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The Eightfold Path, a central teaching in Buddhism, is divided into the Threefold Way: Meditation, Morality, and Wisdom. These sections encompass practices such as Right View, Intention, and Action, guiding thoughts to actions. Through examples, understand moral actions, skillful actions, and training the mind to see reality. Delve into the folds of Intention, Speech, Action, and Livelihood, exploring right intentions, speech features, moral action categories, and aspects of right livelihood. Discover challenges "lay" Buddhists may face in following the path, relating to normal life distractions.
The Eightfold path is divided in to three sections, which are known as the Threefold Way asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfas Meditation Morality Wisdom
Wisdom (Prajna) View Intention Right These all link thoughts to actions. We use the wisdom we have gained throughout our life to guide our actions. Think of an example for each of above.
Morality (Sila) Action Livelihood Speech Right For each of these there is no one right way of doing things. Moral actions are also those which are skilful and skilful actions means that one thing might be right for one person, but wrong for another. Think of an example for each of above.
Meditation (Samadhi) Right Mindfulness Concentration Effort These involve training your mind to see the reality of things. If you are ignorant, then this can lead to immoral actions. Think of an example for each of above.
We are now going to look at 4 folds of the Eightfold path, in-depth. Intention Speech Action Livelihood
Right Intention There are three kinds of right intention. • The intention of resist desire • The intention to show goodwill • The intention to act on that goodwill
Right Speech There are four features of right speech You stupid *&^%£ idiot. Why don’t you just @?~%$!* and die • To avoid false speech • To avoid using words as weapons • To avoid hurtful words • To avoid gossip and pointless chatter
Right Action There are three categories of right action • To avoid harming living things • To avoid taking what is not given • Avoid sexual misconduct Do these remind you of anything?
Right Livelihood These are some of the areas you need to avoid to have right livelihood. • Avoid working in weapons • Avoid buying and selling living things • Avoid working in the meat industry • Avoid working with poisons and intoxicants
Question What difficulties might a “lay” Buddhist have, following the eightfold path? 8 Marks Tip: Use 4 of the folds and describe how normal life might lead them astray from the path.