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Dredging and Disposal of Industrially Polluted sediments from a Partially Reclaimed River – The Kishon River Case . Uri Mingelgrin Amos Ullmann Institute of Soils ,water and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Engineering Volcani Center, ARO T el Aviv University
Dredging and Disposal of Industrially Polluted sediments from a Partially Reclaimed River – The Kishon River Case Uri Mingelgrin Amos Ullmann Institute of Soils ,water and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Engineering Volcani Center, ARO T el Aviv University Bet Dagan, Israel Tel Aviv, Israel
Port and River Sediments are indeed a resource. • At the simplest, a source of sand and other earth material in infrastructure – marine and land. • After salt removal - growth medium for commercial forest (phytoremediation) • and than crops - industrial • and than general.
The application used for the planned dredging of the Kishon River sediments is a creation of a hill to be used as a public park.
The Kishon River flows from the West Bank through the valley of Jezrael to the Mediterranean Sea along 70 km. At its mouth is the Kishon Port which is adjacent to the Haifa Port.
The Kishon River is mentioned in the bible as a site of the victory over the king of the Canaanites with the participation of the prophetess Deborah.
The river in its lower part and its tributaries (e.g., Gdura) served for many years as a sink for effluent of heavy industry (refineries and related plants)
The River is managed by two authorities: The Kishon River authority (lower 25 km) and The Kishon Drainage Authority. • The first deals with reclamation • the other with flood and drainage control. • The River Authority restored life to the river and established a few • parks including the • Fishermen Wharf Park.
In the winter of 1991-1992 the river flooded a few times and caused damage to structures around it. Dredging took place in the next few years.
During 1993-1999, about 250,000 m3 of polluted sediments were dredged from the Kishon river, some of which (120,000 m3) are still in ponds near the river (the rest which was less contaminated was dried and dumped in landfills).
The dredged sediments were dumped in shallow ponds on the river banks, on land under the jurisdiction of the Israeli Port Authority. Dredging stopped when dumping sites became full. Attempts to use dredged sediments (e.g., as clay substitute in cement production) were stopped due to (unproven) environmental concerns (e.g., dioxin emission originating from TPH).
The plan was approved by the Israeli government and will cost 220 million Israeli Shekel (about 44 million Euro) 55% of which to be funded by industry.
Dredging is required at the lower part of the river which leads to the port and serves as the port’s backyard in order to avoid flooding (Last winter flooding occurred).
Although much less pollution flows into the river, the sediments (especially the deeper ones) are likely to be polluted by TPH and metals
About 400,000 m3 of sediments will be dredged from the Kishon River. The dredged material, together with 120,000 m3 of the polluted sediments dredged in the 90s, will go through treatment for pollution reduction until it is safe to reuse in an artificial mound.
The sediments will be dredged from the river along its lower 7 km to an average depth of 2.5 m below the current sediment level. .
Dewatering the slurry to 40% solids. The supernatant will be treated before being returned to the river. (2) Sand will not be separated from the sediments which include ~60% clay, since the sand will help dewatering.
(3) Mixing the sediment with bulking agents (straw, bark or shredded green cuttings) to compose a pile amenable for aerobic biological treatment. (4) Mixing of the sediments with nutrients before the biological treatment.
“The supernatant will most likely contain high concentrations of TSS and ammonia(?) and might also contain heavy metals, phosphates and dissolved nitrogen. If needed, the supernatant will be treated before it is returned to the river by precipitation along with chemical treatment and sand filtration.”
Biological treatment The sediments will be piled in 3 meters high piles and treated by a negative pressure vacuum system (suction). Pollutants in the sediments will be degraded by microorganisms under optimal conditions:
(1) The piles will be aerated. (2) Sufficient nutrients, including phosphate and nitrogen will be added. (3) Compost might be added to increase biological activity. (4) An optimal temperature will be maintained. (5) An optimal moisture content will be maintained.
“Air pumped through the bio-piles might contain volatiles, the release of which to the environment must be prevented. Hence, the air will be separated and treated. The collected water will be transferred to the supernatant treatment plant or used for irrigating the bio-piles. The air will be passed through an activated carbon or a biological filter.”
“After the 40 days of remediation, the bio-treated sediments will be pilled for secondary treatment (curing) in a large pile, 9 m high, that will serve as a public park, 5 years after completion of the pile’s construction. A layer of 1 m top soil will be put on top of the piled sediment and a HDPE sheet at its bottom.”
What about trace elements? What about drainage and salinization?
Membrane impervious t o water passes air Bio - filter Irrigation and water circulation system Separation of air and water Clean air Pumping of air+water Leachates Sealing to prevent infiltration Microorganisms Detergents nutrients Air Water
Elemental composition of Kishon sediments and selected sludges