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DAISY CENTRE/SCHOOL Welcome to a place full of hope. Short description of DAISY CENTER/SCHOOL in Bukura , Kenya. The beginning….
The beginning… • The school was started in January 2013 byCarolyneAshiono. She draws most of her inspiration from her grandmother who took care of her during her childhood. Carolyne studied in the U.S. andcame back to her homelandbecauseofthedesiretoservechildrenfrompoorfamiliesbygivingthem a profoundeducationandequippingthemwithlifeskillesforhaving an independentliving. • The mottooftheschoolis „Invest in Education“
Direct Support: • School sponsorshipforonechild = 10 Euro/month www.obulala-bukura.de/kinder-daisy-school.html • SponsorshipOrphanage/School = 35 Euro/month • One extra meal per day = 4 €/month • Emergency pott = whateveryoucangive • Special donation = howmuchyouwant
So far … • The schoolhasprogressedvery well. Whatstartedwith a fewtemporaryironsheetmadeclasses, hasdevelopedwithin just oneyearto a centrewithsixclasses (Baby Class to Class Five) with 250 childrenbynow. • The schoolemploysnineteachersandsixhelpers. • The school has power supply, a bore-hole that supplies water, runs and manages a vegetable farm, two dairy cows and some chicken to aid its food security. • Through a donationfrom Cindy Gardner (a cancervictim) who lost her lifeearlythisyear, thecentrehas a bigorphanagefacility.
Our plans to go on… Carolyne, Patoipa Intern. NGO and Patoipa e.V. havepartneredtocomeupwith a strategic plan forthecentre. The strategic plan isdividedintothreecategories: • Short termgoals – savingtheachievments • Middletermgoals – to pass on theway • Long termgoals – thinkingbigahead
Short term goals - saving the achievments The short term intervention aims are to ensure that the daily running of the school happens efficiently Donationsareusedfirstof all: • To help pay the tuition fee and to ensure that the school feeding program for the children continues • Secureness: Fencingtheschoolareal • Toconfiguretheschoolwithbooksandteachingmaterials • To ensure that teachers‘ and assistents‘skills are of the right quality and keep the school environment comfortable for all the children
Middle term goals - to pass on the way Ourmiddletermgoalsareto pass on thewayandtodevelopthemstepbystep in a waythatallowseconomicalindependencewithinthenextthreeyears. Therearefourmiddletermgoals • Keepingtheachievmentandimprovingthehighqualityofeducation. Wehopethatfamilieswith a higherlivingstandardjoinus, so thatthesocialbalance in theareaissupportedatthe same time • Improvingthefoodmaintenancebyusingagriculturalfields an effectiveway, e.g. byinstalling an irrigationsystem, building a greenhouseorpoultryfarming • Opening a library in a separate buildingthatcouldbeusedasinformationcentreforthesociety • Improvementoftheschoolbuildingsandcircumctances
Long termgoals – thinkingbigahead In the long term view, we allowed ourselves to wing hope and go for the dreams of these children without loosing our roots. • structuringof a vocationalschool (Polytechnic) forthe childrenwhocannotjoin a highschool • teachingprogramforparents (alphabetization, health elucidationand so on). • Buyinglandforincreasingtheagriculturalactivities • Setting up a schoollibraryforcreating a real informationcentreforthecommunityforhaving a regularexchangebetweenexpertsandinhabitantsofthecommunity
DAISY CENTRE AND SCHOOL- A PLACE OF HOPE What you can do for changing hope to reality
Short term goals - Saving the achievments • Coveringtherunningcosts • Secureness • Toconfiguretheschoolwithbooksandteachingmaterials • Advancededucationoftheteachersandassistants
Covering the running costs • Electricity: Bringing light in the life of those children, means as well to support with the costs of electricity in the school and orphanage so that electrical lamps instead of paraffin lamps, that impair the eyes, can be used . The monthlyelectricity bill fortheschool: 6000 kes = about 50 EUR
Coveringtherunningcosts :The children of the school recieve one pott of porridge during the breaks, three times a week and one warm meal every day, mostly rice or maize with beans. • lunch250 childrenconsume 75 kg ofrice per weekand 40 kg ofbeans. 50 kg ofricecosts 2950-3150 KES. 20 kg ofbeanscosts 5000 KES. Total costsapprox. 1 10.100 KES = 85 EUR monthly costs for lunch - 250 children 40.400 KES = 340 EUR • Porridge (cereals and sugar)monthly costs for porridge - 250 children: 6000 KES = 50 EUR. • Milk Many parents cannot afford milk for their children. We have the joy to offer some milk to them by using our own cows. But the cows create costs too: costs for cows per months 9500 KES = 80 EUR • We want to offer fresh fruits to the kids . One fruit costs about 5 KES. Costsfor 1 x fruits per weekfor 250 children: 1250 KES = 10 EURCostsfor 2 x vruits per weekfor 250 children: 2500 KES = 20 EURCostsfor 1 x fruits per weekforonewholemonths: 5000 KES = 40 EUR
SAVING the achievments – our children during lunch time and on the schoolyard
Perimeter fence/Security wall Who wantstolearn, needs a save background. Becausethereisnoperimeter wall aroundtheschool, thecenterisexposedtovandalismandburglary. Thisaffectsthelearning. In December 2013, thievestriedtogointotheschool but fortunatelly a securitymenblewwhistels. A perimeter wall aroundthewholeareaof 120 m x 160 m wouldbeuseful. Becausethereis not enoughmoneyatsight, we just plan a fence plus theplantingofbushesandtreesnextto it. Every Euro givenforthissecurityproject, ismuchappreciated.
School booksandteaching material The centerhas a hugechallengewithacquiringtextbooksfor an efficientservingof all thechildrenandensuringqualityeducation. 600 copiesof different syllabusbooksandgeneralreadingbooksareneeded. Childrenusethebookstogether; thebooksbelongtotheschool. Depending on the subject, one book costs between 250 and 600 KES (= 2 till 5 EUR) Using an averagepriceof 350 KES per copy 600 copiescost 210.000 KES = 1.763 EUR It‘s also possible to just support single books or little packages. Everyone is happy for getting books outside of the normal study range as well, because a book can open the view to a new world.
Advancededucationforteachers Being a rural setup, helpingteacherstoaccesslatestinformationandtechniquesofhandlingchildrenis not a matter ofcourse but will beverybeneficialto all thechildren. Internal trainingworkshopsfortheteachers, seminarsandfacilitationofinformationexchangebetweentheteachersatthecentreandelsewhere in theworld will ensurethatchildrenarereceivinguptodateknowledge Costsforfirstadvancededucationcoursesforteachers • Organising a twodayworkshopwith a qualifiedlecturerduringvacation: 30. 000 KES = 252 EUR • Participationof an educationistduring a Child Protection Seminar: (depending on the place): 3.000 – 10.000 KES = 25–90 EUR
What is it all about… … apart fromthefactthatyouget a donationreceiptandtheknowledgeofhavingdonesomethingreallygood… Itis all aboutchancesforeveryonewhoisinvolved. From the bottom of our heart, we are grateful for everybody who gives financial support or helps with know how, giving the children and teenagers a true opportunity to live a life of independency. On a regularbasis, Patoipa e.V. boardmembersorsponsorsvisittheprojects. Patoipa International NGO monitorsit all. This NGO iscarriedby well educatedyoungKenyans. Manyofthemareorphansthemselvesandfinishedtheirstudiesunderhardestcircumstances. These peopleknowfromtheirveryownexperiencehowimportantsponsorhipsare, andtheygivetheir all tomakesurethatthedonationsareusedtherightway. Welearnfromeachotherdaybyday.
PATOIPA Intern.NGO in Kenya is our partner organization in Kenya. Thosemembersaccompanyourprojects, carefor real transparencyandtrust. Based on agreementswithus, theyvisittheschoolsonce in a whileas well an unexpectedway www. patoipa.com
CONTACT in Germany Our donation account (with contribution receipt) PATOIPA e. V. Sparkasse Celle Konto 914 29 134 BLZ 257 500 01 IBAN: DE26 257500010091429134 BIC: NOLADE21CEL http://patoipa.de Thank you very much!