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1. Research Materials 2. Heal the World Rubric. Agenda SSR Book. Do Now. SSR Time! Happy Monday! . CRS/CCSS CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1a
1. Research Materials 2. Heal the World Rubric Agenda SSR Book Do Now • SSR Time! • Happy Monday!
CRS/CCSS CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. Unit 6 – Developing and Advanced Countries Day 117 Beat Norway! Greeter SWBAT properly research and cite internet sites in presented global initiatives. Big Idea HW We have been conducting a ton of research and learning about the world from a variety of sources. Now, we will learn how to properly give all of those sources the credit they deserve! 1. AoW17: Flight 370 due Friday, March 28, 2014 2. Rough Draft of Heal the World PWA due Wednesday, March 26, 2014 3. Heal the World Group Presentation due Thursday, March 27, 2014
AoW17: Malaysia Flight 370 • Specific annotations! Different prompt! • Write a story about what you think happened to Flight 370. Provide reasoning to convince your reader that your theory is the most probable by including evidence from the article!
Writer’s Workshop today in U02 from 4:15 to 5:15! • Don’t let this be you . . .
Reading Round 1 • I will read the passage aloud. • Follow along, but do not annotate yet.
Reading Round 2 • I will read the passage aloud again. • This time annotate. • I will model how to annotate on the Elmo. • We will be circling significant words/phrases. • Star important ideas. • Underline and write a question in the margin about an area of confusion.
Reading Round 3 • Read the passage independently. • Answer the following two questions (on the worksheet): • The passage seems to be about . . . What in the text tell you so? • How do you know that this is a nonfiction text?
Reading Round 4 • With your partner, complete the activity. • Read each of the four paragraphs and label each with a 1-3 word phrase. • Discuss and then agree on the titles for each. • Be prepared to share.
Reading Round 5 • Discuss and be prepared to share. • What is the intent of this document?
Importance of Giving Sources Credit: Works Cited and Citations! Why should I even bother??? • It’s about academic honesty—give credit where credit is due. • It’s about covering your “glutes” in case the information in your research turns out to be inaccurate or biased. • It’s required. Plus, you will have to do it in college all the time!
Review: What is a Citation? • The citation summarizes bibliographic data to provide your reader (teacher) information to locate the book, website, or magazine that you used: • Author (if given) • Title of article, webpage, or entry • Publication information (publisher, website, magazine title, date, location) • Medium (Print, Web, etc.) • Date of access
What does a citation look like? Name of website Title of webpage “Preview: 2008 Dodge Challenger." Billy Bubba’s Hemiworld. 9 Feb. 2006. Web. 28 June 2006. Medium Date of publication or update Date of access This citation example is for a webpage. Other sources will look different and will have other kinds of information.
What’s up with punctuation? Titles of articles, webpages, or entries in a reference work are usually noted by quotation marks. Titles of books, websites, or reference sources are usually noted with italics. This is a change from MLA 6th ed. “Preview: 2008 Dodge Challenger." Billy Bubba’s Hemiworld. 9 Feb. 2006. Web. 28 June 2006 <http://www.billybubba.org/hemi/challenger.htm>. “Preview: 2008 Dodge Challenger." Billy Bubba’s Hemiworld. 9 Feb. 2006. Web. 28 June 2006. Dates in MLA citations follow a specific format. It’s very European. You need to define in what medium you accessed the material. If you got it from the web, use “Web.” Each part of the citation is completed with a period. The web address or URL is no longer required in the citation. This is another change in the 7th edition.
What’s a Works Cited Page? • The works cited page is an alphabetical listing of all cited sources for your research. This list could include books, websites, databases, interviews, and any other source of information used. • Remember that if you use someone else’s ideas, words, quotes, data, or other information, you must cite your source.
What should it look like? • “Works Cited’ centered at top of page • Entries alphabetized • Page has hanging indents • What’s wrong with this page? • ‘cited’ should be capitalized! Oops!
What’s a Parenthetical Reference? • A parenthetical reference (PR) is a pointer to an entry in your works cited list. • It provides a reference to your source in the text of your paper. • Information is contained in () parentheses. • When you use ideas, data, or quotations from a source and put them in your paper, you need to note that source with a parenthetical reference. • Because the parenthetical reference is a pointer to an entry in your works cited list, you put the last name of the author or the first word of the title of the source if no author is given.
What’s the connection? • The parenthetical reference should match the first word of the entry in your works cited page.
Where do I put them? • Include a parenthetical reference at the end of the sentence, paragraph, or section that uses information from that source. • Place the reference before the period if at the end of a sentence.
Where can I go for more help? • The Wiki Page! • There is a link on Week 29’s page to a worksheet that outlines all of the MLA formatting guidelines! You’re welcome ! • It tells you how to cite different types of sources and provides examples of citations, works cited pages, and parenthetical references. • It is titled CW_MLACitationReference • There’s also a link to Purdue’s Writing Lab, which has some great info! • https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/08/
Continue Researching for your Heal the World project! • Get in your teams to continue working on your project! • Make sure to keep track of all of the sources that you are using to get your information from.
Exit Ticket • Cite a source using the MLA format. • Raise your hand when you are ready for me to check.
1. Research Materials 2. Heal the World Rubric Agenda SSR Book Do Now • Reading passage • You have 5 minutes. • Level 0.
CRS/CCSS CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. Unit 6 – Developing and Advanced Countries Day 118 Beat Norway! Greeter SWBAT refine and evaluate their plan and presentation for addressing an issue within a developing country. Big Idea HW So we know that presentation skills are important, but what does an effective presentation look like? Also, like, how are we being graded on these presentations again? These are the important and timely questions that will be addressed today! 1. AoW17: Flight 370 due Friday, March 28, 2014 2. Rough Draft of Heal the World PWA due Wednesday, March 26, 2014 3. Heal the World Group Presentation due Thursday, March 27, 2014
Rough Draft due Tomorrow! • Four paragraphs, but the more the merrier! • Typed • Works cited page included
Reading Round 1 • I will read the passage aloud. • Follow along, but do not annotate yet.
Reading Round 2 • I will read the passage aloud again. • This time annotate. • I will model how to annotate on the Elmo. • We will be circling significant words/phrases. • Star important ideas. • Underline and write a question in the margin about an area of confusion.
Reading Round 3 • With your partner, complete the activity. • Read each of the four paragraphs and label each with a 1-3 word phrase. • Discuss and then agree on the titles for each. • Be prepared to share.
Reading Round 4 • With your partner, discuss and answer the following questions (on the worksheet): • What does the passage indicate are the components of an effective presentation? • What components does your presentation currently possess? • What components are missing?
Continue Preparing for your Heal the WorldPresentation! • Get in your teams to continue working on your project and presentation! • Fine tune that PowerPoint/Prezi! • Practice, practice, practice! • Remember, make sure to keep track of all of the sources that you are using to get your information from.
Exit Ticket: • What traits of an effective presenter do you possess? How will you contribute to the success of your groups presentation? • Discuss with your group members. • Share!
Heal the World PWA Rough Draft PWA Rubric Agenda SSR Book Do Now • SSR Time!
CRS/CCSS CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. Unit 6 – Developing and Advanced Countries Day 119 Beat Norway! Greeter SWBAT create a PowerPoint/Prezi explaining their proposal for addressing an issue within a developing country. Big Idea HW Tomorrow is the big day when you will all present your global initiatives! In order to ensure that we all do an excellent job, we will spend time fine-tuning and rehearsing our presentations today. 1. AoW17: Flight 370 due Friday, March 28, 2014 2. Heal the World Group Presentation due Thursday, March 27, 2014
Writing Buddy Time . . . Round 1 • Make sure to have your rubrics handy. • Choose one paper to read as a pair first. • That paper’s author will read their paper aloud to their partner. • The author will use a black pen to make corrections while reading aloud. • Writing buddy will follow along. • Together you will grade the paper. • Then switch!
Writing Buddy Time . . . Round 2 • Writing buddy will read their partner’s paper independently. • The writing buddy will make meaningful annotations: • Circle significant words/phrases. • Star important ideas. • Underline and write a question in the margin about an area of confusion. • Discuss!
Writing Buddy Time . . . Round 3 • Together, you will identify the two areas of strength and two areas of growth for both of your papers. • Be ready to share. • Trends?
Rehearse for your Heal the WorldPresentation! • Get in your teams to continue working on your project and presentation! • Fine tune that PowerPoint/Prezi! • Practice, practice, practice! • Remember, make sure to keep track of all of the sources that you are using to get your information from.
Exit Ticket: • Complete the Teammate Evaluation Sheet for yourself. • Be honest. • Share your response with your seat partner. • Any brave, zesty souls want to share?
Heal the World Rubric CW85 Potential Donor Sheet Mountain Lion Money Agenda SSR Book Do Now • Reading passage • You have 5 minutes. • Level 0.
CRS/CCSS CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.9-10.7 Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g., charts, research data) with qualitative analysis in print or digital text. Unit 6 – Developing and Advanced Countries Day 120 Beat Norway! Greeter SWBAT present their proposals for addressing issues in developing countries. SWBAT critically examine and provide feedback to other groups based on their proposed solutions. Big Idea One of the most important contributors to the advancement of developing nations is the INDIVIDUAL. Today, you are going to present your plans to potential donors for “funding”. The more you raise, the higher your grade! $$$ HW 1. AoW17: Flight 370 due Friday, March 28, 2014
Order • Order will be determined randomly by the lead donor(s)…the teacher(s).
Group Work Time • Your donor envelopes will be placed around the room to receive donations after every team has presented. • You may NOT donate to your own cause. If you are caught doing so, you will forfeit all donations and significantly lower your group grade.
Your Tasks as a Donor • Sit SMART • Give the speaker your complete attention. • Provide constructive feedback if you’d like. • Hold all side commentary. • NEVER interrupt the presenter. • Encourage your classmates.* • Applaud everyone’s effort. • Sit SMART • Give the speaker your complete attention. • Provide constructive feedback if you’d like. • Hold all side commentary. • NEVER interrupt the presenter. • Encourage your classmates.* • Applaud everyone’s effort. *Be very cautious with HOW you encourage your classmates.
Your Tasks as an NGO • Stand confidently. • Make eye contact with your audience; NOT only the lead donor • Have audience interaction. Call on people! • Land between 3-4 minutes. • BE EXCITING! • Use notes sparingly. • Stand confidently. • Make eye contact with your audience; NOT only the lead donor • Have audience interaction. Call on people! • Land between 3-4 minutes. • BE EXCITING! • Use notes sparingly.
Wrap-Up • Once ALL parties have presented, SILENTLY (Level ZERO) circle the room, depositing donations to the organizations most deserved. • Not your homies • Not your advisory clique • Not your BFF • The best prepared team and best prepared plan. • First, let’s revisit all of the organizations and issues we witnessed…
Exit Ticket: • Complete the teammate evaluations about your teammates. • Be honest. • Take advantage of the comment section, especially if you would like to follow up about something.