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Relationships – Creation Ecology Quiz

Relationships – Creation Ecology Quiz. Ecology – How gentle are we with God’s creation http://www.myfootprint.org. Imagining faith = living faith. Petrified imagination – in stone Fuzzy critical – change only for the sake of change Paschal – dying and rising living hearts not stony hearts

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Relationships – Creation Ecology Quiz

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  1. Relationships – CreationEcology Quiz • Ecology – How gentle are we with God’s creation • http://www.myfootprint.org

  2. Imagining faith = living faith • Petrified imagination – in stone • Fuzzy critical – change only for the sake of change • Paschal – dying and rising living hearts not stony hearts Ronald Rolheiser OMI “Come & See” Inquiry

  3. Western (Latin) FathersSt. Augustine - Original SinSt. Anselm - Doctrine of Atonement Dominican Tradition Thomas Aquinas Sin & atonement centered Spirituality of Addition work at worthiness and earn salvation No sin– no Jesus Primary Catholic Theology Leo XIII - 1879 Juridical – Path of Ascent

  4. Spirituality of Ascent/Addition Path of Ascent • Performance based - individual piety aimed at earning worthiness & salvation • Steeped in sin language - atone for sin, guilt, penance • Laws, Rules Commandments, rituals, devotions aimed at me and God – e.g. Lectio Divina • Asks the Wrong questions –who is right - who is wrong

  5. Cappodocians – Greek Fathers Athanasius Basil the Great Gregory of Nyssa Gregory Nazianzus Western (Latin) FathersSt. Augustine -- Original SinSt. AnselmDoctrine of Atonement Dominican Tradition Thomas Aquinas Sin & atonement centered Jesus as expiation for sin work at worthiness Performance based Primary Catholic Theology Pope Leo XIII -1879 Juridical – Path of Ascent Franciscan Tradition Francis & Clare Bonaventure & Scotus Love-centered Jesus - blueprint of creation Only God is worthy Love & gift based Alternate Catholic Theology relational - Path of Descent

  6. Spirituality of Descent (St Francis) Ascent Path - Descent Jesus & the Gospels are 2nd Half of life teaching/witness • Not based on earning anything, but on powerlessness • not individualized, based on being in community • based on relationships • institutional evil/structural sin • unearned worthiness/giftedness • different questions ( equitable distribution ) wants/needs stewardship of creation

  7. The Foundation of Franciscan Spirituality • Incarnation • Humility & Poverty of God • Jesus is the reason for all creation • Path of Littleness [descent] • creatureliness & dependance Mutual & reciprocal relationships God -- Each Other -- Creation

  8. Francis describes how to approach creation – - as Family • Brother Sun • Sister Moon and Stars • Brothers Wind and Air • Sister Water • Brother Fire • Sister Earth How/Why to “transform” – Clare’s insight based on her letters to Agnes

  9. Clare of Assisi - “Chiara” = Bright one • Born 1194 into noble family - Offreduccio • Receives tonsure from Francis approx 1212 at age 18 w/approval of Bishop Guido • Later joined by her sister Catherine they settled into the convent at San Damiano • Clare’s Rule bonded them to Francis’ evangelical life – became the “Poor Ladies”

  10. Clare’s Spirituality • Though monastic, her spirituality is not the classic monastic path of ascent, or transcending the material [inferior & evil] to achieve spiritual perfection [superior & holy] – Escape from nature • Based on her journey w/Francis. Clare emphasizes Incarnation as starting point of spirituality, goodness of creation and God cannot be found apart from the world – immersed in nature

  11. Clare of Assisi • Jesus reveals the totality of Love and the heights we can aspire to. • Heaven is not a place, but a relationship of Love • Everything that exists is dependent on and uniquely loved and called into relationship

  12. Poverty & Humility • Poverty is the approach to God, not a poverty of want/need, but embracing our humanity and realizing our absolute dependence on God and each other • Humility [vulnerability] – allows us to enter relationship and to accept relationship from others • Doors to transformation

  13. Tran-SFO-rmation • No human imperfection outweighs God’s love and embrace – we are uniquely loved just for being who we are. • Relationship defines the us and our dignity • Body of Christ = our willingness to change from self-importance/aggrandizement in order to become the living face of Christ to our world i.e. enflesh God and become an image of God

  14. Image of God • Not have power of authority over others but to serve • Image of God = being relational • To love • To feel, laugh, cry, suffer &/or enjoy the other • Ultimately to lay down one’s life -- to make the others need more important then self

  15. What do you see in a mirror?What service does a Mirror provide? What do you see in the Cross? What do you see in the Mirror of the Cross? What image is reflected there?

  16. Mirror of the Cross – Clare’s Transforming tool • Cross is love made visible • Mirror of Perfection [the Cross] • Inward image • Outward reflected image • Christian life is about visible presence • Eucharist is not a private dinner to refresh our souls or feed our personal piety, it is the body and blood of Christ combining with our body and blood and becoming real in the world.

  17. Read Scripture – orally savor the words of the text, taste and see Meditate on the story – actively imagine yourself as a person in the story Pray – allow the Scripture raise a voice within to pray – thanksgiving, praise even supplication Contemplate – sit in quiet, allow God the space to speak to you – draw you into a deeper union, relationship, and escape the world. Gaze on Him = visually embrace the crucified Christ Consider Him = how do I participate in His life – loving, forgiving & healing Contemplate Him = to move beyond ourselves and allow ourselves to be transformed to imitate Imitate Him = become that which we love in reality & action. Leads us to see God in all creation & invites our participation Lectio vs MirrorMe/God -vs- Image of

  18. Why?Clare’s Spirituality is Eucharistic Spirituality • The Mirror of Perfection is to draw us into seeing in the face of Jesus our own face and to help transform us into the hands and feet of Jesus walking in the world today. • It is to see the love of God in everything and everyone and in turn to become the love of God given for others - Eucharist

  19. Summary 7 Steps of Franciscan Spirituality God is absolute love, being and creativity. Creation is dependent upon God to exist. God has freely chosen Incarnation (becoming fully human) before the human choice for sin. Christmas is of primary importance to us. Christ is the perfect image of who God is for creation. Every creature is unique, gifted, and living in relationship. Nothing humans have the ability to do has the capacity to make God do something. Mercy, forgiveness and justification are God's actions. Brother Joe Schwab, OFMExecutive Director, Franciscan Renewal Center

  20. How gentle is our relationship with God’s Creation? • Scores http://www.myfootprint.org • 14 42 70 • 11A 19A 45A • 2.6p 4.2p 10p • USA Average is 24A • Earth has 4.5A/person of producing acreage

  21. Gazing exercise • Gaze at Him • Consider Him • Contemplate Him • Imitate Him • And in this mirror find your true self in a long loving look at the divine

  22. Gaze

  23. Consider

  24. Contemplate

  25. Imitate – Become what you Love, allowing Jesus to embrace you

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