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Socializing – first contact 1

Socializing – first contact 1. Společenský styk – první kontakt 1. Greeting -. pozdrav. Y ou only get one chance to make a first impression. Greeting. Formal greeting towards your boss (or a client):. "Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr Smith.". Reply of your boss:.

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Socializing – first contact 1

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  1. Socializing –first contact 1 Společenský styk – první kontakt 1

  2. Greeting - pozdrav You only get one chance to make a first impression.

  3. Greeting • Formal greeting towards your boss (or a client): • "Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr Smith." • Reply of your boss: • "Hello Peter."

  4. Greeting people you don't know • "Hello" or • "Good morning/afternoon/evening"

  5. Informal Greeting • Two friends meeting: • "Hi,Pete!„ • "Morning / Afternoon / Evening" ( We drop the word 'Good' in informal situations).

  6. Informal Greeting • Followed by general questions: • "How are you?" • or "How's you?" • or "How are things?" • or "How is your day going so far?" • or "How's life?" • or "How's it going?"

  7. Informal Greeting • The reply to this question is normally positive: • "Fine thanks, and you?" • "Fine thanks, what about yourself?" • „Great / Terrific. You?" • „Pretty well. And you?" • "Not bad." • "Can't complain." • „So-so."

  8. "Hey!" "Hi/Hey there!" "Hi guys!" "Hey dude!" "You!" Slang greetings Man to woman: • "Hi beautiful!„ Woman to man: • "Hi handsome!„ Cowboys: • "Howdy"

  9. "What´s up" is an abbreviation of "What are you up to?" "Whussup", "Wuzza", "Sup" Possible answer: "Nothing much. You?" or just tell the person what your doing. Slang greetings

  10. Existuje v ANJ tykání a vykání? • Neexistuje! • Ale • pozdravem, • oslovením, • a formálnosti jazyka se vyjadřuje • respekt a odstup nebo • blízkost a bezprostřednost

  11. Existovalo v ANJ tykání a vykání? • Ve středověké angličtině existovalo: thou – ty ye – Vy thee – tebe/tobě you – Vás/Vám thy/thine – tvé your - Váš • Dnes THOU /ðaʊ/ pouze v • archajických biblických textech • severoanglickém a skotském nářečí

  12. Eye contact Body posture Distance Body gestures Facial gestures Clothing - oční kontakt -držení těla - odstup - gesta - mimika - oblečení Nonverbal communicationNeverbalní komunikace

  13. Nonverbal greeting • Shaking hands

  14. Nonverbal greeting • to nod

  15. Nonverbal greeting • to wave

  16. Nonverbal greeting • to wink

  17. Nonverbal greeting • Backslapping

  18. Nonverbal greeting • To pat on the back

  19. Nonverbal greeting • to hug / give a hug • big hug / bear hug • air hug

  20. Nonverbal greeting • Kiss or peck on the cheek

  21. Nonverbal greeting • Mouth kiss

  22. Nonverbal greeting • to beckon e.g. a taxi / cab

  23. Nonverbal greeting • to high five / to give sb. a high five

  24. Non-verbal greeting • to fold hands

  25. Nonverbal greeting • to bow

  26. Nonverbal greeting • Decide • what is a facial gesture, • what a hand gesture, • what a body gesture. • What would you use to greet • your sibling or close friend, • your boss, • your boyfriend / girlfriend?

  27. men or women? boss or employee? host or guest? Men. Employee. Guest. Ettiquette for greeting • Who greets first: • Who shakes first hands: • men or women? • boss or employee? • host or guest? • Women. • The boss. • The host.

  28. Can cultural differences create communication problems? Yes, they can.

  29. Cultural differences in greeting • Do people in the UK shake as often hands as on the continent? • No. British shake hands when they meet someone for the 1st time. They don‘t do it if they meet them the next day. After a long time – several months or so – they shake hands again.

  30. Cultural differences in greeting • If you meet someone in the corridor, is it impolite to greet them just with a silent nod in the UK? • No. The British tend to nod.

  31. Cultural differences in greeting • Do English speaking equals (e.g. colleagues at work) usually introduce themselves with their surname or their first name? • They usually are on first name terms right from the beginning.

  32. Cultural differences in greeting • Should the title "Dr." be used as a form of address in English? • It is used only for medical doctors.

  33. Motto: Thank you for your attention!

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