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Exp1(CC Group), Lab2. System and Network Administration

EE 505 Electrical Engineering Experiment. Exp1(CC Group), Lab2. System and Network Administration. Chulmin Kim, KAIST CORE Lab. Apr/23/2010. Contents. 1. Objectives. 2. Environment Configuration. 3. Guide for Experiment. 4. Guide for Problems. 5. Summary and Policies.

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Exp1(CC Group), Lab2. System and Network Administration

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  1. EE 505 Electrical Engineering Experiment Exp1(CC Group), Lab2. System and Network Administration Chulmin Kim, KAIST CORE Lab. Apr/23/2010

  2. Contents 1 Objectives 2 Environment Configuration 3 Guide for Experiment 4 Guide for Problems 5 Summary and Policies

  3. Objectives of Lab2 • Many ways to utilize Linux Machine • Making a server for… • Licensed Work (Exp, Tools …) • Web server • File server • DB server and etc… • Mainly…. T.A. job!  (It’s a joke !!) • A Server consists of … • Networking • Storage • CPU Main Concerns of Server Configuration

  4. Objectives of Lab2 • List of your learning from Lab 2 • Authorization • Filesystem • Network & Filesystem • Firewall for Proper Networking • Make

  5. Environment Configuration SSH (Command) Your Instance Machine (a machine with private IP will be given to each team) • How to Access? • Gate Machine : • Id : ee505 pw: 1234 • One machine per each team. (rearrange) • Will be Informed the day before the experiment day. • Backup your work frequently in elsewhere! SSH (Putty) Your Window Computer GateMachine of CCIU Your Instance Machine Your Instance Machine

  6. Environment Configuration • Cautions! • As usual • Don’t reboot or shutdown your machine • Change your root password during your experiment • New Cautions! • Return your machine before leaving the exp room. • Change the password back to 1234 • Remove all your results • The machine is yours only during the experiment • I hope you to take snapshots for the main-report at that time. • Of course, I can help you when you request your machine for the report, later.

  7. Guide For the Experiment • Overview • Actually, this experiment is for 1 week course. • However, System and Network Administration? • Huge Area • Lots of people take this as their job. (admin of web server, data center, IST of each company or association.) • We are just tasting a part of it.

  8. Guide For the Experiment • Authorization (권한) User 1 User 2 User 3 Normal User “Power Overwhelming” Limited Operations Superuser Root Admin A Machine Ex. Passwd command of normal users always require current password. Ex. Passwd command of root does not require current password.

  9. Guide For the Experiment • Filesystem/Storage When a User stores.. A Machine Storages

  10. Guide For the Experiment • Filesystem/Storage When a User load.. How can you know where the Yuna Kim’s show video is among large space of storages? Filesystem : Manages storages logically, systematically and efficiently Mkfs – make infrastructure in storage for the filesystem Mount – declare the storage using the certain filesystem. Filesystems A Machine Storages

  11. Guide For the Experiment • Network Filesystem • NFS (Linux), CIFS (Windows) • Def : Possible to do File Operations (read, write, create, delete …) over the Network • Linux Filesystem Structure and NFS <Mount Local Filesystem> <Mount Network Filesystem> TCP/IP Network File system Filesystem Other machine TCP/IP

  12. Guide For the Experiment • Firewall Configuration • In Data Communication • IP and PORT should be specified for the source and destination. • The simplest ways to block illegal access to the machine, • Blocking specific Ports and/or IP • Allowing specific Ports and/or IP • Additionally, • Application Proxy • Circuit Gateway • These methods will not be considered in our experiment.

  13. Guide For the Experiment • Make Utility • Consider it as extension of Shell Script • It means you should learn the usage yourself! • It’s just an utility. Get several tips and methods from the material. • Basic Concepts • Compile or Install Lots of sources simply and automatically. • Usually, the compile commands have similar sentence. • Remove identical part using shell script • Ex. Linux Kernel Source Compiling • Source size -> about 500MB, lots of files • Needed command for compiling -> make (only 1 word with 4 characters!)

  14. Guide For the Problems 3.3, 3.5 • 3.3, Firewall • Sometimes, wrong iptable rule makes your machine not accessible. • Change rule2 . Port number 22 -> 21 • Add a new rule that open port number 22(ssh) for all ip. • 3.5, NFS,FTP + Firewall • If you following the material faithfully, it will be the easiest problem. • Before typing iptables, think once again! • Your machine can block you who cannot touch the machine physically. -> Say goodbye to the machine.

  15. Guide For the Problems 3.4 • 3.4 CGI + Web server + Shell Command • Sorry for Sudden Attack of CGI • BUT, it is EASY! (I provide a source code, partially blind.) • In the pre-report, you got some information about it. • You configure your web server in your machine. • Write a html code using CGI • ‘chmod +s /sbin/iptables’ in your machine (SUID Setting) • Access the html, and check the result

  16. Guide For the Problems 3.4 • 3.4 CGI + Web server + Shell Command • Example Result

  17. Policies of Lab2 • Pre-report • Already submitted,, right? • Demonstration • Range : all of Lab2 -> Contents of 1st week + 2nd week of Lab2 • Main-Report • 1 per each group • Due Date : 5/7, 11:59PM • Page Limit : 10 pages (except figures, tables) • Both Hard Copy(not decided yet) and Soft Copy(cmkim@core.kaist.ac.kr) • Grading Policy -> Same with Lab1

  18. Thank you! ENJY your EXP.

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