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Instructions for the essay

Instructions for the essay. Return to kari.vesala@helsinki.fi , Deadline ? 7-10 pages, line spacing 1.5 Cover page: title of the essay, subtitle: an essay for the CEAF-course/UHEL Spring 2010; name of the author + student number

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Instructions for the essay

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  1. Instructions for the essay • Return to kari.vesala@helsinki.fi, Deadline ? • 7-10 pages, line spacing 1.5 • Cover page: title of the essay, subtitle: an essay for the CEAF-course/UHEL Spring 2010; name of the author + student number • Include list of references; see below; reference to the lectures: (lecturer)/CEAF/(date)

  2. Instructions for the essay • Define the topic and content according to your own interests, but try to cover (at least some of) the essential topics and points of the course. • Utilize both the lectures and the regular readings • In addition to summarizings lectures and readings, your own analytical comments and discussions are welcome • Try to include how you understand: *Agency/self/identity/control beliefs/values *Entrepreneurship discourses/farm context

  3. Regular readings • Dudley, A. (2003): The Entrepreneurial self. Identity and morality in a Midwestern Farming community. In J. Adams (ed.) Fighting for the Farm. Rural America Transformed. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press. • Halpin, D. & Guilfoyle A. (2005) The Attribution of Self Amongst Australian Family Farm Operators: Personal Responsibility and Control. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. XXXVI (3) 475-487. • Perren, L., & Jennings, P. L. (2005). Goverment discourses on entrepreneurship: Issues of legitimization, subjugation, and power. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29(2), 173-184. • Vesala H.T. & Vesala, K.M. Entrepreneurs and producers: Identities of Finnish farmers in 2001 and 2006. Journal of Rural Studies 26, 21-30.

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