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CST 229 Introduction to Grammars

CST 229 Introduction to Grammars. Dr. Sherry Yang PV 171 http://www.cset.oit.edu/~yangs/CST229 sherry.yang@oit.edu (541) 885-1594. Course Description.

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CST 229 Introduction to Grammars

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  1. CST 229Introduction to Grammars Dr. Sherry Yang PV 171 http://www.cset.oit.edu/~yangs/CST229sherry.yang@oit.edu (541) 885-1594

  2. Course Description • The concepts involving alphabet words and languages will be discussed. Related topics in automata and regular expression will be explored. Emphasis is on context free grammars, parse tree and parsing techniques. • PREREQUISITES: CST 211, CST 223

  3. Lectures & Office Hours • Two sections: • 11:00 – 11:50 (PV213) • 2:00 – 2:50 (PV210) • Office Hours: • MWF 1:00 – 1:50 • Other times by appointment. • Please email me if you have questions or need to see me.

  4. Evaluation Methods The final grade, which may range from A to F, is determined by a composite evaluation of the student's performance in: 2 Tests 40% Labs & Homework 50% In-Class Exercises (Attendance) 10% Final 20%** ** Optional Final. It will replace one of your test grades.

  5. Grading Your grade will be calculated as follows:* 92%+ = A 83%+ = B 70%+ = C 60%+ = D 59%- = F * Class participation will be considered in evaluating "borderline" grades.

  6. Textbook • Text • Linz, Peter, An introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, 5th Edition, Jones and Bartlett. • Earlier editions are just fine

  7. Student Responsibilities • Lecture Attendance: • Students are expected to attend all class sessions. If you know you will be absent on a certain day, please inform the instructor in advance so arrangements can be made to provide you with the material covered. Please make every effort to attend all class sessions. There will be no make up in-class exercises. • CSET Rule: No Laptops are allowed during lecture. • No cell phones & texting.

  8. Student Responsibilities • Tests and Final Exam: • All tests are open book, open notes. No electronic devices are allowed. • There will be no make up tests unless there is an emergency. If you miss a test for any reason, you can take an optional final to make it up. No excuses are necessary. • In case of emergency, please contact Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Erin Foley’s office. She will inform all of your instructors.

  9. Student Responsibilities • Academic Dishonesty: • No plagiarism or cheating is allowed in this class. Please refer to your student handbook regarding policies on academic dishonesty. A copy of the policy is posted on the class webpage. • It is okay to get help on your assignments. Please acknowledge all source of help, including them in the program documentation as appropriate.

  10. Student Responsibilities • Homework & Labs: • All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. • All labs are due via email by midnight on the due date. You must follow the assignment submission guidelines below.

  11. Homework Submission Guidelines • There is a 20% penalty for late homework up to a week late. • Homework more than a week late will not be accepted.

  12. Lab Submission Guidelines • All labs for this class must be written in C++. • All labs are due via email by midnight on the due date. The instructor will send out an email upon receiving your lab. If you do not receive an email within 24 hours of submitting the lab, it is YOUR responsibility to contact the instructor by email or phone. If you do not contact the instructor within 48 hours after the due date, the lab is considered late or unacceptable. • There will be a 20% penalty for late labs per week.

  13. Lab Submission Guidelines 1. Zip up all files required to build the lab. 2. Include a “Readme” file as appropriate. 3. The archive should also include any other deliverables as called out in the assignment write-up (e.g. design documents, project write-ups, etc.). 4. The archive will be attached to an email with subject line: CST229 Lab #x – first namelast name Email the archive to sherry.yang@oit.edu & yang.dexter@gmail.com

  14. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities If you have a disability and feel that you may need accommodation in this course, please speak with the instructor as soon as possible.

  15. What is this class all about? • What exactly are we learning in this class? • Communications, Communications, Communications • Theory of Computation • What’s computable? • How do we tell it to the machine? • Languages

  16. 3 main components • Language (formal language) • Notations and descriptions • Machine (abstract machine) • Recognition of alphabet, words and sentences of the language. • Grammar • Notations and descriptions of the syntax of the language

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