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Anthropology. Four subfields, two perspectives. Anthropology. The examination, description, and explanation of similarities and differences, stability and change in human culture and biology. Anthropology. The study of what it means to be human. Subfields . Biological Anthropology
Anthropology Four subfields, two perspectives
Anthropology • The examination, description, and explanation of similarities and differences, stability and change in human culture and biology
Anthropology • The study of what it means to be human.
Subfields • Biological Anthropology • Cultural Anthropology • Anthropological Linguistics • Archaeology
Two perspectives: • “Scientific” • “Humanistic” (You’ll find each of these represented in each subfield.)
Two perspectives: • Scientific • Humanistic (these words are not very accurate labels for what we are talking about, but they will work for now. Throughout the semester we will be exploring each of these and how they relate to each other.)
Scientific / Humanistic • Focus on EXPLANATION (Answering the “why” question with models of causation—cause and effect.) • Focus on UNDERSTANDING (Asks “what does this MEAN? How does it FEEL?” Sometimes the “why” question defies a cause and effect answer.
For example: Hurricane Katrina--Why? • A cause and effect answer involves ocean temperatures, air pressure, information about wind-speed and storm surge. • A humanistic inquiry might understand the question “why” to mean: “why us? Why now?” In other words, why do bad things happen to innocent people?
Katrina • I assume that the idea of a meteorology of Katrina is clear to you. • For an example of a more humanistic approach to the disaster check out the Mississippi Oral History Program of The U of Southern Mississippi, which has been interviewing survivors… http://www.usm.edu/oralhistory/projects.php
Final thoughts (for now) on the Humanistic/Scientific distinction • As grand theories these approaches can be incompatible—oil and water. • In practice, (that is, as approaches to questions) though they can both be drawn on. Generally, anthropologists are willing to do a little of each. • If this doesn’t all make sense right now, hang in there. We’ll see and discuss some examples.
Biological Anthropology (Formerly called “physical anthropology”) • Growth and Development • Human origins • Environmental Adaptations • Changes in morphology • Changes in the distribution of populations
Biological Anthropology, contd. • Diet and nutrition • Osteology • Forensic anthropology Just in case you think I made it up, here is a link about the “body farm”: http://web.utk.edu/~fac/
Cultural Anthropology • The study of human culture • (duh…)
Culture: Definition #1: Edward Tylor’s(1871) exhaustive list definition "Culture, or civilization, taken in its broad, ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."
Culture: Definition #2: Leslie White’s (1949) idea of culture as adaptation to environment • “an organization of phenomena—acts (patterns of behavior), objects (tools; things made with tools), ideas (belief, knowledge), and sentiments (attitudes, ‘values’)—that is dependent upon the use of symbols,”
Culture: Definition #3: (Spradley 1979) Culture as primarily a mental entity. • “the acquired knowledge that people use to interpret their world and generate social behavior”
Ethnographic fieldwork • Interviews • Participant observation • P/O means assuming a role or position recognized within the group you are studying. While participating in the everyday life of the group you are constantly recording your observations in fieldnotes and a daily log.
Cultural Anthropology—Methods contd. • Ethnographic fieldwork contd. • The resulting report of fieldwork is called an ethnography. • Ethnographic fieldworkers may also: • Run focus groups • Conduct surveys • Make maps • Make films or photos
Archaeology • Reconstructing the past based on material remains, including artifacts and features. Archaeology has a coolness that is the envy of the other subfields: http://www.leinsterleader.ie/news/3000yearold-butter-found-in-Kildare.5567520.jp
Archaeological methods • Surveying (mapping) • Excavation • Artifact (laboratory) analysis • Can determine material and thus source of raw materials • Wear patterns can yield clues about use and thus about everyday life in the past society.
Anthropological Linguistics • A focus on communication • Verbal and non-verbal • The cognitive processes involved • How languages are learned • Variation among languages • Variation within languages (accents, dialects) • The historical development of languages • The documentation of endangered languages
Language Ideology • The claim that one language is superior to another • When does this happen? Can you think of examples? • How might a linguist respond to this issue?
Applied Anthropology • About 50% of the people with advanced degrees in Anthropology work as academics (teachers). • The others might work for the government, non-profits, or corporations.
Applied Anthropology contd. • Applied anthropologists might: • Work on product design • Assess educational programs • Work as internal consultants, for example studying corporate culture and making recommendations • Design public education campaigns • Advocate or testify for marginalized groups • Invent Go-Gurt??? check it out