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UNIT 7 1 º E.S.O. WAS / WERE . PAST SIMPLE REGULAR VERBS. THERE WAS / THERE WERE . WAS / WERE . I’m … You’re … are used to talk about the present , He’s …. I was
WAS / WERE I’m … You’re… are usedtotalkaboutthepresent, He’s…. I was Are usedtotalkaboutthepast,Youwere He was… Michael Jackson wasa famoussingerbut he wasn’tan actor I wasin London lastyearwith my brother Weweregoodstudentswhenwewereyoung Shewasn’tat home yesterday Weretheyfaousactorswhentheyweretwenty?
THERE WAS / THERE WERE REMEMBER THE USE OF THERE IS AND THERE ARE. Theyboth mean “HAY” in Spanish and theyhavetwoforms , onefor singular and theotherfor plural uses. ThereIsOne Mouse UnderTheTable There are twomiceunderthetable
THERE WAS / THERE WERE We use there was and there were to say that something existed in the past. In Spanish it means “HABIA”. And like in the previous examples it has two forms, one in singular and the other in plural. She was in the school yesterday morning The negative is form by putting not after was or were. She wasn’t in the school yesterday morning They weren’t sick when they were at home To form questions we place was or were in front of there. Where were you yesterday morning? Who was the girl sitting next to you?
Policeman: Was there a TV in the room before the burglary?Jackie: Yes, there was. It was next to the bookcase.Policeman: _______________any money in the room?Jackie: Yes, . It was on the sofa.Policeman: And _____________any pictures on the wall?Jackie: No, only the mirror.Policeman: And ____________any keys in the room?Jackie: No, there weren't. They were in my handbag.
Tenses in English Wewillstudythis tense now. Rememberyou are notgoingtotalkaboutthingsyouusually do orthingsyouwill do in a future. Wewillmake use of ourmemorytoremindlots of things
The simple past is used to describe an action that occurred and was completed in the past. Yesterday I watched TV for 4 hours!! I cleaned the windows 2 days AGO Mary phoned that guy last Saturday I studied Maths when I was in the school • The simple past is formed by adding -ed to the base form of the verb (the infinitive without to). WATCH CLEAN PHONE D ED ED STUDY IED In English, the simple past of regular verbs is extremely easy. It is the same for all persons
Irregularities regarding orthography (spelling). Similarly, there are different ways to pronounce this ending • Regular verbs ending in -e, add -d. Hope - Hoped Hate - Hated Love - loved • Regular verbs that end in a vowel+y, add -ed. Play – played Enjoy – enjoyed • Regular verbs that end in a consonant+y, change the -y to -i and add -ed. Study – studied Cry – cried • Regular verbs ending in a consonant + vowel + consonant, double the final consonant before adding -ed. Plan - planned Beg - Begged
NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE You have to use didn´t + the infinitive of the verb (without to) for all persons. I didn`t VISIT Paris when I WAS in France last year...A pity! You didn`t STUDY Maths last week. So you FAILED your exam She didn`t PREPARE salad. She PREPARED pasta. It didn´t PLAY the piano last night....It PLAYED the banjo!
You have to use did + SUBJECT + the infinitive of the verb (without to) for all persons Where did you TRAVEL last summer? I travelled to London Did you stay in the city centre? No, I didn’t. I stayed in the North What did you VISIT there? I visited lots of museums and things
BRITISH COUNCIL VIDEO http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar-vocabulary/grammar-videos/past-simple-regular-verbs LIST OF REGULAR VERBS http://www.curso-ingles.com/verbos-en-ingles/regular.php LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS http://www.curso-ingles.com/verbos-en-ingles/irregular.php