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BLOGGER.COM. Create an account using your school email address. Log into your school e-mail, click on MORE at the top. Select blogger Once in blogger, sign in. A page will appear w/2 choices, select the one on the right. LIMITED
BLOGGER.COM Create an account using your school email address. Log into your school e-mail, click on MORE at the top. Select blogger Once in blogger, sign in. A page will appear w/2 choices, select the one on the right. LIMITED Name your blog : First and last Name then Technology Portfolio or Tech Record or ….
BLOG CON’T • 4. Pick an URL that you will remember!! • 5. May need phone to confirm account. They will text you a confirmation # • 6. Pick a theme that fits your personality.
WARNING!!! • This is a school account and should be used for this class ONLY. Remember what gets put on the web is not easily removed. Keep this a professional, school appropriate, and this class only blog. • If you have an existing blogger account, you may use same account, but start a new blog to be used for this class.
FINAL EXAM • This blog will be a record of your work in this class. This blog will also be your final exam/project. Be sure to include all that is asked for (a rubric will be provided), keep it up to date, and have all the entries done on time for the completion date.
FORM ON Web Site for Mr. ODonnell When you are done creating your blog: • Copy the URL of the main page of your blog (not the dashboard, not a post….). This should end in blogspot.com • Go to digital photo 2 web page. H/S>Staff>Teachers>ODonnell • Halfway down on the left, click on blog form. Fill it out completely.
Blog Form • Be sure to fill out form completely and paste the URL copy into the address part of the form. • MUST END IN blogspot.com. If it ends in something other than that, it is wrong. • Remember to keep this blog up to date, school appropriate, and in proper order. • THIS IS YOUR FINAL EXAM/PROJECT!
DEMO • Watch demo carefully. Take notes if needed, and use your school account. • Name the blog • Use an URL you will remember • Pick a theme that fits you. • Conventions of writing!! Do not type like you are texting. It counts towards your grade.
Getting Started • Do Not Create any more blogs. From now on you will post every thing you do. Each post will build up on the earlier post to form your blog. • Directions for each post are located by going to the Web site and clicking on the Design and Engineering Portfolio link
FIRST POST • This post should include: • Title: Introduction Post , Name • A picture of you • School year, year you graduate/grade you are in, and any related tech classes you have. • Technological quote!! • A short paragraph about you. Interest, skills, work, family, sports, future….. (Pics)
POST 2, WHAT IS TECH • Include the definition of Technology • List and describe areas of technology • Go to the web page (sartoritechnology.com) and click on the rubric to get rest of details for this post
Final Post for Intro to Tech Title: Class Reflections. * This post should have a few paragraphs with some thought out reflections about the class. * Have a paragraph about your favorite project and why. What project could we improve on?
Final Post (Con’t) • Changes to class that you would recommend. More projects, less paperwork. More structure to the class… • Include pictures to help support. Can refer to earlier post… . * Conclusion: What have I learned (or improved on). Talk about problem solving, critical thinking, design process…