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Chapter 28 Vocabulary “Quintus ad Graeciam navigat”

Chapter 28 Vocabulary “Quintus ad Graeciam navigat”. David Langenmayr. VERB. crēscō, crēscere, crēvī = I grow, increase (crescendo, increase, decrease, crescent). (www.thegreenhead.com). VERB. edō, ēsse, ēdī = I eat (edible, edibility). (www. cleanplateclubnyc.com). VERB.

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Chapter 28 Vocabulary “Quintus ad Graeciam navigat”

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  1. Chapter 28 Vocabulary“Quintus ad Graeciam navigat” David Langenmayr

  2. VERB crēscō, crēscere, crēvī = I grow, increase (crescendo, increase, decrease, crescent) (www.thegreenhead.com)

  3. VERB edō, ēsse, ēdī = I eat (edible, edibility) (www. cleanplateclubnyc.com)

  4. VERB solvō, solvere, solvī = I loose, untie, cast off (solve, solvent, soluble, solubility) (www.depauw.edu)

  5. NOUN lūna, ae, F. = moon (lunar, sol-lunar, lunacy, loony) (www.higp.hawaii.edu)

  6. NOUN argentum, -ī, N. = silver, money (argent, argentine, argentite, argental) (www.splitsecond.com)

  7. NOUN nūbēs, nūbis, F. = cloud (nimbus, nebulae, nebular) (www.wonderbackgrounds.com)

  8. NOUN viātor, viātōris, M. = traveller (voyage, voyager, viaduct, via) (www.cartoonstock.com)

  9. ADJECTIVE dexter, a, um = right (ambidexterity, dexterity, dextral, dextral) (www. content.answers.com)

  10. ADJECTIVE sinster, sinistra, sinistrum = left (sinister, sinisterly, ministered, ambisinister) (www.nibs.com)

  11. ADJECTIVE reliquus, -a, -um = remaining (relinquish, reliquary, relinquishment, relinquished) (www.allamericanscoreboards.com)

  12. ADJECTIVE Vīvus, -a, -um = alive living (vivacious, vivacity, vivify, vivid) (www.risoftsystems.com)

  13. ADVERB Inde = thence, from there (index, induce, indent, indo) (www.ciota.ac.uk)

  14. ADVERB Cum prīmum = as soon as (premier, primacy, primal, prime) (www.nyrr.org)

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