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Preparation of Engineering Senior Design Course: Global Learning Integration

Preparation of Engineering Senior Design Course: Global Learning Integration. Kurt Soschinske Glyn Rimmington Mara Alagic Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA. Outline. What is the educational challenge? The role of the senior design course

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Preparation of Engineering Senior Design Course: Global Learning Integration

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  1. Preparation of Engineering Senior Design Course: Global Learning Integration Kurt Soschinske Glyn Rimmington Mara Alagic Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA

  2. Outline • What is the educational challenge? • The role of the senior design course • The integration of global learning - collaboration between Moscow & Wichita companies and universities – Spring 2006 • Lessons learned • Recommendations for the future ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  3. What is the educational challenge? “No man is an island…” (John Donne, 1642)1 • A “triple convergence” and “horizontal value creation” (T. Friedman, 2005)2 • Economic emergence of China and India - what kind of engineers are needed for global engineering coordination? • What is needed for the success in the global economy? • How are traditional methods of engineering collaboration changing? ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  4. Traditional collaboration - vertical value creation - intra-cultural collaboration - mono-cultural perspective New collaboration paradigm - horizontal value creation - inter-cultural collaboration - multi-cultural “world” perspective What is the educational challenge? ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  5. The role of the senior design course Course Methodology Product/Service • Project • Provides industry • -relevant application • - Integrates • engineering skills • with business reality • Develops “hidden • skills” augmenting • class instruction Industry Academics ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  6. The role of the senior design course Traditional Components Thermodynamics Machine Design Materials Science Controls Fluid Mechanics Instrumentation Eng. Economy Technical Communications CAD /CAM Heat Transfer Additional Components Applied Design Project Management Safety in Design Ergonomics Product Liability Value Engineering Patents Design Optimization Entrepreneurship Global Learning Senior Design Course Design Synthesis Design Mechanical Engineering Practice ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  7. Global Learning • Global Learning: “The combination of global reach and global perspectives to produce the global graduate” (Rimmington, 2004) • Cage Painting: A metaphor used to explain challenges of intercultural communication and shared perspectives3,4 ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  8. 4 Question to elicit an answer in your perspective 3 Present self in terms of other’s perspective 2 Question about other’s perspective 1 Present a self-critical perspective Integration of Global Learning (1) The Four Levels of Cage Painting3,4: ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  9. Substantive Authentic Goal Development Of Multiple Perspectives Integration of Global Learning (2) • Global Learning in a Collaborative Task Team Work Communication Heutagogical Strategy CagePainting ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  10. Integration Methodology • Establish need for global learning skills • Learn the concepts of cage painting • Practice cage painting to achieve predetermined goals using cage painting simulator • Conduct “mock” cage painting with local international students • Conduct actual international connections • Utilize student journals for skill assessment ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  11. Expected Outcomes The engineering graduate will have: • a global perspective on collaborative product design and manufacturing; • respect and appreciation of different cultures and attitudes, and their effect on collaboration; • experience with global learning and strategies for improving intercultural communication; and • understanding and experience using modern communication technologies. ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  12. Existing Collaboration – Spring 2006 • Joint global learning initiative established between - Wichita State University (WSU), Kansas, USA - Moscow State Aviation Technology Institute (MATI), Russia - Spirit Aerosystems of Wichita, Kansas USA - Moscow Boeing Design Center (MBDC), Russia - Progresstech, Moscow, Russia ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  13. Existing & Future Collaboration • Phase I Plan Spring 2006: WSU student team with MBDC/Progresstech sponsors; MATI student team with Spirit Aerosystems • Phase II Plan Fall 2006: Combined WSU/MATI student team with third country sponsor • Phase III Plan Spring 2007: Add teams and sponsors from more countries (UK and India) • Phase IV Plan Fall 2007: Expand to include other areas of engineering (electrical, computing, aerospace, manufacturing) ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  14. b C q a H=200mm s h φ L=4000mm Collaboration between Moscow & Wichita companies and universities – Spring 2006 (1) Phase I Spring 2006 Activities:WSU three person team worked on semester project entitled “Design, Analysis and Optimization of an Anisogrid Lattice Shear Web” Free-body diagram of Anisogrid Lattice Shear Web concept ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  15. Collaboration between Moscow & Wichita companies and universities – Spring 2006 (2) • WSU team initiated teleconference call for familiarization • Most interchange was through e-mail • Mid-term videoconference conducted between WSU, MBDC, Progresstech and Spirit • Students had regular in-house oral and written progress reports for background, preliminary and critical designs • Final oral report given with other projects and oversea sponsor participation ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  16. Collaboration between Moscow & Wichita companies and universities – Spring 2006 (3) WSU ME Student Project Members Progresstech sponsor, MATI faculty and students ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  17. Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future (1) • Relevancy of global learning as an essential engineering skill set is not accepted by all students – additional industry contact recommended • Initial contact between student team(s) and sponsor recommended before project start • Low number of global learning journal entries – may be due to small percentage of grade (<5%) given to global learning. Recommend increase grade value of global learning activities or increase global learning integration ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  18. Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future (2) • Only one of seven projects in Spring 2006 had global learning component. Recommend increasing global learning content in each project, perhaps by including one international student in each project • Projects involving global learning components need to be more open-ended to facilitate more intercultural collaboration and cage painting ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  19. References • Donne, J. (1642) Devotions upon Emergent Occasions. Volume 108, 109; • edited, with commentary by Anthony Raspa , Montreal: McGill-Queen's • University Press, 1975 • Friedman, T.L., The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century. • 2005, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 488. • Rimmington, G., et al. The cage model of global learning. in International • Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International • Conference (SITE 2004). 2004. Atlanta, Georgia. • Alagic, M., K.L. Gibson, and G.M. Rimmington, Developing cross-cultural • communication skills with the cage painting simulator. Proceedings of the • Кopπopatиbhьiй Дух Обpaзовательноγо Учреждения Как Фактор • Саморазвития Личности (International Conference on the Corporate • Spirit of Educational Institutions as a Factor for Personal Development), • 2005: p. 28-34. ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  20. Questions? ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

  21. Author Contacts • Kurt Soschinske, kurt.soschinske@wichita.edu • Glyn Rimmington, glyn.rimmington@wichita.edu • Mara Alagic, mara.alagic@wichita.edu ICEE 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico

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