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Radial Category Networks: Some Examples

Radial Category Networks: Some Examples. Laura A. Janda laura.janda @ uit.no. Radial Categories in grammar. Russian prefix raz - Czech dative case North Saami postposition čađa. Distribution of so-called “ empty ” prefixes. Russian has: 1429 simplex verbs

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Radial Category Networks: Some Examples

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  1. Radial Category Networks: SomeExamples Laura A. Janda laura.janda@uit.no

  2. Radial Categories in grammar • Russian prefixraz- • Czechdative case • North Saamipostpositiončađa

  3. Distribution of so-called “empty” prefixes • Russian has: • 1429 simplex verbs • thatform 1981 Natural Perfectives • using 16 prefixes

  4. The schematic idea of raz-: APART, as in RAZojtis’ ‘walk in different directions’ John Cleese in the Monty Python sketch “Ministry of silly walks”

  5. 7. UN- SP (38) razgruzit’‘unload’ 1. APART SP (38) raspilit’‘saw apart’ NP (22) razgryzt’‘gnaw apart’ 2. CRUSH SP (7) rastoptat’‘trample’ NP (5) razdavit’‘crush’ 5. SOFTEN / DISSOLVE SP (7) rastvorit’sja ‘dissolve’ NP (6) rastajat’‘melt’ 4. SWELL SP (3) razdut’‘inflate’ NP (9) raspuxnut’‘swell’ 3. SPREAD SP (30) raskatat’ ‘roll out’ NP (17) razvetvit’sja ‘branch out’ 6. EXCITEMENT SP (29) raskalit’‘make red-hot’ NP (16) razgorjačit’‘heat up, irritate’ Russian RAZ-: Radial Category

  6. The CzechDative Case Schematicidea: A Dativeentity is a potentialsubject, capableof a further action D

  7. The CzechDative Case: Three Major Nodes Dative: a receiver (Indirect Object, etc.) D Dative: an experiencer (Benefit, Harm, etc.) Dative: a competitor (Matched Forces, Submission, etc.) D D

  8. Radial CategoriesWithinthe Radial CategoryDative: a receiver Giving messages: vyprávět ‘narrate’, kondolovat‘expresscondolences’ Giving:dát ‘give’, poslat‘send’, objasnit‘explain’ Taking: vzít‘take’, ukrást‘steal’ Giving self:představit se ‘introduce oneself’, věnovat se ‘devoteoneself’ Taking self: utéci‘run away’, chybět‘be lacking’

  9. Radial CategoriesWithinthe Radial CategoryDative: an experiencer Age, environment, emotions, need: Kolikjevám let ‘howoldareyou’, je mi zima‘I feelcold’, jenámlíto‘Wefeelsorry’, je ti to třeba‘do youneedthat’ Benefit:prospět‘benefit’, slušet‘suit’ Harm:ublížit‘harm’, vadit‘bother’ Possession:umýt si ruce‘washone’s hands’, zlomit si nohu‘break one’sleg’

  10. Radial CategoriesWithinthe Radial CategoryDative: a competitor Submission: podrobit se ‘submit to’, pokořit se ‘surrender’ Matched Forces:podobat se ‘be similar’, rovnat se ‘be equal’ Domination: vládnout‘govern’, vévodit‘rule over’

  11. North Saamipostpositiončađa ‘through’

  12. North Saamipostpositiončađa ‘through’ Means: GirjjisáhtátdiŋgotDavviGirjio.s.čađa‘Youcan order the book throughDavviGirjio.s.’ Metaphorical motion: Son lea jođihanohppiidálgooahppokurssačađa‘He had led the students throughtheintroductorycourse’ Motion:viehkaliivuovddečađa‘he ran throughtheforest’ Fictive motion: E6-bálggis mannásuohkanaguovddášosiidčađa‘The E-6 highwaygoesthroughcentral parts ofthemunicipality’ Extent: bálggisvuovddečađa‘a paththroughthewoods’ Time:Luohti lea rievdanolluáiggiidčađa‘The joik has changed a lot throughtime’ Metonymic time:guhkesmusihkkabihtáidčađa‘throughthelongmusicalpieces’

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