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Shi Huangdi

Shi Huangdi. The First Emperor. His Childhood. His real name was Ying Zheng ( Shi Huangdi means first emperor) He was born in 259BC in a town called Handan and died in 210BC His father was the prince of Qin and his mother was a concubine of a wealthy merchant called Lu Buwei

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Shi Huangdi

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  1. Shi Huangdi The First Emperor

  2. His Childhood • His real name was Ying Zheng ( Shi Huangdi means first emperor) • He was born in 259BC in a town called Handan and died in 210BC • His father was the prince of Qin and his mother was a concubine of a wealthy merchant called Lu Buwei • He became the emperor when he was 13, but his rule was under the shadow of his uncle Lu Buwei until he was 21 when he staged a palace coup

  3. Child hood continued • Shi Huangdi had a tough childhood. This was probably why he was so cruel in his later life. Most of it was spent in the Zhao province as his father had been exiled from Qin. But thanks to his uncle his family was able to move back to Qin

  4. His Achievements • Shi Huangdi firstly abolished the Feudal system and set up counties and townships. He then moved the royals to the city and put yes men in their place. • He made highways from all the provinces and cities • He united all the provinces and standardized everything : A standard writing system, money system, education and a standard language system. He even standardized the cart axel size

  5. Achievements Continued • He rebuilt the old walls and connected them all to form the Great Wall of China • He pioneered the Chinese legal system • He built his mausoleum which included the Terracotta Army, each solider had different facial figures • His goal was to be remembered as the greatest man ( or god ) in all history.

  6. His Dark Side • Shi Huangdi burdened the people of China with endless tasks like: The Great Wall • His Mausoleum • The Highways • He was very cruel • he had extremely sever laws e.g. If a man killed another he would be hung, his family hung, his friends hung and his house raised to the ground • He ruled by fear

  7. His Death Shi huangdi died in 210BC. It is thought that he died because of his quest to be immortal. He always had men working on the Immortality Pill. These pills usually had poisonous substances such as Mercury and it is thought that his death was the effect of the pills

  8. Bibliography Beijing No.4 High School ( 22/9/08 ) http://library.thinkquest.org/23295/media/bmpic/qshe.htm Coppermine Photo Gallery ( 25/9/08 ) http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/albums/userpics/35408/normal_forbidden-city.jpg Lukas Czarnecki Xian ( 25/9/08 ) http://www.hpwt.de/China/Terrakotta.jpg Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor ( 22/9/08 ) http://www.warriortours.com/cityguides/xian/mausoleum_qinshihuang/ Qin Shi Huang ( 259-210BC ) (23/9/08) http://www.china-travel-golden-route.com/qin_shi_huang.html

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