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PRESSURE POINTS – Mudras Type of yoga and work same principle of acupressure and acupuncture. Stimulating pressure using your fingers and thumbs Hands and feet are mirrors of the body. Hence treatment via reflexology.
PRESSURE POINTS – Mudras Type of yoga and work same principle of acupressure and acupuncture. Stimulating pressure using your fingers and thumbs Hands and feet are mirrors of the body. Hence treatment via reflexology. Mudra work quickly – part of body relating to the pressure point show improvement quickly. Can be done whilst Walking, sitting and standing
PRESSURE POINTS - Mudras GYAN MUDRA – improves concentration – relaxation, memory power, nerves within brain- stronger, removes insomnia/stress Gently press tip of thumb and index finger, keeping the remainingthree Straight.
SURYA MUDRA – balancing body, reduces weight, increases heat in the body for digestion. Reduces cholesterol. Cures diabetes and liver problems Keep tip of ring finger at root of the thumb and press with the thumb PRESSURE POINTS - Mudras APANA MUDRA – Heart related, makes body stronger. During heart attack provides relief. Releases gas, relieves headaches, asthma/BP. Perform before climbing stairs – 5mins Press tips mid 2 fingers & thumb
PRESSURE POINTS - Mudras PRANA MUDRA –Cures/improves eyesight, makes body stronger. Enhances body’s immunity to disease, removes deficiency of vitamins and remove's fatigue. Press the tips of the little finger, ring finger and thumb. Keep the two remaining fingers straight.
Human cells have polarity e.g North & South. Blood cells get disturbed due to excessive electric equipment releases ions creates imbalance of polarity. Achieves alignment of blood cells by using magnets. MAGNETIC THERAPY
AYURVEDA – Indian Herbal Medicine –non toxic medicine Works by achieving balance of 3 humours, imbalance of these cause disease in body Vayu-Wind, Pitta-Heat Bile, Kalpha-Mucus Acidic foods and indigestion create Pitta Foods like banana’s and milk create Kalpha Foods not digest well create Vayu Angry, agitated person will develop imbalance of Pitta and feel restless Brooding, dweller type of person will develop imbalance of Kalpha and expel mucus. Tearful person who cry's a lot will develop imbalance of Vayu and will feel tired a lot.
AYURVEDA – Indian Herbal Medicine Ayurveda uses food values to achieve the balance of these 3 humours. Turmeric – Wonder spice. Antibiotic properties, detoxify liver, cholesterol levels, allergies, stimulate digestion , boost immunity - antioxidant. Dementia Nutmeg – Sweet and warm. Aids sleep naturally, stimulates digestion and appetite. Dried Ginger – Warming. Aids digestion, pacify stomach disorders, maintains respiratory. Ajwain– Alleviates gas/discomfort assists with functioning of kidneys. Fennel – Cooling. Digestion and freshening breathe
AYURVEDA – treating common ailments Cold Lemon & ginger &warm water, 3 times day. Pinch of rock salt on tip of tongue and drink glass of warm water. Equal parts of basil, sandalwood and peppermint 2-3 tsps of water, bring to boil and drink 3* day. Coughs– Hot milk with turmeric and rock salt. Sore throat – 500ml water boiled for 2 minutes with 25g salt and tsp turmeric – gargle. Toothache – clove oil Stomach ulcer – smoked rice with rock sugar, ghee, yoghurt and milk.
HOMEOPATHY –non toxic medicine Popular in India, Germany and U.K Works on principle of ‘Like Cures Like Principle’ Stimulating the bodies own healing properties and treats the whole person. Remedies – Highly diluted natural substances. If given to a healthy person would produces symptoms the remedy is prescribed for. Like Cures Like Principle’ – hangover Dr S Hahnemann – further developed gentle healing medicine. Workers in cinchona farming contracting malaria. Test himself Grind bark of cinchona and drink solution with water – present symptoms of malaria such as sweating and fever. Took principle of using dilute solutions of bark to treat people for malaria. ‘Like Cures Like Principle’
HOMEOPATHY – non toxic medicine Aconite – Nipping cold in the bud early stages of colds, fever, inflammation. Suits healthy people who suddenly feel unwell Belledonna– High fever – blurring hot/inflamed. Eyes glassy, sudden chill to head, pain violent and throbbing. Rapid pulse. Nux Vomica – Hangover and over indulgence RhusTox– Sprains/strains. Pain around joints that ache, feel sore and bruised. Pain worse on first movement after injury. Gelesemium – Flu, feel shiver up the spine. Trembles and aching muscles with heaviness around eyes and head. Bryonia – Dry painful cough. Feel thirsty, pains are stitching. Ignatia – Recent bereavement or emotional shock. Sense of grief, loss or disappointment. Unable to accept, sense of disbelief.
Summary Conventional medicine: Good for quick fix. Painkiller – headache Holistic treatments: Benefits over a longer period of time, used alongside traditional medicine, ensures physical /mental well being over a longer period of time – pay attention to diet, lifestyle and positive thinking. Holistic treatments focuses on prevention rather then intervention. Means for you reduced burden on hospital/G.P waiting times and budgets. NHS frameworks 2013/2014: Outcome 2: Enhancing quality of life for people with long term conditions. (M,H,P,R) Outcome 3: Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury. (MT, H,R)
Summary Non toxic medication is Homeopathy ‘like cure like principle’ and Ayurveda is using your spice box to treat, Pranayama-yogic breathing is taught and self healing Reiki is passed by spiritually evolved Reiki Master. Approaches combined are very effective in healing yourself/others. Q: How am I going to learn all this: A: 3 weekend course. During course you will learn all basic principles of healing. Opportunity to progress onto masters levels – use therapies professionally. Next course – Last weekend in May and 2 weekends in course. Cost – Course is free but small cost to cover course material, leaflets, attunement, hall hire. Contact Jaishri.mistry@gmail.com
References PatanjaliYog Sutra Homoeopathic material – “MateriaMedica” by William Cullen Ayurveda – Charak Muni Pressure Points – Dr Stephen Cheng Shri AtmanandSwarswati Harshadbhai Desai – Reiki Guru to Kushalbhai Kushalbhai Kumar – Reiki Grandmaster