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To insert your company logo on this slide • From the Insert Menu • Select “Picture” • Locate your logo file • Click OK • To resize the logo • Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that appear outside the logo are known as “resize handles.” • Use these to resize the object. • If you hold down the shift key before using the resize handles, you will maintain the proportions of the object you wish to resize. Romania - UNIVERS Presented by: Sergiu Florea
Introduction • National Trade Union Federation of Electricity Workers “Univers” (named shortly Univers or Federation) is an organization that reunites Trade Unions, mainly from the distribution and transport of electricity (but also some producers). • Today Univers has as members 66 TU with approx. 38.000 members. • Our organization is set-up at national level, based on free association of the founding members (trade unions) and is constituted according to the legal principles and stipulations of the ILO Chart, in the view to defend and represent the interests of his members and is a non-political organization.
The members A TU can be a member of Univers in the following conditions: • He has juridical personality, recognized by a court of law; • Has expressed the wiliness to be a member by an application; • Accepts the Statute of the Federation A member is free to withdraw in 30 days from his request. All members have the same rights. The representatives of the TU members have the following rights: • To be elected in any position inside the Federation; • The possibility to participate at all the meetings of the Federation; • To forward proposals and to initiate actions inside the federation; • To use the federation services. The members have the following obligations: • To respect the Statute of the Federation; • To cooperate an to help to achieve the federation objectives; • To pay each quarter the affiliation fee as is established by the Representative's Council; • To participate with representatives at the meetings of the National Congress, Representative's Council and federal Bureau.
Organizational structure • The Federation has the following structure: • The National Congress – long term decisional body • The Representative's Council – leading body of the Federation • The Federal Bureau – the executive body of the Representative's Council
Attributes of the National Congress • Establishment of the strategies and the program of the Federation; • Analyzing the achievements of the previous program; • Decide about the way of sharing the assets in the case of a self-dissolvation of the Federation • Takes decisions in others problems related with the Congress activity; • Decides the dissolvation and reorganization of the federation; • Elects the President of the federation
Attributes of the Representative's Council • Establish the way to accomplish the program adopted by the Congress; • Elects the members of the Federal Bureau (each 4 years); • Establish the composition of the commissions; • Approves the annual and quarterly budget of the Federation; • Initiate an eventually legal action which involves the Federation • Approves the ROF of the Federation (rules of functioning); • Approves the changes and the completions in the Statute; • Decide, with absolute majority, all the union actions, excepting the strike; • Approves the strike with a majority of ¾ from the members.
Attributes of the Federal Bureau • Is the executive body of the federation • Formulates, presents and sustain at all levels the claims f the members • Represents the federation in the relations with the affiliates members, with all the TU organizations from Romania and worldwide, with mass/media, with the administration and with the administrative bodies (executives and legal) • Administrates the budget and the assets of the federation; • Prepares the meeting of the RC and the draft agenda.
Composition and manner of work • National Congress: • Ordinary sessions, each 4 years (last was in November 98) and extraordinary sessions each time is needed; • The convocation is made by the Representative's Council • At the congresses participate the Representative's Council and delegates from the TU members as is follows: 1 delegate for 500 members or fraction of 500 members; • In order that theirs delegates have the right to vote, the TU must fulfill theirs financial obligations regarding the Federation; • The Congress is statutory with 2/3 presents from the total members • The decisions are approved with absolute majority of votes (which can be open or secret) • He elects the President of the federation
Composition and manner of work • Representative's Council: • Is constituted from representatives of the TU members (one for each TU); • It’s activity is represented by ordinary meetings, quarterly and extraordinary meetings, when is needed; • Adopts the draft agenda; • Is statutory constituted with 2/3 from the total number of representatives and his decisions are taken with absolute majority
Composition and manner of work • Federal Bureau: • Is constituted from 9 members, elected amongst the Representative's Council members, with the following structure: • 1 president • 2 vice-presidents • 6 secretary’s • works in monthly meetings • the members are elected for 4 years
Composition and manner of work • The commissions (specialized): • The commissions are working according the decisions of the Representative's Council
The funds and the assets of the Federation • The funds of the Federation consists in: • The affiliation fees of the TU members ( 1% from the minimum national wage –in present 7000 ROL/member – approx. 0,35 USD/member/month); • A part of the salaries of the employees which are not TU members; • Donations and sponsorships from persons/organizations; • Affiliation taxes (100.000 ROL - approx.. 6 USD). This tax is paid once, at the affiliation. • Others incomes. • The assets of the federation is composed from mobile and real estate goods, financial funds and a part of the patrimony of the former TU organization from Socialist Romania. • The TU that withdraw from the federation loose theirs right at the patrimonial assets belonging to the federation.
Reorganization and dissolvation • The federation can be dissolved by the decision of the National Congress, with a majority of ¾ from the delegates. The same percent is required as it concerns the reorganization.
Ways of action • To achieve his objectives the Federation can do: • Negotiations • Conciliation of the collective work conflicts; • Petitions, protests, demonstrations, meetings, strikes and others legal activities; • Notifications at the national and international organizations • Others activities