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allude. Connotation: Neutral Etymology: L. alludere "to joke, jest," from ad- "to" and ludere "to play" Lit. term “allusion” – author makes reference to another work, person, art work, song, etc. clairvoyant. Connotation: Neutral Etymology:
allude Connotation: Neutral Etymology: L.alludere"tojoke,jest,"fromad-"to"andludere"toplay" Lit. term “allusion” – author makes reference to another work, person, art work, song, etc.
clairvoyant Connotation: Neutral Etymology: Fr. clairvoyant "seeing clearly" (13c.), from source of clair (see clear) + voyant "seeing," from L. videre "to see"
Connotation: Neutral Etymology: L.L. conclusivus, from conclus-, pp. stem of concludere "to shut up, enclose" conclusive Conclusive evidence of water on Mars
disreputable Connotation: Negative Etymology: 1772, from disrepute + -able. L. reputāre to think over, from re- + putāre to think
endemic Connotation: Neutral Etymology: 1662, from Gk. endemos "native," from en- "in" + demos "people, district"
exemplary Connotation: Positive Etymology: L. exemplaris "that serves as an example," from exemplum "example."
fathom Connotation: Neutral Etymology: OldEnglishfæthm span of outstretched arms; cognate with German Faden six-foot measure
guile Connotation: Negative Etymology: ME < OF < Ger; akin to wile “trickery”
integrity Connotation: Positive Etymology: L. integritatem (nom. integritas) "soundness, wholeness," from integer "whole"
itinerary Connotation: Neutral Etymology: mid-15c., "route of travel," from L.L. itinerarium "account of a journey"
misconstrue Connotation: Negative Etymology: late 14c., from mis-+ construe Latin construere to put together, build, equivalent to con- + struere to pile up, arrange, perhaps akin to sternere to spread, strew
obnoxious Connotation: Negative Etymology: L. obnoxiosus "hurtful, injurious," from obnoxius "subject to harm," from ob "to, toward" + noxa "injury, hurt, damage entailing liability"
placate Connotation: Positive Etymology: L. placatus, pp. of placare "to calm, appease," akin to placēre to please
placid Connotation: Positive Etymology: L. placidus "pleasing, gentle," from placere "to please"
reparation Connotation: Positive Etymology: L.L. reparationem (nom. reparatio) "act of repairing, restoration," from L. reparatus, pp. of reparare "restore"
potent Connotation: Positive Etymology: L. potentem (nom. potens) "powerful," prp. of *potere "be powerful," from potis "powerful, able, capable"
pretext Connotation: Negative Etymology: L. prætexere "to disguise, cover," from præ- "in front" + texere "to weave"
protrude Connotation: Neutral Etymology: L. pro- "forward" + trudere "to thrust"
stark Connotation: Negative Etymology: Old English stearc stiff, firm; cognate with German stark strong
superficial Connotation: Negative Etymology: L.superficialis "of or pertaining to the surface," from superficies "surface," from super "above, over" + facies "form, face"