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Explore successful university involvement programs, volunteer engagement strategies, and communication initiatives. Learn how to recruit Communication Coordinators and boost partnerships.
Partnership & CommunicationReport University Involvement Communication Coordinators Dave Weaving
University Involvement • 3 Very Successful Programs in three of our districts • Many students involved for more than one year • Retired volunteers love having the students involved • Primer for getting involved is on the NY3 Website • At your request, the PCS/PVS will get personally involved with colleges in your area: • Contacting/visiting the school • Providing testimonials from other colleges/universities • Note: YouTube video of the Plattsburg program viewable at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUd9gYxEfFA
Communication Coordinator Position • This a defined Tax-Aide Position • Full Position Description is in One Support • General Responsibilities: • Develops a plan for communicating the ‘volunteer opportunities’ message to prospective volunteers • Develops a plan for client outreach – communicating the free tax preparation service to potential clients • Works, often with the help of others, to implement these plans • Resources are available to help with these tasks: • NY3 PCS; NY3 Web Site • Extensive information/materials on OneSupport • Previous plans executed by the district & by other districts
How are we doing in NY3? • Six of our 12 Districts have Communications Coordinators • 4 of these CCs are also Tax Counselors; 2 are not TCs • Goal: 10 of 12 districts to have communication coordinators by this time next year
How Do I Find a Communications Coordinator? • Look over your current set of TCs and CFs • Is there someone who has been particularly helpful in recruiting volunteers and getting the message out to potential clients • You can ask them if they’d like to be the District CC; or • If you feel they might be reluctant, ease them into the role by just first asking them to work together with you as you handle the communications job • Recruit a new volunteer • Remember: this is a job that can be done by someone who has no interest in doing taxes • As you go through your recruiting season, you should be recruiting for all of your volunteer roles: TC, CF, IT, Administrative support, Communications support • Is there a spouse of a Tax Counselor (or a friend) who has good communication skills and an interest in the program – poll your current volunteers to see if they know of someone
Communication Coordinator - Other Notes • This job does not have to be done by one person • Might be a small team • Could be one person for communication to prospective volunteers and a different person for client outreach • The NY3 PCS (Partnership & Communication Specialist) can work directly with these CC’s to focus on communication • The DCs won’t be out of the loop – they’ll just have less on their plate!