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R. Lednicky JINR, Dubna

Scientific Council 102 th meeting, 27-28 September 2007. Plan for the JINR future activities in Particle Physics and Relativistic Nuclear Physics, including those at LHC, FAIR, Nuclotron and NICA. R. Lednicky JINR, Dubna. JINR Activities & Worldwide Pr i orities in P articl e P hysics.

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R. Lednicky JINR, Dubna

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  1. Scientific Council 102th meeting, 27-28 September 2007 Plan for the JINR future activities in Particle Physics and Relativistic Nuclear Physics, including those at LHC, FAIR, Nuclotron and NICA R. Lednicky JINR, Dubna

  2. JINR Activities & Worldwide Prioritiesin ParticlePhysics JINR activities: SM & beyond: hadron andlepton collider physics CDF,D0,BES-3,CMS,ATLAS,ILC Neutrino physics, astrophysics Borexino,OPERA,DayaBay,T2K,NUCLEON,TUS Rare processes (CP-violation, rare K-decays) NA48/1-3,E391a,KLOD or JPARC? Spin Physics & Nucleon structure Nuc-exp,COMPASS,HERMES,H1,PAX Non perturbative QCD NIS,DIRAC,PANDA Relativistic Nuclear Physics Nuc-exp,STAR,NA49/61,Hades,ALICE,NICA,CBM Priorities in PP: • the origin of mass; • the unification of particles and forces including gravity; • the properties of neutrinos,astrophysics; • the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe; • the properties of the strong interaction including properties of nuclear matter.

  3. JINR plans

  4. HERMES+COMPASS+H1:view of a nucleon structure Spin structure function g1: - precise determination HERMES COMPASS Diffractive structure function F2:H1 Precise measurement of gluon polarization: - open charm (D-meson production) COMPASS and hadron pairs, Q2 >1 GeV2 HERMES Orbital momentum of quarks and gluons: - signal from GPDs HERMES H1 Transverse quark distributions: - transversity is non-zero!HERMES - different contribution into COMPASS hadron from proton and neutron Longitudinal quark distributions: - new direct method for Flavor HERMES COMPASS decomposition in NLO QCD (A.Sissakian et al) not yet solved ! But

  5. E=190, 100GeV COMPASS-II: Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and Hard Exclusive Meson Production Measurements +DY Physics with Polarized Target 2007-2009: construction of the Recoil Detector 2008-2010: R&D on new ECAL (JINR, Saclay, …) 2010-2012: GPDs data at COMPASS • GPDs in the COMPASS kinematics • 2. Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering • μ+ and μ- • 3. Meson production (present ρ studies) • 4. A completed Setup with COMPASS and • Recoil Detectorand new ECAL (Dubna group)

  6. Rare processes SM: ● NA48/1-3  NA62 ● E391a at KEK Continuation possible at Serpukhov U-70 or at JPARC facility in Japan K+  p+ n n BR~8×10 -11 BR~3×10 -11

  7. NA48’s:2007 and beyond In a frame of approved at JINR NA48 Project: • Final measurement of charged asymmetries in charged and neutral modes • Precise measurement of K->3matrix element parameters • Final measurement of pion scattering lengths a0 and a2 on full statistics • Precise measurement of K->2matrix element parameters • Precise measurement of Ke2/K (Run in 2007) • Ke4 decay and a0scattering length measurement • Form-factors and branching ratio of Ke+e- and K+ •  Measurement of Br and form-factors of K • Search for lepton family violating KLe and KLe(NA48 data).

  8. P326 (NA48/3, NA62): Ultra rare kaon decays K+  p+ n n • Prediction: BR(K+p+nn)  (1.6×10-5)|Vcb|4[sh2+(rc-r)2]  (8.0 ± 1.1)×10-11 (BR(KLp0nn)  (7.6×10-5)|Vcb|4h2  (3.0 ± 0.6)×10-11) Almost unique case in meson physics where hadronic uncertainties are small Important window to New Physics June, 2007: CERN SC has included it in a Medium-Term Plan for 2007-2011 with a status “Under construction” OKAPI

  9. Experiment E391a at KEK Continuation possible as: • KLOD experiment at Serpukhov U-70 or • Experiment at JPARC facility in Japan KLOD

  10. Study of nuclear matter at extreme conditions (search for mixed phase) Dubna projectNICA Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility GSI: FAIR/CBM Elab~34 AGeV sNN = 8.5GeV Elab~40 AGeV sNN = 9.0GeV CBM–NICA sNN = 9 AGeV AGeV + energy scan at CERN (NA61) and RHIC (STAR)

  11. Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility & MultiPurpose Detector

  12. Following steps are planned: There will be a special talk by the LHE director V. Kekelidze

  13. NA49  NA61 Study of Hadron Production in Hadron-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the CERN SPS Search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter Measure hadron production at high transverse momenta in p+p and p+Pb collisions as reference for Pb+Pb results Study the properties of the onset of deconfinement in nucleus-nucleus collisions Measure the data for -experiment T2K :  and K production in the T2K target (p+C at 30, 40 and 50 GeV/c) Useful expertise for NICA

  14. STAR experiment at RHIC • RESEARCH PROGRAM FOR 2008-2010: • Gluon saturation scale • First significant measurements of ΔG(x) • First measurement of flavor dependence of sea quark anti-quark polarization in the proton • Advances in spectroscopy including hadronic, radiative and leptonic decays • Detailed femtoscopic measurements • Search for photons from the early collision stage • Search for the existence and location of the QCD Critical Point(energy scan) The STAR Collaboration: 12 countries, 49 Institutions, ~ 500 People Important expertise for the project NICA & JINR spin activities

  15. Participation of JINR in the development of FAIR complex (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) • CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter): • Relativistic Heavy Ion • Collisions PAX (Polarized Antiproton eXperiment) : - Polarization of antiprotons APR - proton-antiproton collisions • FLAIR (Facility for Low energy Antiproton Ion Research): • - Antihydrogen generation NESR (New Experimental Storage Ring): - Electron ion collisions - Internal target PANDA (Proton ANtiproton DArmsdat): - Internal target

  16. JINR accelerator activities at FAIR • The full scale prototypes of SIS100 dipole and quadrupole magnets are • at present under construction at JINR • - Development of the numerical model for cooling and heating of the beam • at the internal target and experimental study of these processes at COSY Quadrupole 1.1 м Dipole 2.75 м Total structure of SIS100 includes: Dipoles - 108 Quadrupoles – 168 Estimated cost is about 15ME, including finishing the R&D.

  17. Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) JINR participation: Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) Straw Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) Superconducting Dipole Magnet Simulation & Reconstruction (tracking, RICH, magnetic field) Physics The NUCLOTRON was used as a test bench for CBM detectors

  18. Proton-antiproton physics (PANDA experiment) ● Excited glue (glueballs and hybrids) ● Charm in Nuclei, Charmonium ● Hadrons in Matter ● Hypernuclei, etc. Present JINR Detector Involvement + prototype of minidrift chamber

  19. Project PAX Collaboration PAX proposed experiments with polarized antiprotons. For this a dedicated facility at FAIR to polarize an antiproton beam could be built. Scientific program:studies in the field of high energy spin physics with use of apolarized antiproton beam Main goal:measurement of thetransversitydistribution,the last missing piece of the QCD description of partonic structure of the nucleon. Transversity describesdistribution of transversely polarized quarks inside the transversely polarized nucleon. Unlike the well-known unpolarized distributionq(x,Q2) and partlyknown helicity distributionDq(x,Q2), transversityhq1(x,Q2)has never been directly measured. Transversity distribution is directly accessible uniquely via the double transverse spin asymmetryATTin the Drell-Yan production of lepton pairs: phphgl+l-X Transversity via single-polarized and unpolarized DY processes (LPP) ! Other topics:electromagnetic form factors (phases in the timelike region, GE-GM separation, …) single-spin asymmetries (Sivers and Collins mechanisms, …) p-pbar hard scattering mechanisms

  20. Summary of JINR activities at FAIR

  21. Non perturbative QCD • Present fixed target experiments at CERN with JINR leading role: DIRAC (lifetime of , K atoms), Primakoff reactions (Z Z) in COMPASS hadron program and NA48/2 (kaon decays) are aimed to test low-energy QCD (PT) predictions • Experiments at Nuclotron/NICA • Future experiments at FAIR laboratory in Darmstadt

  22. Hadron Collider Physics • Tevatron CDF and D0 until 2009 (? 2010) • LHC experiments will start in 2008 • Upgraded LHC after ~2013

  23. Main ATLAS Physics topics • Standard ModelPhysics • Higgs Boson Physics • SUSY Physics • Exotics Physics • Top Quark Physics • Heavy Ions Physics • B Physics JINR is in the main stream of the ATLAS Physics. This guarantees participation in LHC’s Discoveries

  24. ●JINR integrated in ATLAS DDM System ● Remote ATLAS Control Room in Dubna since January 2007 MOTIVATION • Monitoring of the detector at any time • Participation of the subsystem experts from Dubna in the shifts and data quality checks remotely • Training the shifters before they come to CERN till the end of 2007 ACR at CERN

  25. The JINR main tasks inCMS • JINR Team Strategy • Integration into CMS science program • Concentration on a few selected physics tasks where JINR physicists reached the advantages at the stage of preparation of the CMS Physical Program • 2008-2012 • CMS detector operation, DAQ and data quality monitoring during data taking • ME1/1 and HCAL DQM, offline calibration and express analysis • Development and validation of reconstruction and analysis software • Data management at the RDMS Tier-2 • Off-line reconstruction and physical analysis - study of Drell-Yan processes R&D to upgrade detector systems for SLHC

  26. Time scale of JINR Data Taking & Analysis • Start-up • HCAL и MЕ1/1 calibration, alignment, testing of muon and jet reconstruction algorithms, SW for data quality control and express analysis Start of LHC – May, 2008 14 TeV Run at low luminosity 21033 см-2с-1 2008 • The first data analysis of Drell-Yan processes • Inclusive jet production (comparison with Tevatron data) 0.1 fb-1 10fb-1 2009 • Analysis of Drell-Yan processes Searching for signals from new physics in uncovered so far invariant mass region ~1-3 ТeV • Data on jets in uncovered regionxи Q2 14 TeV Run at high luminosity 1034 см-2с-1 2010 100fb-1 • Analysis of Drell-Yan processes and searching for signals from new physics in uncovered so far invariant mass region ~ 1.7 – 5.6 ТeV • Data on jets in uncovered regionxи Q2 • BEC of the like sign gauge bosons (ZZ, W+W+, W-W-) 300fb-1 2012

  27. JINR Physics Tasks: Vector Mesons Femtoscopy Heavy Quarkonia JINR Participation in ALICE: Study of Quark-Gluon Plasma in Pb-Pb; Study of p-p & p-A collisions • Scientific program:Study of QGP and phase transition • particle ratios and Pt spectra (strangeness production, collective flow, jet quenching) • femtoscopic correlations • fluctuations and event structures • direct photons (thermal radiation) • spectroscopy including radiative and leptonic decays (change of the resonanceparameters) • color screening • …..

  28. Networks, computing, computational physics Tiers-1 for JINR ATLAS, CMS, ALICE There will be a special talk by the LIT director V.Ivanov Upgrade of the Dubna – Moscow link up to 10 Gbps in 2007, 40 Gbps in 2010, 100 Gbps in 2015 Increase of the performance of the JINR Central Information and Computing Complex. Further development of the JINR Grid-segment as part of the global WLCG -infrastructure Grid – solution for LHC experiments

  29. HEPWEB: Interfaces to generators Program at HepWeb.jinr.ru FRITIOF Analysis and description of exp. data obtained by VBLHE CASCADE UrQMD HIJING Glauber Cross Sections Reggeon Cross Sections

  30. Electron Positron Collider Physics • In the past - LEP experiment DELPHI • Physics at BES-III experiment starting now special talk at this session by A.S. Zhemchugov • Preparation of ILC physics (including SANC project) and detectors (various R&D) Accelerator part will be covered by G.D. Shirkov

  31. ILC – a unique international project of XXI century with a goal to create new generation accelerator complex: electron-positron collider for extremely high energy 500-1000 GeV • Most ambitious task on ILC: • Origin of the mass (physics of Higgs boson) • Supersymmetry (SUSY particles) • Origin of the dark matter and dark energy (neutralino ?) • Grand Unification (at rather high energies) ILC Global Design Effort (GDE).The ICFA has appointed the directorate of the Global Design Effort (GDE). Academician A. Skrinsky (BINP, Novosibirsk), corresponding member of RAS M.Danilov (ITEP, Moscow) are representing Russia. Corresponding Member of RAS G.Shirkov represents JINR (Dubna). JINR (Dubna) is official candidate for possible ILC hosting on its territory approved by GDE stands in the list with Fermilab (USA), KEK (Japan), CERN (Switzerland, France) and DESY (Germany). Fulfillment of scientific research and design construction works in physics and techniques of accelerators and preparation of proposals for the project of JINR participation in international collaboration on the ILC construction. Collaboration: DESY, INFN, KEK, RAS, BINP,Lebedev Inst.INR RAS, RSC KI, ITEP, IHEP, MSU, …

  32. Neutrino physics • The neutrino masses and the neutrino properties can be determined via: - direct measurement of neutrino mass - neutrinoless nuclear double beta decay - neutrino masses from astrophysics - neutrino oscillations: - Opera at Gran Sasso - Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment - T2K

  33. sin2213 sin2213 (90% C.L.) Goal: 0.01 Run Time (Years) Possible ways to measure θ13 Daya Bay Power Plant (17.4 GW in 2011) T2K off-axis near detector NA61 Experiment at CERN SPS will measure p and K production in the T2K carbon target at 30, 40 and 50 GeV/c incoming proton momentum (needed for the T2K physics goals) Participation of DLNP JINR group (2007-2009) in the framework of existing JINR group in NA61 is planned to perform this analysis

  34. Astroparticle physics TUS space experiment is planned for operation at the Small Space Apparatus (SSA) separated from the main Foton-4 satellite that has to be launched in 2010. Data taking period will be about 3 years to get new data about the energy dependence, composition and anisotropy of CR flux at10^19 – 10^20 eV. (~ GZK cutoff). The TUS experiment is supposed to be as a pathfinder of the new ambitious KLYPVE/JEM-EUSO experiments on ISS. NUCLEON space experimentis in preparation. The design, production and tests of the NUCLEON trigger system is the JINR responsibility. The trigger module consists of two X, Y planes of 16 scintillator strips. The NUCLEON detector will be launched in orbit in 2009-2010..The data taking is supposed to be 5 years to get new data about the energy dependence, composition and anisotropy of CR flux at10^12 – 10^15 eV (“knee” region).

  35. JINR expenses on outside projects Funding in k$ (materials, equip., visits)07/07-09 • Info+Comp+Network170/ 901* • ATLAS423/1479 SM & Beyond • CMS 284/ 955 • NA58/HERMES182/ 420 * Np QCD, Nucleon struct, Rare proc • NA48/H1/OKAPI128/ 375 * • OPERA112/ 330 Neutrino phys & Astrophysics • STAR60/ 269 Relativistic ion physics • CDF+D072/ 216 • ALICE85/ 180 * • DIRAC58/ 174 • Rare Processes53/ 159 • HADES37/ 115 • FAIR-GSI190/ 644* • LHC Damp30/ 110 • ILC Phys+Det168/ 349 * • ILC: Accel part159/459 * --------------- 2202/7135. *incl. 470 k$ JINR-BMBF Projects outside JINR ~30%of JINR budget (~½CERN) inside JINR ~3%

  36. JINR STC(15 May 2007)- Recommendations • In the updated Road Map, balance JINR participation in the international projects realized outsideandinside JINR giving more weight to the latter (e.g. NICA). Stimulate the participation of young scientists in the home projects. • Consider CERN and GSI as basic JINR partners in PP & RNP. Use the participation in the ambitious projects outside JINR for realization of highly competitive scientific goals as well as a way to support high qualification of JINR staff. • Participate only in the most ambitious outside projects. Use essential part of the financial resources to guarantee the effective work within these projects basically in Dubna and thus make the work here attractive for young scientists from JINR member states.

  37. Thank you for your attention!

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