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Citizenship. Lowe. Economic Activity. Euro – worth more than the dollar China, India, and other Asian countries make goods for less money than they can be made in the U.S or Europe. Manufacturing . Manufacturing jobs – jobs making goods

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  1. Citizenship Lowe

  2. Economic Activity Euro – worth more than the dollar China, India, and other Asian countries make goods for less money than they can be made in the U.S or Europe

  3. Manufacturing • Manufacturing jobs – jobs making goods • Information age – 21st century computers and technology use

  4. Chisholm Trail Abilene, Wichita, Oklahoma, Ft. Worth, Waco, Austin, San Antonio to King Ranch

  5. Tenements Small apartments

  6. Constitution and Bill of Rights • Bill of rights – first ten amendments • 1. freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly (gathering) and petition. • 2. right to keep and carry weapons or arms • 3. protect families from military having to stay in their homes. • 4. protect from searched and having things seized or taken away • 5. due process • 6. right to trial by jury • 7. right to civil trial by jury • 8. excessive bail (bail money that the court chart to allow a person not to go to jail while waiting for the trial. • 9. just because a right is not written in the constitution doesn’t mean a person doesn’t have the right • 10. any power that federal government does not have it goes to the state or people

  7. Check your knowledge • Which of the following is one of the duties of citizenship? A. reading many books B. visiting national parks C. voting is elections D. watching candidates speak

  8. C. Voting in elections

  9. Which of the following describes “due process of the law? • The government follows its own laws • The government makes up its own laws • People can do what they want • People have to do what the government says.

  10. A The government follows its own laws

  11. Which of these is protected by the First Amendment? • The right to bear arms • The right to a trial by jury • Protection from cruel and unusual punishment • The right to assemble

  12. D The right to assemble

  13. The United States official motto: E Pluribus Unum a Latin phrase means “Out of the many, one.” (Found on American coins) Became the official motto in 1782 – “many” stands for the states and the “one” is the whole U.S.

  14. Important Amendments • 13th – slavery outlawed • 14th – all people born in the U.S. equal citizens giving A.A. citizenship • 15th – right to vote to those over the age of 21,(AA over 21 could vote, but had to pay a tax and other test in some areas) • 19th – 1920 gave women right to vote • 24th – changing charging a poll tax to vote • 26th – voting age to 18

  15. Economic Concepts

  16. Productive Capacity • The total amount of things that a group of people can produce • Five things that improve this • Resources – car, money, things to be used • Technology – electricity, phone, television, computers • capital goods – complex tools needed for making things like computers for office, tractors for a farm, necessary to do business (expensive) • Specialization – to do one thing very well • division of labor – use of an assembly line, different workers are responsible for different jobs of the same product

  17. Opportunity Cost What is given up by doing one thing instead of another. (Use something, they gain something but give something up). Example: You only have two eggs in the refrigerator. It takes two eggs to make brownies and two eggs to make scramble eggs. If you make brownies, you can’t have scramble eggs.

  18. Markets and prices Price – how much it cost and how difficult it is to get Scarcity - product is hard to get, raises the prices of a product Surplus - product is easy to get, lower the price of a product

  19. Trade and Exchange Free market – people can trade with each other almost at any time in any way that they both agree. Egypt does not. Voluntary exchange - people can buy what they want and sell what they want The more trade happens in an economy, the better the economy is. Example of trade: Georgia farmers sell their peaches to people in Oregon and Oregon farmers sell their apples to people in Georgia.

  20. Show what you know Your mother will let you invite seven people over for your party. There are 20 people in your class. Leaving people out will be difficult. What is the situation called? • Scarcity • Surplus • Opportunity cost • Free trade

  21. Alexa makes lemonade and sells it in her front yard for $1.00 a glass. She is participating in • A. productive capacity • B. voluntary exchange • C. specialization • D. division of labor

  22. You do the dishes, your sister cleans the bathroom, and your father folds the laundry. This is an example of • Productive capacity • Free market • Division of labor • Opportunity cost

  23. Answers • 1. C • 2. B • 3. C

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