at no specified density or scale of land consumption (Anthony Downs, 1995)

  6. What is “sprawl” ? • A specific form of suburbanization that involves extremely low-density settlements at the far edges of the settled area, spreading out far into previously undeveloped land (Anthony Downs, 1995) • Low-density development on the edges of cities and towns that is “poorly planned, land- consumptive, automobile-dependent, designed without regard to its surroundings” (Richard Moe, 1995)

  7. Major forms of sprawl • “sellscape” retail development, frequently spurred by major discount chains such as Wal-Mart and Kmart, occurring along major arteries and at highway interchanges • spread-out residential development, usually consisting primarily of single-family detached houses, located on the edges of existing communities or “leapfrogging” into previously undeveloped areas (Richard Moe, 1995) !

  8. Phoenix, Arizona sprawl …

  9. Lippo Karawaci

  10. more illustration of sprawl …

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