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2014 Dietary Salt Fact Sheet: Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally

This fact sheet highlights the association between high salt intake and hypertension, and the diseases and health risks associated with it. It also emphasizes the importance of reducing salt intake and provides recommendations for a healthier lifestyle.

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2014 Dietary Salt Fact Sheet: Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally

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  1. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally 2014 Dietary Salt Fact Sheet Based on the article: “2014 Dietary Salt Fact Sheet of the World Hypertension League, International Society of Hypertension, Pan American Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Through Dietary Salt Reduction, the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Population Salt Reduction, and World Action on Salt & Health” by Norm Campbell, Daniel Lackland and Mark Niebylski. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jch.12402/abstract The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  2. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally The Journal of Clinical Hypertension • The Official Journal of the World Hypertension League offers free access which can be signed up for by: • Go to the Journal of Clinical Hypertension Homepage http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1751-7176 • Click on the down arrow next to the Log In/Register Option in the upper right corner of the screen • Choose the register option from the lower left corner of the dropdown box • On the log in page enter your e-mail address—which will become your user name –and select a password, enter your personal information (This information is not shared with outside parties), select promotional information you might like to receive and hit the submit registration button The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  3. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally 2014 Dietary Salt Fact Sheet Supported by: The World Hypertension League, International Society of Hypertension, Pan American Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through Dietary Salt Reduction, WHO Coordinating Center on Population Centre Salt Reduction, and World Action on Salt and Health The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  4. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Diets High in Salt are Associated with: • A High Burden of Premature Death and Disability • High Dietary Salt increases blood pressure in those with and without hypertension • One half of blood pressure related disease occurs in people with higher levels of blood pressure still within the normal range • High dietary salt causes an estimated 30% of hypertension or over 300 million people to have hypertension • Increased blood pressure is a leading preventable risk factor for heart disease (heart attack and heart failure), stroke, kidney failure and premature death. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  5. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Diseases Associated With High Salt Intake: • Gastric Cancer (probably pro carcinogen) and renal cell cancer • Recurrent kidney stones (Causal association) • Osteoporosis • Obesity • Direct renal, vascular and cardiac damage • More frequent and severe asthma attacks • New brain plaques, and more frequent and severe episodes of Multiple Sclerosis *While these are associated with high salt intake they are not necessarily caused by high salt intake The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  6. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Globally People Consume Too Much Salt: • The WHO and WHL recommended daily intake level of salt for healthy adults is less than 5 g (sodium less than 2000 mg) /day and with lower levels in children based on their lower caloric needs. • The average intake of salt per adult globally is 10 g (sodium 4000 mg)/day with higher intakes in Asia. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  7. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally What Causes High Salt Intake: • Salt intake in fully developed economies largely comes from pre-packaged, processed and restaurant foods; in undeveloped economies, the largest source is ‘discretionary’ and added in cooking and at the table; only a small portion (1/10th) is naturally found in food. In developing economies, nutritional transition is increasing the exposure of populations to salt in processed foods. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  8. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Reduction in Dietary Salt Saves Resources: • A reduction in dietary salt saves lives, health care resources and dollars • Reducing dietary salt is one of the most impactful and cost effective mechanisms to improve population health and is considered one of a few ‘best buys’ to prevent chronic disease by the World Health Organization. • The threat to global economy and development posed by non communicable diseases led the United Nations to make 9 targets for prevention and control – reducing dietary salt by 30% was one of the key recommendations. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  9. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally Reduction in Dietary Salt Saves Resources: • Repeated comprehensive critical appraisals of the literature under the auspices of national governments and high profile scientific organizations uniformly conclude that dietary salt needs to be reduced and that high dietary salt causes disease. Only the food and salt industry, their consultants and a few dissenting scientists are in disagreement. The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

  10. WHL & ISH: Dedicated to the Assessment, Prevention, and Control of Hypertension Globally This PowerPoint was created based on the “2014 Dietary Salt Fact Sheet of the World Hypertension League, International Society of Hypertension, Pan American Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through Dietary Salt Reduction, WHO Coordinating Centre on Population Centre Salt Reduction, and World Action on Salt and Health” By Norm R.C. Campbell, Daniel T Lackland, and Mark Niebylski. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jch.12402/abstract This PowerPoint was developed by: Kimbree Redburn and reviewed by Norm Campbell, Alta Schutte, and Rhian Touyz The WHL is a charitable organization comprised of national and regional hypertension societies. The ISH is a charity with individual and society (national and regional) members from over 75 countries.

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