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Innovations in Research

Innovations in Research. Rosalyn McKeown University of Tennessee. UNESCO-UNU R&D Workshop. Setting the Stage for a Strategic Research Agenda for the UNDESD Paris: 20 – 22 February 2006 30 ESD researchers from around the world

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Innovations in Research

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  1. Innovations in Research Rosalyn McKeown University of Tennessee

  2. UNESCO-UNU R&D Workshop • Setting the Stage for a Strategic Research Agenda for the UNDESD • Paris: 20 – 22 February 2006 • 30 ESD researchers from around the world • Invitations balanced environment, society, economic and geographic regions • UNU & UNESCO Staff • Discuss research as a foundation for the UNDESD

  3. Objectives • Initiating the process for the development of “Guidelines for the Creation of National Research Agendas: to support the UNDESD” • Initiating processes for the compilation of existing research agendas related to ESD and key research networks • Listing proposed activities (e.g., conferences, publications, identification of sustainable funding sources) to support the research component of the UNDESD

  4. Discussions • What is the state of research on ESD issues? What are the challenges? • What are the priorities – by country, by region, and/or at the international level? • What are partnerships or mechanisms of public-private funding for sustainability to support ESD research?

  5. Discussions cont. • What are ways and means through which UNESCO and UN partner agencies can: a) strengthen and support national research agendas for the UNDESD, and b) propose innovative partnerships or mechanisms through public-private funding for sustainability? • What are next steps in building a research component for the UNDESD?

  6. Major Themes from Discussions • Research is needed in many areas: • Clarifying the concepts (What are ESD and ESD research?) • Raising awareness • Analysis of policy • Analysis of curriculum • Methods for building capacity to do research related to ESD • Evaluation of practices to identify good practices and the eventual development of case studies. • Learning

  7. Major Themes from Discussions cont. • Many types of research contribute to ESD. The educational community needs to think beyond the research literature and data that we commonly use and tap other sources such as business. • Because ESD is broad reaching and concerns nonformal, informal, and formal education over a lifespan, it gives the research community the mandate to address populations that have been previously neglected, such as children not enrolled in school.

  8. Major Themes from Discussions cont. • ESD has an underlying dimension of culture. The cultural, and at times multicultural, context must be considered in all ESD research initiative. • Bridging the researcher—policy maker—practitioner gap is essential for the success of the UNDESD. • We need partnerships, especially internationally so that we can build on the work and progress of others. We no not need to begin anew.

  9. Major Themes from Discussions cont. • Research is needed in all four thrusts of ESD.

  10. What are the ESD research priorities for African universities?

  11. Contact information Rosalyn McKeown mckeowni@utk.edu

  12. Extra Slides

  13. Recommendations for Moving Ahead 1 Create a template or process for creating national research agendas. 2 Mobilize National Commissions to support UNDESD activities including research. 3 Hold a forum for ESD searchers and funders to meet at global, regional, and national levels. 4 Organize a conference at mid-point in the Decade (2009) for researchers to share their work with all different stakeholders.

  14. Recommendations for Moving Ahead cont. 5 Find ways to bridge the researcher-practitioner gap so that practitioners use research to inform their practice and the wisdom of practitioners is documented to inform research. 6 Analyze projects like Planet 2025 for strategies and competencies. 7 Document valuable practitioner research.

  15. Recommendations for Moving Ahead cont. 8 Create a “how to” series of publications for ESD advocacy for selected audiences and a how to publication for practitioner researchers. • Create model (e.g., diagram or illustration) of UNDESD research that includes the levels, layers, impacts and priorities. • Appoint a taskforce to help develop the ideas presented by the group into viable and fundable projects.

  16. My Optimism • Research foundation for DESD is wise. • UNESCO already acting on recommendations. • UNESCO encouraging nations to create research agendas. • Such agendas focus efforts and funding to important efforts of inquiry. • Universities, such as those in MESA can lead the way in creating and implementing research agendas.

  17. R&D workshop report will be available In hard copy and on the WWW. Through ESD section of UNESCO. Check UNESCO DESD Web site.

  18. Note The discussions of the R&D workshop were rich in depth, nuance, and complexity. I could not do the discussions justice in this short presentation. Please read the report and attachments.

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