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Version pregation. ParabLE juDGE iniquITOUS. 1- GOD USED WHOEVER
Version pregation ParabLEjuDGEiniquITOUS
1- GOD USED WHOEVER In hora that quer como quer quando quer Godofformthat quer onde quer and us no temos nevertheseewiththis is ele that quer us somos the barro he is the oleiro senhor!! Becausehe no i ele is soberano my brother existem things vindas ofGodthat no entendemos sole temos that aceitar for thisthat se God start used crente here i say is sole given vaso!! Fica in brecha!!
2-ALL IS DELE untilbecausethe work is dele thepower is dele the unção is dele thegifts are dele usedthelitlllegodusedthe big godusedthe branco usedthe preto godusedthe alto usedthe baixo god gosta de usar the pequeno, he usou davi sl89;20 1co1;27 in start all is litlle jó8;7 ma god too usedthe big como paulo ensinado the pés de gamaliel assim como lucas
3-INTRODUCTION Lucas, namegreekthatmeans; “onewho” bringsthe light, Godusedonemanmanycapable to instructthechurchaboutdoingsoflifof Jesus offormconfidentofform concreta the book oflucas us show some parableamongshelucas 18-known as theparableofjudgeunjustorjudgeiniquitousorofwidowinopportuneofwidowpersistentthis is a parableofmasterthe more counterofparablethisparable se resemblesthe a otherparabletheparableoffriendimpportuno
4-THE THAT IS A PARABLE? thethat is parable? Is a figure oflanguageonegenderliterary, a comparation, a analogy, a ilustration, is a narrative short that, upontheemploymentoffigurativelanguage, transmits a content moral, “is therefore” erroneouslyconfusedwith a fable. se caracterizam por serem de certa forma curtas e objetivas.
5-THINGS PHYSICAL EXPLAIN THE SPIRITUAIS Jesus whenpreachede, whenteach, heusedthethingsphísical to explainthe spiritual, whenhewasbetweenthe pescadores hesaidthe king ofsky is semelhante the uns pescadores that lançando thehis networks madecertainjesusspeak to nicodemos “verily I “say unto” thatnobodysee king ofheavenif no “bebornagain” nicodemosaskswithcanthemanbeingold “bebornagain”? thethatjesusrespliedif i lhe speakofthingsearthlyand do notunderstandlike “shallyebelieve” ifyouspeakofthingsspirituais?
thethatjesusrespliedif i lhe speakofthingsearthlyand do notunderstandlike “shallyebelieve” ifyouspeakofthingsspirituais? 6- Finalidade ofparable Theparable chamava atentionandWas a formof transmitir themenssagewith more facilidade the a folk no many letrado whenhewas in midlleoffishermenhesaidthe king ofgod is similar theonefishermenthatcastingthetheir networks.... he no preachededifficuiltlike some preachersoftodayheusedlanguageofépochthecultureofépochspeakof a form simples butthatallunderstandthewordofGod is simples theman is that complica
7-CHARACTERS MAIN in parabletwocharactersmain; thejudgeunjustoandthewidowtheadversary is apenas mencionado thejudgerepresentsthe parte more strongofsocietythepostthatoccupieddemonstratedthat age someonemanyimportantthewidowrepresentthepart more fragile, more weak, without resources
8-TOPIC MAIN Thisparable us alguns temas Godjustjudge, oração perseverança Thetopicmainthisparable is; oration, This gospel has more referências theprayofthattheother gospel, thattypeofpray? Becausethebiblespeakofpray in set, pray in particular, in book ofjobprayofintercessionwhats? Is praypersevering, praycontinuadethe motivo of bigs derrotas ofmany cristãos is justamente the perseverança
9-A DUTY In lc 18;1 thebible us speakof a dutythethat is duty, duty is a obrigationduty is a goal, duty is a mission, is onetargetthebefollowed is a forgetthebeconquered. Thattudy is this? Is thetudyofprayalways, and “not to faint” theexpressionprayalwaysindicatessomethingcontinuinglackingwhereaboutslackingfaintwithoutdiscouragethis me recall thewordsofmaster in world youwillhavedistressbuttendsgoodcheer i wonthe world
10-THE THAT IS PRAY? nossa oração, muitas vezes, é pedido de ajuda numa necessidade. E é normal para o homem, porque temos necessidade de ajuda, temos necessidade dos outros, temos necessidade de Deus. Assim, é normal pedir alguma coisa a Deus, buscar a ajuda Dele; e devemos lembrar que a oração que o Senhor nos ensinou, o “Pai Nosso”, é uma oração de pedido but... Pray no is sole pedir pray is aprender the se relacionar withGod
11-PROBLEM OF WIDOW Thatwidowtinea some difficulties some obstaclesthatpreventedthehisblessing First-she age womanand “backthen” thewoman no tineatheright, thepositionsthathastoday Second-she age widowand a widowbackthen age someonehelpless Third-shewassuffering a big injustice for oneadversarythat no is revealed in textand to worsenthethingsthejudgeof city age unjust
12-FEAR OF LORD andhe start sayng; had a cidade certain juiz, thatnortheGodfeared, norrespectedman no existpeolethatnotafraidtheGodbutafraidtheman, no afraidtheGodbutafraidthejudgetheadvocatethedeputy, thisjudge no afraidortheGodnorman some i quero acreditar thatthisjudge era a people iracunda sem paz no heartbecausethebiblesaid in sl128;1; with is feliz that... Because? 1cor2;9
13-THE REJECTION Thatwidowwashavewithoutthejudgesayng; make me justice aboutmyadversáry, agora imagine thefrustações!! Imagine you ir in hospital and no be atendida God sabe!!imagine you ir atrasofone emprego and receber one não you fica desanimado And for many time “didnotwant”; thebiblesaidthat for many time
14-THE IMPOSSIBILITY The gospel oflucasalredywithone big milagre in chapter 1 v5 saysthat existia one sacerdote chamado zacariasandthenameofhiswoman age isabel v7-and no tinha sons, porquanto isabel age estéril, and ambos age avançados in idade no verse 13-the anjo said; zacarias, no temas, becausethe tua orationwas ouvida, andisabel, tua mulher, te dará the light onesonTheeyehuman age impossibleberesolvedthe cause daquela viuva se she recebesse one conselho na época the conselho seria desiste! You no will conseguir!! And in veritytheeyehuman lc1;37to God nada is impossivel
when Jesus said to the jovem thedicipulos perguntaram quem poderá salvar-se Jesus respondeu thethat impossível themans is possível theGodwhenjesusspeakoffaithhesaid se tiverdes faith como one grão de mostarda direis thethis monte passa daqui to acolá and nada vos será impossível
15-THE OPTION Existmoment in lifthatwehavethathaveattitudetakedecision As escolhas que fazemos na vida dependem das opções que temos Há momentos na vida em que somos confrontados por situações em que (segundo tudo indica) temos de fazer uma escolha e tomar uma decisão. Em situações assim, não nos é ofertada a opção da continuidade: ou seguimos por um lado, ou pelo outro. thiswidow sole tineatwooptionthefirt age desist, washhands, andthesecond “goahead”, fight persevere
16-THE INSISTÊNCIA então shealltheday estava thepertubarthat juiz but depois said entre si; ainda that no temo theGod, nem respeito man algum, todavia, withthis viúva me molesta, hei de make justiça, to that no venha and importune many.
17-OUR ANSIEDADE De fato existem muitas coisas que podem nos preocupar. Problemas familiares: o que será dos nossos filhos? o que acontecerá se eu perder o emprego – manythings no leva the preocupações but no podemos nos esquecer ofwordsofjesus “não andeis ansiosos” endliketheourfaith ás vezes prayngtodayalredy queremos receber amanhã bem cedo she precisou of vários encontros withthatjudge to thathe viesse resolver ipd5;7 lançando aboutheallthe vossa ansiedade becausehe tem cuidado of vós
18-THE CONTRAST WITH GOD Andsaidthelord; hearthethatsaystheunjustjudge. AndGod no will do justice thehischosen, that “cry to him” ofdayandofnight, yetthat late to withhe? 8- “I tellyou” thatquicklyyouwill justice thejudgeunjustmade justice “as more” Godthat is just
19-CADÊ THE FAITH? Many tem losethefaith for tantas things, tem desanimado pararam ofprayand in number cada vez more * 1tm4;1 (2 Timóteo 3:1,4-5) 2tm4;3
20-WHO IF HUBLE ARE EXALTADO LC18;14 Thatwidowifhumble cada vez that age ia untilthatjudgewasifhumblebut in endwas exaltada lá ifwillone conselho of parte ofGod quer exaltação ofGod te humblethatbiblesaid se themyfolk se humilhar and orar and se converter of seus maus caminhos i the ouvirei ofskyand sararei thehisearth2cr7;14
21-GOD IS JUDGE AND JUST Recall too thatGod is judge gn18;25 abraãospeaknot do justice o judge?With a differencethatjudge age unjust2tm4;8 fromnow, the “crownof justice” me is saved, thatthelord, justjudge, me givethatdayand for cause this justice he no tem the culpado for inocente he is tão justthatrm2;16 há of julgar the segredos ofmans
22-JUDGE OF ALL EARTH He is judgewithonedetailjudgeofallearth Abraham completednot do justice thejudgeofalltheearth? Sl94;2 “thou” judge of the earthhe no juiz sole ofisrael is ofallearth is juiz of áfrica, américa, antarctica, ásia, oceania, europaheit´shereheit´s ali is thesameGod
23-JUDGE OF HELPLESS in epochbewidow age leaveofbepeoplenotserved to manything age desprezada tgsaidreligiontrue is careofwidownormallythewomanwaswidowwithvary sons age thepeople more helplessof world Sl68;5judge ofwidow is godis33;22because thelord is theourjudge; thelord is theourlegislator
24-JUDGE JUDGE .the função of juiz is make justice O juiz põe fim á causa dando uma sentença, ei quem sabe God no põe thisdayendthe tua cause dando-te a setençaone juiz manda prender and manda soltar Sl75;7but God is thejudge; theoneslaughtering, andtheotherexaltsonejudgehecondemnsandheecquit 28 of junho cultofintegrationsamethingof ter preachin sede