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KUPS – General Assembly Warszawa 27th-28th April 2006. FRAPP (Fruit Risk Assessment Project for Pesticides) Dr. Peter Rinke Technical Manager SGF/IRMA Sophie Moitrier Project Assistant SGF/IRMA. SGF I NTERNATIONAL E .V., S ure - G lobal - F air www.sgf.org. Introduction FRAPP-Initiative
KUPS – General AssemblyWarszawa 27th-28th April 2006 FRAPP(Fruit Risk Assessment Project for Pesticides)Dr. Peter RinkeTechnical Manager SGF/IRMASophie MoitrierProject Assistant SGF/IRMA SGF INTERNATIONALE.V.,Sure - Global - Fair www.sgf.org
Introduction FRAPP-Initiative SGF/FRAPP Questionnaire Analytical Pilot Documentation Pilot Actual Status • Introduction FRAPP-Initiative • SGF/FRAPP Questionnaire • Analytical Pilot • Documentation Pilot • Actual Status
SGF - Food Safety Concept X NO C O N T R O L Laboratory Z B S D H F G E I J K Y M NO R QxP C T L VW N O A Screening method Individual method Individual method Specific Screening Development
Improved Risk Management Laboratories Specific analytics Computer application Pesticides application database Computer application & Organisation in plant Systematic Documentation
About 300 audited plants worldwide in approx. 50 countries
Objective of treatment / disease Producer of the applied product X Product name(brand name) X Active substances Date of application / state of vegetation / state of disease Applied amount Frequency, application per year Waiting time, date of harvest Remarks
Principle of the FRAPP-database Criteria of selection 1) fruit 2) country / region Output list of relevant pesticides (= risk matrix)
SGF - Food Safety Concept ? ? ? ? ? X NO C O N T R O L Z B S D H F G E I J K Y M NO R QxP C T L VW N O A Screening method Individual method Specific Screening Development
Improved Risk Management (Increase of analyt. efficiency + reduction of analyt. costs) Consumer Protection Dismantle Trade Barriers (Code of Pesticides Practice) Main Targets of FRAPP
Introduction FRAPP-Initiative SGF/FRAPP Questionnaire Analytical Pilot Documentation Pilot Actual Status
FRAPP - Pesticides Questionnaire 2005> 60% replies Europe 113 plants 88 replies from 12 countries North America 19 plants 5 replies from 2 countries Asia 61 plants 37 replies from 8 countries Central- and South-America 90 plants 45 replies from 8 countries Africa 23 plants 15 replies from 3 countries
FRAPP - Pesticides Questionnaire 2005 Share of corresponding answers
FRAPP - Pesticides Questionnaire 2005 Type of documentation:
FRAPP - Pesticides Questionnaire 2005 Documentation available about …
Introduction FRAPP-Initiative SGF/FRAPP Questionnaire Analytical Pilot Documentation Pilot Actual Status
Introduction FRAPP-Initiative SGF/FRAPP Questionnaire Analytical Pilot Documentation Pilot Actual Status
Information Transfer from Farmer to FRAPP Database F F F F F F F F F F F F Data Trustee Data Trustee Data Trustee FRAPP – Database F F F F F F F F F F F F
Synergies with „Farm-to-Fork“ traceability Farmer Fruit and regional specific risk matrix Pesticides Information Cooperative / Fruit Trader Fruit Processor = SGF/IRMA-Member FRAPP Secondary Process Trade Consumer
Introduction FRAPP-Initiative SGF/FRAPP Questionnaire Analytical Pilot Documentation Pilot Actual Status
Implementing Provisions for the Voluntary Control System Status 2005 (Extract) 2.1 …. Documentation of Pesticides and Growth Regulators - Companies processing fruit, fruit mash and vegetables require information from their pre-suppliers with regard to the plant, fruit and vegetable treatment agents (pre- and post-harvesting treatments) used in fruit and vegetable cultivation and/or storage. This information must be documented. The documentation duty particularly applies to pesticides, including herbicides and growth regulators. ….
FRAPP Action Schedule Food Safety Working Group: FRAPP- Concept Questionnaire Co-operation partners: Data transmission experts Pest. data base experts Analytical Pilot Documentation Pilot Today Manual data entries in basic software and/or Automatic data entries and data transfer IRMA inspector involvement Workshops, training, dissemination Collection of data Global Pesticides Register & Code of Pesticides Practice & Target analyses Pesticides Documentation become IRMA certification requirement.