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Learn MATLAB basics for statistical computing, from variables and matrices to flow control and functions. Develop your skills for data analysis and visualization.
Statistical Computing in MATLAB AMS597 Spring 2011 Hao Han April 05, 2011
Introduction to MATLAB • The name MATLAB stands for MATrixLABoratory. • Typical uses include: • Math and computation • Algorithm development • Data acquisition • Modeling, simulation, and prototyping • Data analysis, exploration, and visualization • Scientific and engineering graphics • Application development, including graphical user interface (GUI) building • We will focus on the statistical computing in MATLAB.
Desktop Tools &Development Environment • Workspace Browser – View and make changes to the contents of the workspace. • Command Windows – Run MATLAB statements (commands). • Hotkey: Ctrl+c -> break while the status is busy • M-file Editor – Creating, Editing, Debugging and Running Files.
MATLAB Variables • Variable names are case sensitive. Variable names must start with a letter and can be followed by digits and underscores. • MATLAB does not require any type of declarations or dimension statements. When it encounters a new variable name, it automatically creates the variable and allocates the appropriate amount of storage. For example: New_student = 25; To view the matrix assigned to any variable, simply enter the variable name. • Special Variables: • pi value of π • eps smallest incremental number • inf infinity • NaN not a number • realmin the smallest usable positive real number • realmax the largest usable positive real number
MATLAB Matrices • MATLAB treats all variables as rectangular matrices. • Separate the elements of a row with blanks or commas. • Use a semicolon ‘;’ to indicate the end of each row. • Surround the entire list of elements with square brackets ‘[ ]’. Claim a scalar: x = 2; Claim a row vector: r = [1 2 3] r = [1,2,3] Claim a column vector: c = [1;2;3] c = [1 2 3]’ Claim a matrix: a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] a = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Subscripts: the element in row i and column j of A is denoted by A(i,j). a(3,2)=8 or a(6)=8
Matrix Manipulations • The Colon Operator: 1:5 is a row vector containing integers from 1 to 5. To obtain non-unit spacing, specify an increment. For example, 100:-7:50 • Extracting a sub-matrix: Sub_matrix = matrix(r1:r2,c1:c2); sub_a= a(2:3,1:2) sub_a= 4 5 7 8 • Replication: b = [1 2; 3 4]; b_rep= repmat(b,1,2) b_rep= 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 • Concatenation: c = ones(2,2); c_cat= [c 2*c; 3*c 4*c] c_cat= 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 c_cat= cat(DIM,A,B); • Deleting rows or columns: c_cat(:,2)=[];
Structures and Cell Arrays Structure Cell Array • Way of organizing related data • Create a structure, s, with fields, x, y, and name s.y= 1; s.x = [1 1]; s.name = 'foo'; % or equivalenty s2 = struct('y',1,'x',[1 1],'name','foo'); • Test for equality: % works for any s1, s2 isequal(s1,s2); • Cell arrays can have entries of arbitrary datatype % create 3 by 2 cell array a = cell(3,2); a{1,1} = 1; a{3,1} = 'hello'; a{2,2} = randn(100,100); • Using cell arrays with other datatypescan be tricky % create 2 by 1 cell array a = {[1 2], 3}; y = a{1}; % y is 1 by 2 numeric array ycell =a(1); % is 1 by 1 cell array x = y+1; % allowed xcell = ycell+1; % not allowed onetwothree = [a{1:2}]; % = [1 2 3]
MATLAB Operators • Relational operators: • Less than < • Less than or Equal <= • Great than or Equal >= • Equal to == • Not equal to ~= • Logical operators: • not ~ % highest precedence • and & % equal precedence with or • or | % equal precedence with and • Matrix computations: + - * / ^ A’; % transpose A \ b; % returns x s.t. A*x=b A / b; % returns x s.t.x*A=b • Element wise operators:
MATLAB Functions • MATLAB provides a large number of standard elementary mathematical functions, including abs, sqrt, exp, and sin. • For a list of the elementary mathematical functions, type: help elfun • For a list of more advanced mathematical and matrix functions: helpspecfun helpelmat • Seek help for MATLAB function references, type: helpsomefun or more detailed docsomefun
Flow Control (‘if’ statement) • The general form of the ‘if’ statement is if expression … elseifexpression … else … end • Example 1: if i == j a(i,j) = 2; elseifi >= j a(i,j) = 1; else a(i,j) = 0; end • Example 2: if (common>60)&&(area>60) pass = 1; end
Flow Control (‘switch’ statement) • switchSwitchamong several cases based on expression • The general form of the switchstatement is: switch switch_expr case case_expr1 … case case_expr2 … otherwise … end • Example : x = 2, y = 3; switch x case x==y disp('x and y are equal'); case x>y disp('x is greater than y'); otherwise disp('x is less than y'); end % x is less than y
Flow Control (‘for’ loop) • for Repeat statements a specificnumber of times • The general form of a for statement is for variable=expression … … end • Example 1: for x = 0:0.05:1 fprintf('%3.2f\n',x); end • Example 2: a = zeros(3,4); for i = 1:3 for j = 1:4 a(i,j) = 1/(i+j); end end
Flow Control (‘while’ loop) • while Repeat statements anindefinitenumber of times • The general form of a whilestatement is while expression … … end • Example 1: n = 1; y = zeros(1,10); while n <= 10 y(n) = 2*n/(n+1); n = n+1; end • Example 2: x = 1; while x %execute statements end
Flow Control (‘break’ statement) • breakterminates the execution of for and while loops • In nested loops, break terminates from the innermost loop only • Example: y = 3; for x = 1:10 fprintf('%d\n',x); if (x>y) break; end end % Question: what is the output?
Graphics: 2-D plot • Basic commands: • Example 1 [plot(vector)]: plot(x,'s') plot(x,y,'s') plot(x1, y1,'s1', x2,y2,'s2', …) title('…') xlabel('…') ylabel('…') legend('…','…') x=0:pi/10:2*pi; x=[sin(x)' cos(x)']; figure; plot(x)
Graphics: 2-D plot (cont’d) • Example 2: • Example 3 [plot(vector,matrix)]: x = 0:0.01:2*pi; y = sin(x); z= cos(x); hold on; plot(x,y, 'b'); plot(x,z,'g'); hold off; t=(0:pi/50:2*pi)'; k=0.4:0.1:1; Y=cos(t)*k; plot(t,Y)
Graphics: 2-D plot (cont’d) • plot(x1, y1,’s1’, x2,y2,’s2’, …) t=(0:pi/100:pi)'; y1=sin(t)*[1,-1]; y2=sin(t).*sin(9*t); t3=pi*(0:9)/9; y3=sin(t3).*sin(9*t3); plot(t,y1,'r:',t,y2,'b',t3,y3,'bo') axis([0,pi,-1,1]) • Linetype- : -- -. • Colorb g r c m y k w • Markertype. + * ^ < > v d h o p s x plot(t,y1,'.r',t,y2, 'b+',t3,y3,'ob:')
Subplots >> subplot(2,2,1) >> … >> subplot(2,2,2) >> … >> subplot(2,2,3) >> … >> subplot(2,2,4) >> …
Graphics: 3-D plot • plot3(x,y,z) t=(0:0.02:2)*pi;x=sin(t);y=cos(t);z=cos(2*t); plot3(x,y,z,'b-',x,y,z,'bd'); view([-82,58]); box on; legend('Chain','Gemstone')
Basic Data Analysis • Import/Export data: • Use the system import wizard File -> import data -> find and open files -> finish • Use commands as follows: 1. help load &help save 2. help xlsread&help xlswrite % Reading into a text file fid = fopen(‘filename.txt’,‘r’); X = fscanf(fid,‘%5d’); % or fread fclose(fid); % Writing onto a text file fid = fopen(‘filename.txt’,‘w’); count = fwrite(fid,x); % or fprintf fclose(fid); • Scatter plot • Statistics Toolbox: help stats
Data Preprocessing • Missing values: You should remove NaNsfrom the data before performing statistical computations. • Removing outliers: You can remove outliers or misplaced data points from a data set in much the same manner as NaNs. • Calculate the mean and standard deviation from the data set. • Get the column of points that lies outside the 3*std. (3σ-rule) • Remove these points
Regression and Curve Fitting • The easiest way to find estimated regression coefficients efficiently is by using the MATLAB backslash operator. • Note that we should avoid matrix inversion (from slow to fast…): % Fit X*b=Y xx = x’*x; xy=x’*y; tic; bhat1 = (xx)ˆ(−1)*xy; toc; tic; bhat2 = inv(xx)*xy; toc; tic; bhat3 = xx \ xy; toc; • Other waysuse build-in functions: regress() or glmfit() • Multiple linear regression model: y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + … • Example: Suppose you measure a quantity y at several values of time t. t=[0 .3 .8 1.1 1.6 2.3]'; y=[0.5 0.82 1.14 1.25 1.35 1.40]'; plot(t,y,'o') grid on
Regression Example (cont’d) • Polynomial regression: • There are six equations in three unknowns, represented by the 6-by-3 matrix X = [ones(size(t)) t t.^2] • The solution is found with the backslash operator. a = X\y a =0.53180.9191-0.2387 • Now evaluate the model at regularly spaced points and overlay the original data in a plot. T=(0:0.1:2.5)'; Y=[ones(size(T)) T T.^2]*a; plot(T,Y,'-',t,y,'o') grid on
Regression Example (cont’d) • Linear-in-the-parameters regression, e.g. exponential function: X = [ones(size(t)) exp(-t) t.*exp(-t)]; a = X\y a = 0.1018 0.4844 -0.2847 T=(0:0.1:2.5)'; Y=[ones(size(T)) exp(-T) T.*exp(-T)]*a; plot(T,Y,'-',t,y,'o') grid on